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长期以来,在专卖体制的保护下,相当一些烟草商业企业管理粗放,基础薄 弱。在市场基本饱和、买方市场条件影响下的工作方式仍延续过去的形式,并没 有真正在了解市尝适应市尝培育市场和开拓市场上下功夫。因而,企业的市 场控制能力并不是很强,市场占有率也不是很高。与跨国烟草集团相比,中国烟 草商业企业不仅在技术上较为落后,而且在营销体系和开拓市场上,都有着较大 差距。烟草商业企业为了赢得长久的经济利益,只有适应市场的变化,运用新的 营销理论和方法,把烟草企业在日益激烈的市场竞争中做强、做大,以迎接来自 国内,国际以及全球经济一体化的三重挑战。 本文通过对枣庄市烟草公司的实际调查,首先对相关研究背景进行了阐述。 其次,采用定量方法对枣庄市烟草公司的客户满意度进行了评测,发现枣庄市烟 草公司还存在营销体系缺乏市场化运作、物流中心运行成本较高、信息化建设缺 乏统一规划、营销队伍建设滞后、工商企业合作机制不健全和零售终端管理薄弱 等问题。对其进行深入分析后发现造成这些问题的原因有专卖专营和行政分割的 管理体制造成竞争不足、枣庄市烟草公司经营理念比较落后、计划管理体制导致 市场化改革进展缓慢和零售客户满意度不高等四个方面。在此基础上,本文采用 PEST和SWOT方法,从宏观竞争环境和微观竞争环境两个方面对枣庄市烟草公 司的竞争环境进行了探讨,明确枣庄市烟草公司的优势、劣势、机遇与威胁之所 在。接着,本文对枣庄市烟草公司市场营销策略进行了构建,首先确立了相关营 销目标,并采用定量方法对其营销需求量进行了预测,而后从产品策略、价格策 略、渠道策略、促销策略及品牌策略五个方面制定了枣庄市烟草公司的市场营销 组合策略。为保障营销策略的顺利开展,本文还探讨了营销策略的保障措施。 论文以营销渠道理论为基础,结合枣庄市烟草公司营销方面的数据欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,从 企业自身发展和应对市场挑战的角度为枣庄市烟草公司制定了行之有效的营销 策略,研究结果为中国烟草商业企业的进一步发展提供了有益帮助。 关键词: 枣庄市烟草公司;客户满意度;营销策略;客户管理;价格管理 III ABSTRACT For a long time, many tobacco enterprises have rough managements and the weak foundations under the protection of specialized-sell Tobacco Monopoly System. Some enterprises are still applying old thinking and working ways when they are changing to a full market and “buyer-market” condition. Moreover, they have not comprehended, adapted to, cultivated and exploited the market. Therefore, the enterprises’ market control ability is not so strong, and the market share is also not so high. Comparing with international tobacco enterprises, Chinese tobacco enterprises do not only fall behind in technology but also in management level, sales system and exploiting market strategy. There are great gaps in all those parts. Tobacco enterprises want to obtain economic benefits in a long term, and then they must fit to the market changes, adopt new management system, and apply new sales theories and strategies. All those are aimed to make our tobacco enterprises growing healthily and being bigger and more powerful in fierce market competition, and to face three challenges from domestic, abroad and economic globalization. Through the actual investigation of Zaozhuang Tobacco Company, this paper first expounds the relevant research background. Secondly, the quantitative method was used to evaluate the customer satisfaction of Zaozhuang Tobacco Company. It was found that Zaozhuang Tobacco Company still lacks marketing system, lacks market operation cost, lacks unified planning of information construction, and lags in marketing team construction. Problems such as the weak cooperation mechanism between industrial and commercial enterprises and the weak management of retail terminals. After in-depth analysis, the reasons for these problems are caused by the lack of competition in the management system of monopoly and administrative division, the backwardness of the management concept of Zaozhuang Tobacco Company, the slow progress of market-oriented reform and the low satisfaction of retail customers. Four aspects. On this basis, this paper uses PEST and SWOT methods to explore the competitive environment of Zaozhuang Tobacco Company from two aspects: macro-competition environment and micro-competition environment, and clarify the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of Zaozhuang Tobacco Company. . Then, this