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顾客满意度一直为理论界与企业界注重的主要内容,企业的竞争归根结底即客户 间的较量。由于我国市场经济制度的建立与全球经济一体化进度的持续推进,商业银 行的经营条件与思想有了巨大的改变。我国商业银行如果想在剧烈的市场竞争中更好 地立足,就应当积极建立“以客户为首”的经营意识,致力于提升顾客满意度,与顾 客建立优良的合作关系,积极达到顾客进一步、多领域的需求,才可持续提升我国商 业银行的核心竞争力。 以此为前提,本研究基于顾客满意度方面的有关理论知识,结合文献研究法、实 例研究、问卷调查、层次分析等方式,对X银行石家庄分行进行分析,对该支行的顾 客满意度开展了深入探讨。第一,整理了当前X银行石家庄分行的顾客满意度情况, 利用调研等方式,了解到X银行石家庄分行具有金融产品同质化严峻、员工服务能力 较差、网点建设应持续改善,服务程序应加以修正、服务环境有必要改进与顾客关系 的管理与维护工作力度较差等显著问题,而出现此类问题的成因涉及到两个领域,宏 观方面来看互联网+和民营银行的建设对X银行石家庄分行带来了较大的不良影响, 微观方面是X银行石家庄分行内部组织体系的不科学、客户细分工作未做到位及企业 文化建设工作还有待改善等;接下来,就具有的问题本文开发出了X银行石家庄分行 的顾客满意度测评指标机制,设立了测评模型,明确了指标权重,在实地调查的同时, 使用综合模糊评价法对该行的顾客满意度给予了评估,最后获得的结论是:X银行石 家庄分行顾客满意度服务质量B1的得分是3.0860,产品认知B2的得分是2.9174, 银行形象B3的得分是3.2065,营业网点B4的得分是2.8447,X银行石家庄分行顾客 满意度的最终得分是3.0150,结合模糊主观评估呈现表格,本文发现,X银行石家庄 分行顾客满意度准则层指标与最终评估结果都是E3级,评估结果都是“一般”,这 意味着该行在顾客满意度领域还具有各种问题;最后,结合上文的研究结果,基于开 展产品差异化经营、提高服务品质、改善网点建设、简化服务程序、改进服务环境与 形成银行品牌形象等领域给出了相应的顾客满意度提高措施,目的在于持续提高X银 行石家庄分行的市场份额,协助石家庄分行长期稳定地发展下去。 关键字:商业银行;顾客满意度;测评;模糊综合评价;提高措施 II ABSTRACT Customer satisfaction has always been the main content that the theoretical and business circles pay attention to. In the final analysis, the competition of enterprises is the competition between customers. Due to the establishment of my country's market economy system and the continuous progress of global economic integration, the operating conditions and thinking of commercial banks have undergone tremendous changes. If Chinese commercial banks want to gain a better foothold in the fierce market competition, they should actively establish a "customer-oriented" business awareness, continue to improve customer satisfaction, establish excellent bank-customer partnerships, and actively reach customers in more and more areas. The demand for sustainable improvement of the core competitiveness of my country's commercial banks. Based on this premise, this study is based on the relevant theoretical knowledge of customer satisfaction, combined with literature research methods, case studies, questionnaire surveys, analytic hierarchy, etc., to analyze the Shijiazhuang branch of Bank X, and develop the customer satisfaction of the branch. discuss in depth. First, I compiled the current customer satisfaction situation of Bank X Shijiazhuang branch, and learned that Bank X Shijiazhuang branch has severe homogeneity of financial products, poor service capabilities for employees, and continuous improvement in branch construction. Service procedures should be improved. To be corrected, the service environment needs to improve the management and maintenance of customer relations and other significant problems, and the causes of such problems involve two areas. From a macro perspective, Internet + and the construction of private banks have an impact on Bank X. The Shijiazhuang branch has brought about a large negative impact. The microscopic aspects are the unscientific internal organization system of the X Bank Shijiazhuang branch, the failure of customer segmentation work and the corporate culture construction work to be improved. Next, there are problems in this article. Developed the customer satisfaction evaluation index mechanism of Bank X Shijiazhuang Branch, established an evaluation model, and clarified the index weights. During the field investigation, the