I 编 出 版 。 保密 的 学 位论 文 在 解 密 后适 用 本 规定 。 研究 生 签 名 : 时问 : 年 6 月 / 2 曰 导 师 签 名 : 时 间 : >9 ^ 年 Z 月 I T 曰I 摘要 本文首先在国内外成本管理相关文献研究基础上,以金辉集团杭州公司紫云府项目为例对房地 产项目成本管理进行研究。对紫云府项目在前期策划、设计、实施过程各个阶段目标成本管理的执 行情况进行梳理,针对发生的问题进行论述及提供解决方法。 目标成本管理法在房地产开发企业的全过程成本管理中已经起到了比较好的作用。以往的传统 核算型的成本管理,自下而上累积汇总成本数据,属于事后控制,往往在施工图阶段才能得出项目 总成本,项目可能的盈亏情况,企业很难把控。目标成本管理法的优点是先梳理项目的整体经营目 标,再自上而下的分解,做到用多少钱干多少事,对单独项目来说便于总成本的控制。其次,房地 产开发企业在多项目运作时,也可以做到心中有数。同时目标成本法管理不仅是成本部门单部门管 理,还是需要各相关职能部门参与成本管理,划分责任明确。目标成本管理法是战略成本管理与全 方位成本管理的综合应用。 目标成本管理法在项目全过程管理中要体现出更大的价值,需要将成本制度尽量细化并与绩效 考核挂钩,使各部门人员均清楚自己的成本管理目标。其次,明确管理责任,方便各部门制定相应 的管理措施。使用绩效考核手段来提升全员目标成本管理的积极性,推动整个项目的成本管理。构 建成本数据库体系,将平时累积形成的宝贵经验形成丰富的数据库,为成本策划提供依据,为成本 控制提供支撑,促使企业健康快速的发展。大数据时代,房地产企业也应该进行信息化改革,引入 更多先进的技术手段来处理大量的成本数据。加速成本信息库数据的累积和成本数据的处理能力, 使企业提速增效。 关键字:房地产项目;目标成本;全过程成本管理III Abstract Firstly this article studies the cost management of real estate projects on the basis of literature research on cost management at home and abroad, taking Project Ziyunfu of JinHui Group Hangzhou Company as an example. It reviews the implementation of target cost management in all the stages of Project JS, including early planning, designing, and implementation, and discusses on the problems that have occurred and provides solutions. The method of target cost management has played a relatively good role in the whole process cost management of real estate development enterprises. The traditional accounting-based cost management in the past accumulated cost data from the bottom up, which was an post-action control. Usually the total project cost cannot be obtained until the construction documentation stage. It is difficult for enterprises to control the possible profit and loss of the project. The advantage of the target cost management method is to first sort out the overall business objectives of the project, and then decompose it from the top down. In this way, we can control the expenditure within the cost, and it is easy for individual projects to control the total cost. Secondly, real estate development companies can also know the expenditures in operating multiple projects. At the same time, the management under target cost method is not only a single department management of the cost department, but also requires the relevant functional departments to participate, and the division of responsibility is clear. The method of target cost management is a comprehensive application of strategic cost management and all-round cost management. If we want the method of target cost management to reflect a greater value in the whole process of project management, it requires to refine the cost system as delicately as possible and link it with performance evaluation, so that the personnel of each department are clear about their cost management goals. Secondly, the management responsibilities are needed to be clarified in order to facilitate the various departments to formulate corresponding management measures. We should use performance assessment method to enhance the enthusiasm of the target cost management of all employees and promote the cost management of the entire project. We should build a cost database system and form a rich database from the valuable experience accumulated daily, providing a basis for cost planning, a support for cost control, at the same time promoting the healthy and rapid development of enterprises. In the era of big data, real estate companies should also carry out informatization reform and introduce more advanced technical methods to deal with large amounts of cost data. The accumulation of data in cost information database and the processing capacity of cost data should be accelerated, so that efficiency can be increased in enterprises. Keywords: real estate project; target cost; whole process cost managementV 目 录 摘要......I Abstract.III 第一章 绪 论........................1 1.1 选题背景.................1 1.2 研究的目的和意义.2 1.2.1 研究的目的..2 1.2.2 研究的意义..3 1.3 文献综述.................3 1.3.1 国外研究现状............................ 3 1.3.2 国内研究现状............................ 5 1.4 研究的内容和方法.8 1.4.1 研究的内容..8 1.4.2 研究的方法..8 第二章 房地产成本管理和目标成本法相关概念及基础...............9 2.1 房地产成本管理相关概念................... 9 2.1.1 成本的含义..9 2.1.2 房地产项目成本组成................ 9 2.1.3 房地产成本管理的含义..........10 2.1.4 房地产成本管理的内容..........10 2.2 房地产目标成本管理相关概念.........10 2.2.1 房地产目标成本管理的涵义..10 2.2.2 房地产目标成本管理的意义.. 11 2.2.3 房地产目标成本管理的过程.. 11 2.3 房地产项目开发全过程各个阶段介绍............................12 2.4 房地产项目各个阶段目标成本管理.12 2.4.1 决策阶段的目标成本管理......12 2.4.2 设计阶段的目标成本管理......12 2.4.3 项目实施阶段的成本管理......14 第三章 金辉集团杭州公司成本管理现状....15 3.1 金辉集团简介.......15 3.1.1 金辉集团概况.......................... 15 3.1.2 金辉集团杭州公司概况..........15 3.2 金辉杭州公司成本管理现状............. 15 3.2.1 金辉集团成本管理概况..........15 3.2.2 杭州公司项目成本管理现状...16 3.3 金辉杭州公司成本管理存在问题及分析........................17 3.3.1 成本制度未落地执行............... 17 3.3.2 签证变更未及时处理............... 18 3.3.3 目标成本估算不够精准........... 18 3.3.4 信息化建设薄弱....................... 19VI 第四章 目标成本法在紫云府项目全过程中的应用.....................21 4.1 紫云府项目目标成本管理体系.........21 4.2 紫云府项目策划阶段的目标成本管理............................22 4.2.1 项目目标成本编制.................. 22 4.2.2 项目目标成本解构.................. 27 4.3 紫云府项目设计阶段的目标成本管理............................30 4.3.1 项目设计费用成本管理..........30 4.3.2 方案设计成本管理.................. 31 4.3.3 限额设计....32 4.3.4 成本优化....38 4.3.5 设计阶段目标成本确定..........41 4.4 紫云府项目实施阶段的目标成本管理............................42 4.4.1 合约规划体系建设.................. 42 4.4.2 招标阶段目标成本管理及制度优化.....................43 4.4.3 动态成本管控.......................... 45 4.5 项目后期成本管控............................. 48 4.5.1 结算阶段目标成本管理..........48 4.5.2 竣工结算后评估会.................. 50 第五章 目标成本法在项目应用的推进措施和实施效果.............51 5.1 目标成本库搭建...51 5.2 建筑及结构设计标准化..................... 54 5.3 细化成本制度及绩效考核................. 55 5.4 信息化建设完善...55 5.5 目标成本法应用的项目成本管理实施效果....................56 5.5.1 目标成本有效被控制............... 56 5.5.2 签证变更率及结转速度得到有效控制..................56 第六章 结论与展望............58 6.1 主要研究结果.......58 6.2 研究不足和展望...59