在互联网科技的发展背景下,应用在企业营销发展中的互联网科技工具也呈 现多元化的特征,企业则根据自身的产品及发展的特点利用互联网科技工具进行 营销策略的制订。互联网科技的应用也促成了网络营销的出现,利用互联网平台 制订网络营销策略可以提升营销的效率,实现企业的利润最大化。近年来,旅游 景区快速的发展,旅游景区为游客提供旅游休闲的产品线路,旅游景区之间为了 提升竞争力,也积极的利用网络平台进行营销策略的制订与宣传。旅游景区通过 网络平台制订出产品、价格、渠道与促销的网络营销策略,促进旅游景区的客流 量增长,实现旅游景区收益的增长,通过通过网络平台提升景区的品牌知名度。 本文就以江西婺源篁岭景区为研究对象,研究景区在网络营销策略制订的现 状及问题。在研究中运用了文献研究法、案例分析法与问卷调查法对江西婺源篁 岭景区的网络营销现状进行调查研究。基于4P营销理论、体验经济理论与产品 生命周期理论基础上对江西婺源篁岭景区在网络营销策略中存在的问题提出完 善的方案与对策。首先,在研究中介绍了研究的背景和意义,阐述了研究的内容 及研究方法;其次,对研究中涉及的相关理论进行概括,包括4P营销理论、体 验经济理论与产品生命周期理论,构建研究的理论基础,并综述了国内外学者持 研究文献成果。再者,以江西婺源篁岭景区为案例,从产品、价格、渠道与促销 四个方面对当前景区在网络营销策略中的现状进行概括,结合问卷调查了解游客 对景区网络营销的感知。最后,针对江西婺源篁岭景区在网络营销策略中存在的 产品差异化不足、旅游产品的价格定位需要完善、网络营销渠道不丰富和旅游产 品的促销策略制订灵活性不强的问题深入分析其原因。在原因的分析基础上,提 出优化江西婺源篁岭景区网络营销策略的对策,包括塑造旅游产品的特色、制订 旅游淡旺季的价格、拓展不同的网络营销渠道与灵活调整促销的策略作为优化对 策,从而促江西婺源篁岭景区的网络营销策略进一步的优化。 关键字:网络营销;产品;促销;渠道 II Abstract In the context of the development of Internet technology, Internet technology tools used in enterprise marketing development also exhibit diversified characteristics. Enterprises use Internet technology tools to formulate marketing strategies based on their own products and development characteristics. The application of internet technology has also contributed to the emergence of internet marketing. Using internet platforms to formulate internet marketing strategies can improve the efficiency of marketing and maximize the profits of enterprises. In recent years, tourist attractions have developed rapidly. Tourist attractions provide tourists with product lines for tourism and leisure. In order to enhance competitiveness, tourist attractions also actively use online platforms to formulate and publicize marketing strategies. The scenic spots formulate online marketing strategies for products, prices, channels, and promotions through the online platform to promote the growth of passenger flows in the scenic spots, and to increase the revenue of the scenic spots, and enhance the brand awareness of the scenic spots through the online platform. This article takes Wuyuan Huangling scenic spot in Jiangxi as the research object to study the status quo and problems of the formulation of online marketing strategies in the scenic spot. In the study, the literature research method, case analysis method and questionnaire survey method were used to investigate and study the current situation of online marketing in Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Spot in Wuyuan, Jiangxi. Based on the 4P marketing theory, experience economy theory and product life cycle theory, it puts forward a perfect plan and countermeasures to the problems existing in the network marketing strategy of Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Area in Jiangxi. First, the background and significance of the research are introduced in the research, and the research content and research methods are described. Second, the relevant theories involved in the research are summarized, including 4P marketing theory, experience economic theory and product life cycle theory, and construction research. The theoretical basis of the paper, and summarizes the research literature held by scholars at home and abroad. Furthermore, taking Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Spot in Jiangxi as an example, the current status of the scenic spot in the network marketing strategy is summarized from the four aspects of product, price, channel and promotion, and the questionnaire survey is used to understand the tourists' perception of the scenic spot network marketing. Finally, in-depth analysis of the reasons for the problems of III product differentiation in Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Area in Jiangxi in the network marketing strategy, the need to improve the price positioning of tourism products, the lack of online marketing channels and the inflexibility of the promotion strategy of tourism products . Based on the analysis of the reasons, it proposes strategies for optimizing the online marketing strategy of Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Area in Jiangxi, including shaping the characteristics of tourism products, setting prices for low and high tourist seasons, expanding different online marketing channels and flexibly adjusting promotional strategies as optimization strategies. Therefore, the network marketing strategy of Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Area in Wuxi, Jiangxi, is further optimized. Keywords: Internet marketing; product; promotion; channel IV 目 录 摘要 ......................................................... I Abstract ......................................................... II 1 绪论 .......................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ................................................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 .................................................. 1 1.1.2 研究意义 .................................................. 2 1.2 研究内容及方法 ................................................ 3 1.2.1 研究内容 .................................................. 3 1.2.2 研究方法 .................................................. 3 1.3 研究创新 ...................................................... 4 2 文献回顾与理论基础 ............................................. 5 2.1 理论基础 ...................................................... 5 2.1.1 4P营销理论 ................................................ 5 2.1.2 体验经济理论 .............................................. 5 2.1.3 产品生命周期理论 .......................................... 6 2.2 国内外文献综述 ................................................ 7 2.2.1 国外文献综述 .............................................. 7 2.2.2 国内研究综述 .............................................. 9 3 江西婺源篁岭景区的网络营销现状及问卷调查分析 ................... 13 3.1 江西婺源篁岭概况 ............................................. 13 3.1.1 江西婺源篁岭简介 ......................................... 13 3.1.2 发展现状 ................................................. 13 3.2 江西婺源篁岭网络营销的现状 ................................... 14 3.2.1 古村落及旅游商品的开发现状 ............................... 14 3.2.2 网络定价现状 ............................................. 14 3.2.3 网络售票与宣传的渠道现状 ................................. 15 3.2.4 网络折扣及网络活动的现状 ................................. 15 3.3 对景区营销策略的问卷调查分析 ................................. 16 3.3.1 调查指标体系构建 ......................................... 16 3.3.2 问卷调查设计 ............................................. 16 3.3.3 问卷调查调研结果分析 ..................................... 17 4 江西婺源篁岭网络营销的问题分析 ................................ 21 V 4.1 古村落及油菜花等网络宣传产品差异化不足 ...................... 21 4.2 旅游产品的定价机制有待完善 .................................. 21 4.3 网络营销的渠道丰富但利用不充分 .............................. 22 4.4 旅游产品的促销策略灵活性弱 .................................. 22 5 江西婺源篁岭网络营销改进方案及对策 ............................ 23 5.1 江西婺源篁岭网络营销的总体思路 ............................... 23 5.1.1 江西婺源篁岭网络营销的目标 ............................... 23 5.1.2 江西婺源篁岭网络营销的原则 ............................... 25 5.2 优化江西婺源篁岭改善网络营销策略的建议 ....................... 27 5.2.1 打造旅游产品的特