成本管理作为企业管理的一个重要环节,成本管理方法的科学性显得尤为重要。 目前,我国钢铁企业面临产能过剩带来的激烈市场竞争、转型升级急需加快、多批 次小批量的客户需求日益普遍等局面,对钢铁企业精准的成本核算和有效的成本控 制提出更高挑战,传统成本法难以满足管理需要,迫切需要一套更加科学、严谨的 成本管理方法,以提高企业竞争地位,满足企业生存与发展需求。 本文针对钢铁企业对成本管理的迫切需求,结合钢铁企业生产工艺流程特点, 采用文献查阅、实地考察、跨学科研究等方法,提出了基于作业成本法的X公司炼 钢厂生产成本管理方案。首先,对作业成本法理论进行系统研究,核心是“作业消 耗资源,产出消耗作业”,重点是划分作业、确定成本动因。其次,介绍了X公司 炼钢厂生产经营基本情况,在研究其生产成本管理现状基础上,指出了成本管理存 在的问题,分析了应用作业成本法的必要性和可行性。再次,借鉴已有研究成果, 构建了基于作业成本法的X公司炼钢厂生产成本管理方案,按照作业成本法核算流 程,对炼钢厂7个牌号钢种钢坯的生产成本进行核算,并与传统成本法进行对比, 认为作业成本法成本信息更能反映真实情况,为有效的成本管理和科学决策提供可 靠依据,有助于作业活动价值改进。最后,指出作业成本法的实施是一项系统性工 程,需要管理层的大力支持和各部门的积极配合,并持续夯实基础工作。研究认为, 作业成本法作为一种先进的成本管理方法,具有独特优势,可以为我国钢铁企业提高 管理水平、制定科学决策、实现高质量发展提供新的思路和方法,具有较强的实用 价值。 关键词 成本管理;钢铁冶炼;作业成本法;作业分析;成本动因 II Abstract Cost management is an important part of enterprise management, the scientificity of cost management method is particularly important. At present, China's iron and steel enterprises are facing the situation of fierce market competition brought by overcapacity, urgent need to accelerate transformation and upgrading, and increasingly common customer demand of multiple batches and small batches, which puts forward higher challenges to accurate cost accounting and effective cost control of iron and steel enterprises. Traditional cost methods are difficult to meet the management needs, and a more scientific and rigorous cost management method is urgently needed. To improve the competitive position of enterprises and meet the needs of enterprises' survival and development. According to the urgent need of cost management in iron and steel enterprises, combined with the characteristics of production process in iron and steel enterprises, this paper puts forward a production cost management scheme based on Activity-Based Costing in the steelmaking plant of X company by means of literature review, field investigation, interdisciplinary research and other methods. First of all, the theory of activity-based costing is systematically studied. The core is "activity consumes capital, output consumes activity". The key is to divide the activity and determine the cost drivers. Secondly, this paper introduces the basic situation of production and operation in X company's steelworks, points out the existing problems of cost management on the basis of studying the current situation of production cost management, and analyzes the necessity and feasibility of Applying Activity-based costing. Thirdly, based on the existing research results, the production cost management scheme of X company's steelmaking plant is constructed based on activity-based costing. According to the accounting process of activity-based costing, the production cost of seven grades of steel billets in steelmaking plant is calculated, and compared with the traditional costing, it is considered that the cost information of activity-based costing can better reflect the real situation, and is more effective for cost management and scientific decision-making. It is helpful to improve the value of operation activities by providing