在复杂多变的市场竞争中,对于销售型为导向的企业,销售员工是否忠于公司并 能创造价值对于公司的生存和发展至关重要。而积极合理的员工激励手段不仅可以增 强员工对于工作的耐心和积极性,还可以增强员工对企业的归属感,积极乐观的工作 方式不仅可以提升员工的工作能力,还可以增强企业的业绩。通过有效的激励方式, 提升销售员工的业务能力,发挥出人才竞争的优势,为企业创造出更大的价值,进而 提升企业的核心竞争力。 本文以 A 饮料公司为主要研究对象,通过各类文献的查找,为文章的写作奠定良 好的理论基础和理论背景,同时采用调查和访谈等方式,实地调查了解销售员工的诉 求和真实想法,并听取其提出的宝贵意见,明确要求并设计出符合 A 饮料公司实际情 况、适应本公司销售员工发展的激励机制。 本论文主要分为七部分内容:第一部分为绪论,交代了课题研究的背景和意义。 第二部分介绍了激励相关的研究理论。对其概念、作用、层次进行详细论述,并对重 点激励理论类型进行说明。第三部分介绍了 A 饮料公司销售员工激励现状。从饮料公 司的概况,销售部门的架构和销售员工的基本情况入手,总结了 A 饮料公司销售员工 的基本特点,进而分析了 A 饮料公司销售员工的激励现状。第四部分以激励相关理论 为基础,结合 A 饮料公司自身特点,明确激励要素,对销售员工设计调查问卷。并 通过问卷和个人访谈相结合的方式,找到企业现有激励机制中存在的问题。第五部分, 通过调查的数据和相关结论,研究激励要素,结合激励理论,对 A 饮料公司销售员工 激励机制中存在的问题进行全面的原因分析。第六部分针对这些问题和产生的具体原 因,将激励理论结合 A 饮料公司的实际情况加以应用,对 A 饮料公司提出了销售员工 激励的优化策略,以及改进措施和建议。第七部分是对全文的总结和对未来的展望。 关键词:A 饮料公司,销售员工,激励机制,改进措施II Research on Motivation of Sales Employees in A Beverage Company Abstract In the complex and changeable market competition,for sales-oriented companies, whether sales employees are loyal to the company and can create value is critical to the survival and development of the company. Positive and reasonable employee incentives can not only enhance employees' patience and enthusiasm for work, but also can enhance employees' sense of belonging to the company. Positive and optimistic work styles can not only enhance employees' work capabilities, but also can enhance the performance of the company. Through effective incentives, the sales staffs’ business capabilities are improved, the advantages of talent competition are brought into play, and greater value is created for the company, thereby enhancing the core competitiveness of the company. This article takes A Beverage Company as the main research object, through various literature searches, to lay a good theoretical foundation and theoretical background for the writing of the article. At the same time, it uses surveys and interviews to conduct investigations to understand the demands and real ideas of sales employees, and listen to their valuable opinions, clearly request and design an incentive mechanism that meets the actual situation of A Beverage Company and adapts to the development of the company's sales staff. This article is mainly divided into seven parts: The first part is the introduction, explaining the background and significance of the subject research. The second part introduces the research theories related to incentives. The concept, function and level are discussed in detail, and the types of key motivational theories are explained. The third part introduces the current situation of sales staff motivation in A Beverage Company. Starting from the general situation of the beverage company, the structure of the sales department and the basic situation of the sales staff, summarize the basic characteristics of the sales staff of the A beverage company, and then analyze the incentive status of the sales staff of the A beverage company.The fourth part is based on the theory of motivation, combined with the characteristics of A Beverage Company and make clear the motivation elements,III to design questionnaires for sales employees. And through a combination of questionnaires and personal interviews, to