paper builds the marketing strategy of IV Zaozhuang Tobacco Company, first establishes relevant marketing objectives, and uses quantitative methods to forecast its marketing demand, then from product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy and brand. Five aspects of the strategy have developed the marketing mix strategy of Zaozhuang Tobacco Company. In order to ensure the smooth development of marketing strategies, this paper also discusses the safeguards of marketing strategies. Based on the marketing channel theory and the data of marketing of Zaozhuang Tobacco Company, the paper has developed an effective marketing strategy for Zaozhuang Tobacco Company from the perspective of enterprise development and market challenges. The research results are Chinese tobacco commercial enterprises. Further development has provided useful help. KEY WORDS:Zaozhuang Tobacco Company, Customer satisfaction, Marketing strategy, Price management V 目 录 第1章 绪论 ..................... 1 1.1研究背景 ............. 1 1.2研究目的与意义 . 2 1.2.1研究目的 .... 2 1.2.2研究意义 .... 3 1.3研究思路与内容 . 3 1.3.1研究思路 .... 3 1.3.2研究内容 .... 4 1.4 国内外研究现状 5 1.4.1国外研究现状 ........................... 5 1.4.2国内研究现状 ........................... 6 1.5研究方法 ............. 6 1.5.1案例研究法 6 1.5.2文献研究法 7 1.5.3 SWOT分析法 .......................... 7 第2章 理论阐述 ............. 9 2.1市场营销策略的相关概念 ................ 9 2.1.1市场营销概念 ........................... 9 2.1.2市场营销策略的内涵 ............... 9 2.1.3市场细分 .. 10 2.1.4品牌策略组合决策 ................. 11 2.2营销策略的“4PS”组合 .................... 11 2.2.1 产品策略 . 11 2.2.2 价格策略 . 12 2.2.3 渠道策略 . 13 2.2.4 促销策略 . 13 2.3客户满意度理论 .............................. 15 2.3.1客户满意度含义及性质 ......... 15 2.3.2定量测评客户满意度的方法 . 15 第3章 枣庄市烟草公司市场营销现状及问题 ......................... 19 VI 3.1枣庄市烟草公司概况 ..................... 19 3.2枣庄市烟草公司客户满意度测评 . 20 3.2.1零售客户满意度调查问卷设计 ........................... 20 3.2.2卷烟零售客户满意情况测评方法 ....................... 20 3.2.3卷烟零售客户满意情况调查研究情况 ............... 21 3.2.4卷烟经销户满意度调查分析 23 3.3枣庄市烟草公司营销中存在的问题 ............................ 28 3.3.1营销体系缺乏市场化运作 .... 28 3.2.2物流中心运行成本较高 ........ 29 3.2.3信息化建设缺乏统一规划 .... 29 3.2.4营销队伍建设滞后 ................ 31 3.2.5工商企业合作机制不健全 .... 31 3.2.6零售终端管理薄弱 ................ 32 3.4枣庄市烟草公司市场营销中存在问题的原因 ............ 35 3.4.1专卖专营和行政分割的管理体制造成竞争不足 .............................. 35 3.4.2枣庄市烟草公司经营理念比较落后 ................... 35 3.4.3计划管理体制导致市场化改革进展缓慢 ........... 35 3.4.4零售客户满意度不高 ............ 36 第4章 枣庄市烟草公司营销环境分析 ..... 39 4.1宏观环境分析 .. 39 4.1.1政治与法律环境分析 ............ 39 4.1.2经济环境分析 ........................ 41 4.1.3技术环境分析 ........................ 42 4.1.4社会文化环境分析 ................ 43 4.2微观环境分析 .. 44 4.2.1优势分析 . 45 4.2.2劣势分析 . 46 4.2.3机会分析 . 46 4.2.4威胁分析 . 47 第5章 枣庄市烟草公司市场营销策略的构建 ........................ 49 5.1营销思路 .......... 49 5.2营销目标 .......... 49 5.2.1总体营销目标 ........................ 49 VII 5.2.2分类营销目标 ......................... 50 5.3营销预测 ........... 51 5.3.1影响卷烟市场需求的因素 ..... 52 5.3.2卷烟市场需求二元回归模型 . 52 5.3.3多重共线性检验 ..................... 52 5.3.4卷烟需求预测 ......................... 54 5.4 STP策略的构建 .............................. 56 5.4.1市场细分 .. 56 5.4.2目标客户确定 ......................... 57 5.4.3市场定位 .. 58 5.5营销组合策略 ... 58 5.5.1产品策略 .. 58 5.5.2价格策略 .. 60 5.5.3渠道策略 .. 64 5.5.4促销策略 .. 67 5.5.5品牌策略 .. 68 第6章 枣庄市烟草公司营销策略实施的保障 ......................... 71 6.1推进营销水平升级

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