I 摘要 事业单位绩效工资改革从2006年至今已经将近15年,GY技工学校按照国家分批 执行绩效工资的安排,执行绩效工资改革也接近10年。绩效工资的改革一定程度上提 升了GY技工学校在编在职教职员工的工作绩效。随着近10年时间过去,GY技工学 校所处环境发生巨大变化,外因内患使学校发展处于前所未有的困难时期,学校发展 已提上了战略的高度,而最初的绩效工资方案动态适应性不足,已不能满足如今学校 发展需要,不能充分发挥支持激励的作用。 通过文献法,发现国内关于技校绩效工资计算领域相对空白,未有深入研究,只 能借鉴高职院校发展战略、高职院校绩效工资、高校绩效工资等文献。故本文在技工 学校绩效工资计算方面有一定的创新性。而且本文用GY技工学校实施绩效工资作为 具体例子,具有一定的实践性。文中提及的绩效工资优化设计,提供了相应的工资项 目、数量关系以及具体数目,对迁移使用有一定的应用性。 本文的研究对象是绩效工资,以其优化为研究内容。围绕绩效工资计算表,结合 GY技工学校在编在职教职员工特点,对旧的绩效工资计算表进行分析,再结合GY技 工学校组织战略内容,最终得到优化设计后的绩效工资计算表。通过对GY技工学校 在编在职教职员工特点的归纳,从关乎人员经费拨款的事业单位人员管理分类发现GY 技工学校中专业技术人员的占比有88.98%,且大部分处于中初级的专业技术等级的特 点;从与实际工作相关的在校任职分类来看,专任教师的数量占大部分,行政人员占 小部分的特点。通过对旧的绩效工资计算表进行分析,总结出其课酬计算公平、合理 进行了人员类别的区分、有特殊岗位津贴的优点;同时也总结出其存在工资项目名称 令人费解、项目设置不能覆盖基本情况或基本工作、专业技术等级区分度不足、动态 适应性不足等缺点。从内在外在两方面切入,对旧绩效工资计算方案进行了优缺点成 因分析。结合GY技工学校组织战略指导下的人才队伍建设、教学水平提高两项重点 工作,收集专任教师与行政人员工作内容,归纳得出工作归类。通过深度访谈法得出 GY技工学校绩效工资优化设计需要注意的关键信息,结合马斯洛需求理论和亚当斯公 平理论得出优化设计的原则,先确定工资项目再确定项目比例,最后形成具体标准。 通过新旧绩效工资计算表的对比确定可能发生的不良影响,再代入实际数据检验,之 后对不良影响进行个别处理。最终,GY技工学校绩效工资计算表通过优化设计后落实 使用。通过问卷调查法和实际检验发现该设计优化了绩效工资的项目结构,使得在编 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 II 在职教职员工的个人职业发展与学校战略发展相统一,对在编在职教职员工起到了短 期与长期相结合的激励作用,得到了绝大多数在编在职教职员工的满意与拥护,为GY 技工学校带来了发展新活力。 本文提供内容及数据基于GY技工学校实际情况,为同类型学校提供了一个真实 的绩效工资优化设计案例。本文的绩效工资计算表的迁移性和实用性是非常强的,在 财政拨款数相当的前提下,可以借鉴使用。 关键词:绩效工资;优化;技工学校;事业单位 Abstract III Abstract The performance salary reform of public institutions has been nearly 15 years since 2006. GY technical school implements the arrangement of performance salary according to the national distribution, and the implementation of performance salary reform is also nearly 10 years. To some extent, the reform of performance-based pay has improved the performance of the staff in GY technical school. With the passage of time for 10 years, the environment of GY technical school has changed greatly. The development of the school is in an unprecedented difficult period due to external and internal factors. The development of the school has been raised to a strategic height. However, the dynamic adaptability of the initial performance salary scheme is insufficient, which can no longer meet the needs of the development of the school today and can not give full play to the role of support and incentive. Through the literature method, we found that the field of performance pay calculation in technical schools is relatively blank, and there is no in-depth study, so we can only learn from the development strategy of higher vocational colleges, performance pay of higher vocational colleges, performance pay of colleges and universities and other literature. Therefore, this paper has some innovation in the calculation of performance pay in technical schools. Moreover, this paper takes the implementation of Performance pay in GY technical school as a specific example, which is practical. The optimal calculation of performance pay mentioned in this paper provides the corresponding salary items, quantity relationship and specific number, which is applicable to migration. The research object of this paper is mainly the performance salary calculation model. Based on the performance salary calculation model and the characteristics of the staff in GY technical school, this paper analyzes the old performance salary calculation model, and then the organizational strategy of GY technical school, and finally obtains the optimized design performance salary calculation model. Based on the summary of the characteristics of the staff in the GY technical school, it is found that 88.98% of the staff in the GY technical school are professional technicians, and most of them are in the middle and primary level of professional technology. From the perspective of the job classification related to the actual work, the number of full-time teachers accounts for the majority, while the number of administrative staff is small Part of the characteristics. Through the analysis of the old performance pay calculation model, it is found that it has the advantages of fair calculation of class pay, reasonable differentiation of personnel categories, special post allowance; at the 广东工业大学硕士学位论文 IV same time, there are some disadvantages such as inexplicable salary project name, project setting can not cover the basic situation or basic work, insufficient differentiation of professional technology level, insufficient dynamic adaptability, etc. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the old performance-based salary calculation scheme from both internal and external aspects. Combined with the work of refining the construction of talent team and improving the teaching level under the guidance of the organizational strategy of GY technical school, the work classification is obtained. Through in-depth interview, the principle of Performance pay optimization design of GY technical school is obtained. The salary project is determined first, then the project proportion is determined, and finally the specific standard is formed. Through the comparison of the new and old performance wage calculation models, the possible adverse effects are determined, and then put into the actual data test, and finally the adverse effects are treated individually. Finally, GY technical school Performance pay optimization design is implemented. Through questionnaire survey and practical test, it is found that GY technical school optimizes the design of Performance pay, optimizes the project structure of performance pay, unifies the personal career development of on-the-job teaching staff with the strategic development of the school, plays a short-term and long-term incentive role for on-the-job teaching staff, and obtains the satisfaction and support of the vast majority of on-the-job teaching staff It brings new vitality to GY technical school. Based on the actual situation of GY technical school, this paper provides a real calculation model of Performance pay optimization for the same type of school. The model has strong mobility and practicability, which can be used for reference on the premise that the amount of financial allocation is equal. Key words: performance pay; optimization; technical school; public institutions 目 录 V 目录 摘要 ............... I Abstract .....III 目录 ............. V Contents ..... IX 第一章 绪论 1 1.1选题来源 ........................... 1 1.2选题意义 ........................... 2 1.2.1理论意义 .................... 2 1.2.2实践意义 .................... 2 1.3文献综述 ........................... 3 1.3.1国内研究现状 ............ 3 1.3.2国外研究现状 ............ 4 1.3.3国内外研究情况总结 5 1.4概念界定 ........................... 5 1.4.1事业单位(Public Institution) ............... 5 1.4.2技工学校(Technical School) ............... 6 1.4.3组织战略(Organizational Strategy) ..... 6 1.4.4绩效工资(Merit Pay) ........................... 7 1.5研究方