reliable basis. Finally, it points out that the implementation of activity-based costing is a systematic project, which needs the strong support of the management and the active cooperation of all departments, and continues to consolidate the basic work. As an advanced cost management method, III activity-based costing has its unique advantages. It can provide new ideas and methods for Chinese iron and steel enterprises to improve their management level, make scientific decisions and achieve high-quality development, and has strong practical value. Key words Cost management;steel smelting;activity-based costing;activity-based analysis;cost driver V 目 录 摘要 ········ I Abstract ······ II 第1章 绪 论 ·············· 1 1.1 研究背景与意义 ···· 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ······· 1 1.1.2 选题意义 ······· 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 ···· 2 1.2.1 国外研究综述 · 2 1.2.2 国内研究综述 · 4 1.2.3 文献述评 ······· 6 1.3 研究内容与方法 ···· 7 1.3.1 研究内容 ······· 7 1.3.2 研究方法 ······· 7 第2章 作业成本法理论基础 ·············· 9 2.1 作业成本法的产生背景 ············· 9 2.2 作业成本法的基本原理 ············· 9 2.2.1 作业成本法的原理 ············· 9 2.2.2 相关概念 ······ 10 2.3 作业成本法的实施步骤 ············ 11 2.3.1 分析资源耗费并确立资源账户 ··············· 11 2.3.2 梳理生产流程确认各项作业 11 2.3.3 确认各项作业的成本动因 ··· 11 2.3.4 建立作业成本库并分配资源耗费 ············ 11 2.3.5 将作业成本库成本计入产品或服务的成本 12 2.4 作业成本管理 ······ 12 2.5 作业成本法的适用条件 ············ 13 2.5.1 同一生产线生产多种产品 ··· 13 2.5.2 成本构成中间接费用所占比重较大 ········· 13 2.5.3 企业作业中心及成本动因容易辨别 ········· 14 2.5.4 企业拥有较为完善的管理信息系统 ········· 14 2.6 作业成本法的评价 14 VI 2.6.1 成本核算范围更加系统全面 14 2.6.2 提供的成本信息更加准确 ··· 15 2.6.3 帮助企业优化资源配置 ······ 15 2.6.4 不断改善企业绩效考核 ······ 15 2.6.5 支持企业产品结构优化调整 15 第3章 X公司炼钢厂成本管理现状 ···· 17 3.1 X公司炼钢厂基本情况 ············ 17 3.1.1 隶属关系 ······ 17 3.1.2 组织架构 ······ 17 3.1.3 主要设备及工艺流程 ········· 17 3.1.4 主要产品结构 18 3.1.5 生产成本构成 18 3.2 X公司炼钢厂成本管理现状 ······ 19 3.2.1 成本管理模式 19 3.2.2 炼钢厂成本管理水平 ········· 19 3.3 X公司面临的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司形势 ············ 20 3.4 X公司生产成本管理存在问题 ··· 20 3.4.1 在理念上追求片面的数量降低 ··············· 20 3.4.2 在方法上不能提供准确的成本信息 ········· 20 3.4.3 在技术手段上影响数据准确性和管理效率 21 3.5 应用作业成本法的必要性 ········· 21 3.5.1 加强企业成本管理的有效性 21 3.5.2 提升企业管理决策的科学性 21 3.5.3 满足设备升级改造的迫切性 21 3.5.4 完善企业绩效管理的合理性 22 3.6 应用作业成本法的可行性 ········· 22 3.6.1 炼钢厂钢种多达20多个牌号 ················· 22 3.6.2 管理层支持尝试作业成本法 22 3.6.3 公司的管理信息化系统正在加速完善 ······ 23 3.6.4 成本管理人员队伍强大 ······ 23 第4章 作业成本法在炼钢厂的应用设计 ················ 25 4.1 应用方案设计的一般要求 ········· 25 4.1.1 方案设计的假设 ··············· 25 4.1.2 方案设计的目标 ··············· 25 VII 4.1.3 方案设计的原则 ··············· 25 4.2 作业成本法的设计步骤 ············ 26 4.2.1 确定企业耗费的各项资源 ··· 26 4.2.2 确定作业流程 27 4.2.3 设置作业中心并选择作业动因 ··············· 28 4.2.4 根据成本动因将资源耗费归集到作业中心 28 4.2.5 计算成本动因分配率 ········· 30 4.2.6 将成本库成本分摊到相应产品 ··············· 31 4.3 作业成本法成本信息的应用 ······ 32 4.3.1 与传统成本法成本信息的差异影响管理决策 ··············· 32 4.3.2 与传统成本法成本信息的差异原因分析 ··· 32 4.4 作业成本管理分析 33 4.4.1 成本动因分析 33 4.4.2 作业分析 ······ 33 4.4.3 作业改进分析 34 4.5 作业成本法的实施效果 ············ 34 4.5.1 推动了成本管理理念的转变 34 4.5.2 促进了成本控制方法的革新 36 4.5.3 指导了管理层的科学决策 ··· 37 4.5.4 完善了公司