典当欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司在中国有1600多年的发展历史,可谓最古老的金融欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司之一,在 历朝历代中发挥着不可替代的作用。建国后,因其欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司特性,典当被视为高利贷 剥削欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司而逐渐沉寂,在改革开放后政府逐渐放开政策,典当欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司才迎来了久违 30年的复苏,为我国中小微企业的发展增添动力。近年来,我国经济发展水平的 不断提高,由于国内金融体系的不断完善,传统典当欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的生存空间不断受到挤 压。同时,随着近年来我国经济转型的发展,典当市场也因此受到了一定的冲击, 但整体发展前景仍然趋好。 于此同时,互联网技术的出现为传统典当欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司带来了转机。当下,我国互联 网应用已经较为普及,由于该技术具有高效率、高传播性、实时便捷、跨地域、 展现丰富生动等优点,如何使用互联网技术结合传统典当欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司进行创新、实现转 型,达到降低企业成本,提高效率的目的,将是典当企业研究的下一课题。 ZX典当公司是ZX集团旗下典当品牌,目前共在全国设立了28个典当行, 是一家中型典当企业,也是一个具有案例研究价值的企业。ZX典当公司作为一 家以传统营销为主、网络营销为辅的类金融公司,面对近年来异军突起的互联网 金融企业,竞争力逐渐丧失。如何使用互联网工具科学地进行营销,提高企业竞 争力,将是其亟待解决的问题。 本文将以ZX典当公司为例,以营销管理理论和网络营销策略为基础,对ZX 典当公司的网络营销现状进行分析,最后从传统网络营销和新型网络营销等方面 制定ZX典当公司网络营销策略,为ZX典当公司网络营销的有效开展提供参考。 本文采用的研究方法有文献分析法、比较分析法、访谈法和网络问卷调查法。使 用文献分析法查阅整理本文的文献综述及理论基础部分,通过比较分析法对比 ZX典当公司及其竞争对手的网络营销策略,找出差距,通过访谈法找出自身能 够利用的优势,通过网络问卷调查法调查客户需求,从而对症下药,找出适用于 ZX典当公司的网络营销策略。本文研究的创新点主要体现在以历史悠久、发展 受限的典当企业为研究对象,通过对ZX典当公司的内外部环境及营销现状的分 析,找出ZX典当公司网络营销策略的定位以及开展网络营销具体措施及保障措 施,对于其他典当公司网络营销策略的制定具有一定的现实指导意义。 关键词:典当;网络营销;策略研究 II Abstract Pawn industry in China has a history of more than 1600 years, can be described as one of the oldest financial industries, has played an irreplaceable role in all previous dynasties. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, because of its industry characteristics, pawn was regarded as a usury exploitation industry and gradually quieted down. after the reform and opening up, the government gradually liberalized the policy, and the pawn industry ushered in a recovery that had not been seen for 30 years, adding impetus to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the level of economic development in China, the living space of the traditional pawn industry has been squeezed due to the continuous improvement of the domestic financial system. At the same time, with the development of China's economic transformation in recent years, the pawn market has been impacted to a certain extent, but the overall development prospect is still good. At the same time, the emergence of Internet technology has brought a turnaround for the traditional pawn industry. At present, the application of Internet in China has been more popular. because this technology has the advantages of high efficiency, high dissemination, real-time convenience, cross-region, rich and vivid display and so on, how to use Internet technology combined with traditional pawn industry to innovate and realize transformation so as to achieve the purpose of reducing enterprise cost and improving efficiency will be the next topic for pawn enterprises to study. ZX pawn company is a pawn brand of ZX Group. At present, it has set up 28 pawn shops all over the country. It is a medium-sized pawn company, and it is also an enterprise with case study value. ZX pawn company as a traditional marketing-based, supplemented by network marketing-like financial companies, in the face of the sudden rise of Internet financial companies in recent years, the gradual loss of competitiveness. How to use Internet tools to carry out marketing scientifically and improve the competitiveness of enterprises will be an urgent problem to be solved. This paper will take ZX pawn company as an example, based on the marketing management theory and network marketing strategy, analyze the current situation of network marketing of ZX pawn company, and finally formulate the network marketing strategy of ZX pawn company from the aspects of traditional network marketing and III new network marketing, in order to provide reference for the effective development of network marketing of ZX pawn company. The research methods used in this paper are literature analysis, comparative analysis, interview and network questionnaire survey. Use the method of literature analysis to review and sort out the literature review and theoretical basis of this article, compare the network marketing strategies of ZX pawn companies and their competitors by the method of comparative analysis, find out the gap, find out the advantages they can make use of through interviews, and investigate customer demand through network questionnaire, so as to find out the network marketing strategies suitable for ZX pawn companies. The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in taking the pawn company with a long history and limited development as the research object, through the analysis of the internal and external environment and marketing situation of ZX pawn company, to find out the positioning of the network marketing strategy of ZX pawn company and the specific measures and safeguard measures to carry out network marketing, which has a certain practical guiding significance for the formulation of network marketing strategy of other pawn companies. Key words: pawn; Network Marketing; Strategy; Research IV 目 录 摘要 .................................................................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................................................................. II 一、引言................................................................................................................ 1 (一)研究背景和目的................................................................................ 1 1、研究背景.......................................................................................... 1 2、研究目的及意义.............................................................................. 3 (二)研究方法............................................................................................ 3 1、文献研究法...................................................................................... 3 2、比较分析法...................................................................................... 3 3、访谈法.............................................................................................. 4 4、网络问卷调查法.............................................................................. 4 (三)研究思路和框架................................................................................ 4 二、理论概述及文献综述.................................................................................... 5 (一)网络营销管理理论............................................................................ 5 1、4P营销理论 .................................................................................... 5 2、SWOT理论 ..................................................................................... 5 3、STP理论 .......................................................................................... 5 4、网络营销理论.................................................................................. 6 (二)文献综述............................................................................................ 6 1、网络营销相关概念的文献观点...................................................... 6 2、网络营销目标、职能以及方法相关的文献观点.......................... 7 3、企业在网络营销中存在的问题及相关对策.................................. 7 三、ZX典当公司网络营销现状及问题分析 ...................