comprehensive fuzzy evaluation method was used to evaluate the customer satisfaction of the bank, and finally obtained The conclusion is: X Bank Shijiazhuang branch customer satisfaction service quality B1 score is 3.0860, product awareness B2 score is 2.9174, bank image B3 score is 3.2065, business outlet B4 score is 2.8447, X bank Shijiazhuang branch customer satisfaction The final score is 3.0150. Combined with the fuzzy subjective evaluation form, we found that the customer satisfaction III criteria and the final evaluation result of Bank X Shijiazhuang Branch are both E3 level, and the evaluation results are "fair", which means that the bank is in customer satisfaction. There are also various problems in the field of degree; finally, combined with the above research results, the corresponding areas are given based on the development of product differentiation, improvement of service quality, improvement of network construction, simplification of service procedures, improvement of the service environment, and formation of bank brand image. The purpose of improving customer satisfaction measures is to continue to increase the market share of Bank X Shijiazhuang Branch and to assist Shijiazhuang Branch in its long-term and stable development. KEYWORDS:Commercial bank Customer satisfaction Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation Promotion strategy IV 目 录 摘要 ..... I ABSTRACT .............................. II 第一章 绪论 ........................... 1 1.1 选题背景与意义 ................ 1 1.1.1 选题背景 .................. 1 1.1.2 研究意义 .................. 2 1.2 国内外研究文献综述 ........ 2 1.2.1 国外相关研究 .......... 2 1.2.2 国内相关研究 .......... 4 1.3 研究内容与研究方法 ........ 6 1.3.1 研究内容 .................. 6 1.3.2 研究方法 .................. 7 文献分析法 .... 7 实例分析法 .... 7 问卷调查法 .... 7 层次分析法及模糊综合评价法 ... 8 1.4 本文的创新点 .................... 8 第二章 相关概念与基础理论概述 ...................... 9 2.1 顾客满意度 ........................ 9 2.1.1 顾客满意 .................. 9 2.1.2 顾客满意度 .............. 9 2.2 商业银行顾客满意度测评体系 ..................... 10 2.2.1 SERVQUAL模型 ... 10 2.2.2 银行服务质量的衡量标准 ................... 10 2.3 商业银行顾客满意度的影响因素 .................. 11 2.3.1 产品要素 ................. 11 2.3.2 定价要素 ................. 11 2.3.3 渠道要素 ................. 11 2.3.4 促销要素 ................. 11 2.3.5 人员要素 ................ 12 2.3.6 有形展示要素 ........ 12 2.3.7 过程要素 ................ 12 2.4 理论基础 .......................... 12 V 2.4.1 服务利润链理论 .... 12 2.4.2 顾客满意度理论 .... 13 期望—不一致理论 ..................... 13 绩效理论 ...... 14 公平理论 ...... 14 第三章 X银行石家庄分行服务营销现状及存在的问题 ................. 15 3.1 X银行石家庄分行概况 ... 15 3.2 X银行石家庄分行服务营销现状 .................. 16 3.2.1 X银行石家庄分行服务流程 ................ 16 3.2.2 顾客满意度现状及调研情况汇总 ....... 16 问卷设计 ...... 16 问卷的发放与回收 ..................... 17 调查结果分析 ............................. 18 3.2.3 信度分析 ................ 21 3.2.4 X银行石家庄分行顾客满意度存在的突出问题 ............... 24 产品单一且创新不足 ................. 24 服务营销意识不足 ..................... 25 促销手段及渠道单一 ................. 26 服务人员的服务质量有待提升 . 26 3.3 X银行石家庄分行服务问题的原因分析 ...... 26 3.3.1 宏观原因 ................ 27 3.3.2 微观原因 ................ 27 第四章 设计X银行石家庄分行顾客满意度测评指标体系 .......... 29 4.1 X银行石家庄分行顾客满意度测评模型的构建 ......................... 29 4.2 X银行石家庄分行顾客满意度评价指标体系的构建 ................. 30 4.2.1 指标体系构建的原则 ........................... 30 系统性原则 .. 30 重

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