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在上一轮经济危机结束后,全球经济环境开始整体回暖,而中国则在这一轮全球经 济增长过程中抓住了契机,实现了中国经济的全面飞跃,一举超越日本成为世界第二大 经济体,向世界展现了中国发展的强劲动力,同时也给国内各个欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展带来了前所 未有的机遇。中国经济之所以能快速崛起,主要是因为国家提出了大力发展基础建设的 发展战略,这不仅给国内建筑工程欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司注入了一剂强心针,更重要的是带动了数十个上 下游产业联动,才使得国内经济进入一个快速发展的良性循环。但是在机遇的背后往往 存在隐藏的风险,随着建筑工程欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的快速发展,越来越多的新兴企业不断涌入市场, 加剧了欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争力度,摊薄了企业利润,如果建筑工程业内企业不能加强自身竞争实力, 做好精细化的工程项目管理,那么必然会在残酷的市场竞争中逐渐被淹没,因此对于建 筑工程企业而言,打造一套高效的项目管理体系势在必行。 大连TPW公司是大连港集团有限公司全资子公司,主要业务临港经济区港城一体 化项目开发、建设和经营;土地整理、开发和管理;市政基础设施开发建设;产业园区 开发建设与运营;房地产开发与经营。近年来顺应国家经济发展的趋势,大连TPW公 司也在不断进行企业规模的扩充,期望能够获得更大的市场份额,向欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司领导者发起冲 击,但是因为公司过去国企管理模式无法和当前全新的经济形势相匹配,尤其是在项目 进度管理方面,因为其管理制度和方法过于陈旧,所以在建筑工程项目实施过程中,大 小问题频繁出现,导致工程进度受到严重延误,给大连TPW公司造成了严重的经济损 失。长此以往,大连TPW公司多年来的良好口碑也将毁于一旦。因此本论文将对国内 外建筑工程欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的项目进度管理研究进行全面梳理,利用这些先进的理论和方法对大连 TPW公司的实际项目管理情况进行剖析,深入挖掘造成大连TPW公司当前出现项目进 度管理危机的根本原因,最后论文将结合大连TPW公司的实际运营情况,从多个角度 为大连TPW公司设计出一套科学有效的项目进度管理危机的应对策略,帮助大连TPW 公司彻底摆脱因为项目进度管理问题带来的困扰。 本文通过综合应用MBA课程中学习到的各类项目管理方法和理论,有针对性的解 决了大连TPW公司的项目进度管理危机,同时这些研究结论还可以被应用于解决其他 同行企业的类似问题当中,为其提供专业的技术支持和理论参考。 关键词:TPW公司;建筑工程;项目进度管理;建议对策 - II - The case study on the schedule management TPW Company A Project Abstract After the end of the last round of economic crisis, the global economic environment began to warm up as a whole, while China seized the opportunity in this round of global economic growth to achieve an all-round leap in China economy, overtaking Japan as the world’s second largest economy, showed a strong driving force for China development to the world, and brought unprecedented opportunities to the development of various domestic industries. The rapid rise of China economy is mainly due to the fact that the state has put forward the development strategy of vigorously developing infrastructure, which not only injected a strong needle into the domestic construction engineering industry, but also led to the linkage of dozens of upstream and downstream industries, which made the domestic economy enter a virtuous circle of rapid development. However, behind the opportunity, there are often hidden risks, because the rapid development of the construction engineering industry, more and more emerging enterprises continue to pour into the market, aggravate the competition in the industry, dilute the profits of the enterprise, if the construction engineering industry enterprises can’t strengthen their own competitive strength, do a good job of fine project management, it is bound to be gradually flooded in the cruel market competition. Therefore, for construction engineering enterprises, it is imperative to build an efficient project management system. Dalian TPW Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dalian Port Group Co., Ltd., which mainly deals in the development, construction and management of port and city integration projects in the port economic zone, land consolidation, development and management, municipal infrastructure development and construction, industrial park development, construction and operation, and real estate development and management. In recent years, in line with the trend of national economic development, Dalian TPW Company is also constantly expanding the scale of enterprises, hoping to obtain greater market share and launch an impact on industry leaders, but because the company’s original state-owned enterprise management model can’t match the current new economic situation, especially in the project schedule management. Because its management system and methods are too old, so in the implementation of construction projects, large and small problems occur frequently, resulting in serious delays in the progress of the project, causing serious economic losses to Dalian TPW Company. In the long run, the good reputation of Dalian TPW Company over the years will also be destroyed. Therefore, this paper will comprehensively sort out the - III - research of project schedule management in construction engineering industry at home and abroad, analyze the actual project management of Dalian TPW Company by using these advanced theories and methods, and deeply excavate the root causes of the current project schedule management crisis of Dalian TPW Company. Finally, the paper will combine the actual operation situation of Dalian TPW Company, design a set of scientific and effective strategies for Dalian TPW Company to deal with the crisis of project schedule management from many angles, and help Dalian TPW Company to get rid of the troubles and crises caused by the problems of project schedule management. Through the comprehensive application of all kinds of project management methods and theories learned in MBA course, this paper solves the project schedule management crisis of Dalian TPW Company. At the same time, these research conclusions can also be applied to solve similar problems of other peer enterprises and provide them with professional technical support and theoretical reference. Key Words:TPW Company; Construction Engineering Industry; Project Scheduling Management; Suggestions and Solutions - IV - 目 录 摘要 ............................................................................................................................ 2 Abstract ............................................................................................................................. II 1 绪论 .............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 研究目的及意义 ............................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究目的 ................................................................................................ 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................................................................ 2 1.2 案例研究设计 ................................................................................................... 3 1.3 研究思路及方法 ............................................................................................... 4 1.3.1 研究思路 ................................................................................................ 4 1.3.2 研究方法 ................................................................................................ 5 2 案例正文 ...................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 公司介绍 ........................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 大连TPW公司简介 ............................................................................. 7 2.1.2 A工程项目概况 .................................................................................... 8 2.2 项目进度管理案例描述 ................................................................................... 9 2.2.1 项目经理的经验 .................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 不断延迟的项目施工进度 .................................................................. 11 2.2.3 不可避免的项目风险 ........................................................

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