根据国家统计局数据显示,2018 年末,我国中小民营企业共计36.9 万户,占全部 规模以上工业企业户数的97.6%,中小民营企业产值占全国总量的60.5%,销售额占到全 国总量的57%,实现利税占全国总量的40.5%,提供的就业岗位占全国的75%。这表明, 中小型民营企业已经成为国家和地方财政收入的重要来源,成为我国经济社会协调发展 的重要保障,是科技创新的主要推动力。然而,这些企业在发展过程中暴露出来一系列 问题:自2013 年以来我国中小企业的平均离职率高达35%,企业一线员工离职率高,人 员流动性大,进而导致诸多实业型企业人才储备不足,人力资源成本逐渐增高的问题, 严重威胁诸多中小型企业的生存和发展。因此,我国中小型民营企业如何提高员工忠诚 度、降低员工流失率,以缓解企业人员短缺问题,成为一个亟待解决的问题。 J公司属于典型劳动密集型企业,一线员工超过300人,占公司员工总数70%以上。 J 公司的发展需要一批技能熟练且稳定的一线操作员工保障生产质量与生产效率,为企业 创造价值。但民营企业自身的局限性,以及J公司尚不完善的管理制度增加了员工流失发 生的可能性,与随之导致的公司竞争力下降的危险性。2018年公司超过30%、个别部门 甚至超过40%的员工流动率,已经严重影响到公司的稳定与发展。 论文以J公司一线员工流失问题为研究课题,以人力资源管理理论和员工流失理论 模型为指导,结合J公司一线员工流失的现状设计出员工工作满意度调查问卷,从企业 层面分析总结公司一线员工流失的主要原因,以此为基础,针对J公司在员工管理过程 中存在的问题提出相应对策与解决方案。 论文研究过程中,总结出了以下几点结论: (1)J公司—线员工流失原因。包括薪酬福利制度不合理、工作强度过大、员工沟 通渠道不畅、缺乏员工职业生涯规划、公司管理存在弊端、企业文化建设乏力等企业自 身建设方面的因素,都影响该公司一线员工的离职倾向。 (2)稳定员工队伍,防范员工流失的建议及策略。通过制定科学的薪酬结构、调整 福利待遇和设置合理调薪幅度,从而构建合理科学的薪酬体系;通过帮助一线员工明确 个人规划和完善内部培训管理制度,进一步构建一线员工职业发展体系;通过完善规章 制度建设、人力资源再配置和加强民主管理等方案,不断优化J公司管理制度;加强员 工沟通的渠道,提高沟通效率,搭建有效沟通平台;确立以人为本的企业文化观念,营 山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 II 造良好的企业文化氛围。 关键词:民营企业,一线员工,员工流失 山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 III Abstract According to the statistics of National Bureau of statistics, at the end of 2018, there were 369 thousand small and medium-sized private enterprises in China, accounting for 97.6% of the total number of Industrial Enterprises above the total scale. The output value of small and medium-sized private enterprises accounted for 60.5% of the total national total, and sales accounted for 57% of the total national total. The profits and taxes accounted for 40.5% of the total national total, and the number of jobs offered accounted for 75%. of the whole country. Small and medium-sized private enterprises have become an important source of state and local fiscal revenue. They have become an important guarantee for the coordinated development of China's economy and society. They are the main driving force for technological innovation. However, these enterprises have exposed a series of problems in the development process: since 2013, the average turnover rate of SMEs in China has reached 35%, the turnover rate of front-line employees is high, and the mobility of personnel is large. As a result, the shortage of talent reserves and the increasing cost of human resources in many industrial enterprises seriously threaten the survival and development of many small and medium enterprises. Therefore, how to improve employee loyalty and reduce employee turnover rate in China's small and medium-sized private enterprises has become an urgent problem to solve. J company is a typical labor-intensive enterprise, with more than 300 employees, accounting for more than 70% of the total number of employees. The development of J requires a group of skilled and stable front-line operators to ensure production quality and production efficiency, and create value for enterprises. However, the limitations of private enterprises and the imperfect management system of J companies increase the possibility of employee turnover. With the consequent decline in the competitiveness of companies, the turnover rate of companies over 30%, individual departments or even more than 40% in.2018 has seriously affected the stability and development of the company. This paper takes the problem of the loss of front-line staff in J company as a research topic. Guided by the theory of human resource management and employee turnover theory, and combining with the current situation of the loss of front-line employees in J company, a 山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 IV questionnaire on job satisfaction is designed, and the main reasons for the loss of front-line employees are analyzed and summarized from the enterprise level.For J company in the process of staff management problems, put forward corresponding countermeasures and solutions. In the course of the research, the following conclusions are summarized. (1) reasons for the loss of J company line staff, including factors such as unreasonable salary and welfare system, excessive intensity of work, poor communication channels of employees, lack of career planning for employees, drawbacks of company management and weak corporate culture construction, all affect the turnover intention of front-line employees. (2) the suggestions and strategies for stabilizing the workforce and preventing staff turnover. By developing a scientific salary structure, adjusting welfare benefits and setting reasonable salary adjustment ranges, a reasonable and scientific salary system can be constructed. By helping front-line staff to make clear personal planning and improve the internal training management system, we can further build a front-line employee career development system.By improving the rules and regulations, reconfiguring human resources and strengthening democratic management, we will continuously optimize the management system of J company, strengthen the channels for staff communication, improve communication efficiency, build effective communication platform, establish a people-oriented corporate culture concept, and create a good corporate culture atmosphere. Key words:private enterprise,frontline employees, employees turnover 山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 V 目 录 摘要 ...................................................................................................................... I Abstract ............................................................................................................... III 第一章 绪 论 1.1 研究背景 ..................................................................................................................... - 1 - 1.2 研究目的及意义 ......................................................................................................... - 1 - 1.3 研究方法 ..................................................................................................................... - 2 - 1.4 研究主要内容 ............................................................................................................. - 3 - 1.5创新点 .......................................................................................................................... - 3 - 第二章 相关概念与理论基础 2.1 一线员工概念及特点 ................................................................................................. - 5 - 2.2 员工流失的相关理论 ................................................................................................. - 6 - 2.3 员工流失影响因素研究现状 ................................................................................... - 10 - 第三章 J公司一线员工流失现状分析 3.1 J公司概况 .................................................................................................................. - 14 - 3.2 J公司一线员工流失情况 .......................................................................................... - 16 - 3.3 J公司一线员工流失影响 .......................................................................................... - 18 - 第四章 J公司一线人员流失原因分析 4.1 一线员工满意度问卷调查