find out the problems in the company's existing incentive mechanism. In the fifth part, through the survey data and related conclusions, the study of incentive elements, combined with incentive theory, conducts a comprehensive analysis of the causes of the problems in the incentive mechanism of sales employees in A Beverage Company.In the sixth part,according to these problems and the specific reasons,combine the motivation theory with the actual situation of A Beverage Company and make the two factors into application,propose optimization strategies for sales staff incentives, as well as improvement measures and suggestions for A Beverage Company.The seventh part is a summary of the full text and prospects for the future. Key Words:A beverage company,sales staff,incentive mechanism,measuresIV 目录 摘要.............I Abstract......II 第 1 章 绪论.............................1 1.1 研究背景与意义........1 1.1.1 研究背景..........1 1.1.2 研究意义..........2 1.2 国内外研究现状........2 1.2.1 国外研究现状..2 1.2.2 国内研究现状..4 1.3 研究内容与方法........5 1.3.1 研究的内容......5 1.3.2 研究的方法......6 1.4 研究思路与创新点....7 1.4.1 研究思路..........7 1.4.2 研究创新点......7 第 2 章 相关理论基础.............9 2.1 激励的概念界定........9 2.1.1 激励的概念......9 2.1.2 激励的分类......9 2.1.3 激励的作用....10 2.2 激励相关理论..........10 2.2.1 内容激励理论11 2.2.2 过程型激励理论...........................12 2.2.3 行为型激励理论...........................13 2.2.4 综合型激励理论...........................13 2.3 销售员工的概念及特点.........................14 2.3.1 销售员工的概念...........................14V 2.3.2 销售员工的特点...........................14 第 3 章 A 饮料公司销售员工激励现状..............16 3.1 A 饮料公司简介.......16 3.2 A 饮料公司销售员工基本情况..............16 3.2.1 A 饮料公司销售部门组织架构....16 3.2.2 A 饮料公司销售员工基本情况....17 3.2.3 A 饮料公司销售员工的特点........20 3.3 A 饮料公司销售员工激励现状..............23 3.3.1 A 饮料公司销售员工薪酬福利状况...........................23 3.3.2 A 饮料公司销售员工绩效考核状况...........................25 3.3.3 A 饮料公司销售员工培训制度状况...........................26 3.3.4 A 饮料公司销售员工晋升与职业规划状况...............26 3.3.5 A 饮料公司企业文化与人际沟通氛围状况...............27 第 4 章 A 饮料公司销售员工激励存在的问题..28 4.1 A 饮料公司销售员工激励调查问卷......28 4.1.1 问卷设计........28 4.1.2 问卷内容........28 4.1.3 问卷调查实施过程.......................29 4.1.4 调查问卷分析29 4.2 A 饮料公司销售员工激励存在的问题..33 4.2.1 薪酬结构不合理...........................33 4.2.2 福利制度不健全...........................34 4.2.3 培训制度不完善...........................34 4.2.4 晋升机会有限34 4.2.5 精神激励不受重视.......................35 第 5 章 A 饮料公司销售员工激励存在问题的原因分析.................36 5.1 薪酬结构不合理原因分析.....................36 5.1.1 薪酬激励不具有针对性...............36 5.1.2 绩效考核方式不完善...................36 5.2 福利制度不健全原因分析.....................36 5.2.1 福利项目单一36 5.2.2 福利内容不丰富...........................37VI 5.3 培训制度不完善原因分析.....................37 5.3.1 培训手段单一37 5.3.2 培训内容陈旧37 5.4 晋升机会有限原因分析.........................37 5.4.1 晋升渠道单一37 5.4.2 晋升方案缺少科学性...................38 5.5 精神激励不受重视原因分析.................38 5.5.1 忽视精神激励38 5.5.2 忽视心理健康38 第 6 章 A 饮料公司销售员工激励机制改进措施及建议.................39 6.1 优化销售员工薪酬结构,调整绩效考核方式....................39 6.2 丰富福利项目内容,增加员工工作幸福感........................42 6.3 完善销售员工培训制度,提升员工素质............................43 6.4 完善销售员工晋升渠道,关注员工职业生涯发展规划....45 6.5 重视销售员工精神激励,增强员工归属感........................46 第 7 章 结论与展望...............47 7.1 结论..........................47 7.2 展望..........................47