2019年10月31日,三大运营商联合推出5G商用套餐,决定于11月1日 起上线运行。5G商用套餐的正式上线运行,标志着运营商新流量营销时代的到 来。长期以来,增量不增收成为三大运营商可持续发展的瓶颈,数据统计发现, 2019年1-3季度,三大运营商ARPU(单用户月收入)数据持续出现下滑趋势。 基于此环境下,三大运营商开始寻求新的市场竞争点,开辟新的经济增长点,以 此来弥补传统业务运营的不足。从市场营销策略转型情况来看,中国移动的营销 策略更为积极、多元化。现阶段,YZ移动及其他运营商在市场营销过程中主要 面临产品定位、市场价格、营销策略、产品附加值和延伸化发展等方面的问题。 因此,YZ移动需要转变传统业务营销策略,采取积极有效的流量经营策略,充 分发挥数据流量的价值和效益,在创新驱动发展的浪潮下保持强劲的市场竞争 力。 本文首先对YZ移动流量运营现状进行分析,得出YZ移动流量业务市场营销 存在的问题包括:缺乏具有足够客户黏性的应用产品、套餐多而杂且资费不灵活、 渠道无法满足流量经营要求和促销手段相对单一。导致YZ移动流量业务市场营 销存在问题的原因为:产品同质化导致未形成差异化优势、流量附加值变现能力 欠缺、渠道管理体系不完善与人员管理体系还不完善。其次,结合电信欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司及流 量营销特点,将客户进行市场细分,并对各细分市场进行目标用户群体特点分析 及营销定位。根据营销理论,结合各目标市场消费群体特点,提出YZ移动流量 营销的产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略。最后从强化流量经营的网络 和IT支撑、强化大数据在流量经营中的应用、完善流量资费与提醒服务体系、 加快未来大连接布局、加强流量营销队伍建设和提升流量业务服务质量等方面提 出YZ移动流量业务市场营销策略实施保障。 本文基于5G背景下,为YZ移动提供了全面详细、可操作性的流量业务营销 优化策略,对YZ移动未来的流量业务营销有一定的借鉴与参考作用,也希望本 文能在YZ移动成长为移动互联网时代下的“移动信息专家”过程中发挥些许的 作用。与此同时,希望为其他兄弟公司及其他电信运营商提供启迪、引发思考, 共同推动流量业务以及其他电信增值业务的蓬勃发展。 关键字:5G,流量业务,市场营销策略,优化 II Abstract On October 31, 2019, the three major operators announced 5g business package, which was officially launched on November 1. It marks the end of the traditional telecom business flow management strategy of the operators, and the dilemma that the increment does not increase the revenue also plagues the operators for a long time. What's more, in the first three quarters, the ARPU of the three major operators (single user monthly revenue) has declined in varying degrees. In the face of these situations, the three major operators have opened up new tracks in addition to the traditional main business to offset the impact of the decline of traditional business. Among them, "leader" China Mobile's transformation path is more positive and diversified. At present, the difficulties of YZ mobile and even global operators' market operation focus on product price, product positioning, product marketing and product extension development. Therefore, it is urgent to focus on traffic management, mining the value of data traffic, so that the growing traffic will truly become the driving force of YZ mobile development, and continue to maintain the leading position of operators in the mobile Internet tide. This paper first analyzes the current situation of YZ mobile traffic operation, the problems of YZ MOBILE TRAFFIC MARKETING INCLUDE: lack of application products with enough customer stickiness, too many packages, inflexible cost, unable to meet the demand of traffic management and single promotion means. The main reasons that lead to the problems in YZ mobile traffic marketing include: The defective service transformation, the unstable platform construction, the imperfect personnel management system and the lack of internet marketing experience. Secondly, combined with the characteristics of telecom industry and traffic marketing to segment the customer market, this paper analyzes the target market and marketing positioning of user groups. According to the marketing theory and the characteristics of each target market, this paper puts forward the product strategy, price strategy, Channel Strategy and promotion strategy of YZ mobile flow marketing. At last, we design the implementation guarantee of YZ mobile traffic marketing strategy from the III aspects of strengthening the network and IT support of traffic management, strengthening the application of big data in traffic management, perfecting the system of traffic pricing and reminding service, speeding up the layout of future internet of everything, strengthening the construction of traffic marketing team and improving the service quality of traffic service. Based on the background of 5G, this paper provides a comprehensive, detailed and operability strategy for YZ mobile, which will be a reference for YZ mobile's future traffic marketing. We hope this paper can play a role in the process of YZ mobile growing up to be a mobile information expert in the mobile Internet era. At the same time, we hope to provide inspiration and reflection for other brother companies and other telecom operators who jointly promote the booming development of traffic business and other telecom value-added business. Keywords: 5G, Flow Business, Marketing Strategy, Optimization IV 目录 第一章 绪论 ......... 1 1.1研究背景 . 1 1.2研究意义 . 2 1.2.1理论意义 ..................... 2 1.2.2实践意义 ..................... 2 1.3国内外研究综述 .................... 2 1.3.1国外研究综述 ............. 2 1.3.2国内研究综述 ............. 3 1.4研究内容与方法 .................... 6 1.4.1研究内容 ..................... 6 1.4.2研究方法 ..................... 7 第二章 相关概念界定与理论基础 .... 8 2.1相关概念界定 ........................ 8 2.1.1 5G相关研究 ............... 8 2.1.2流量经营概念 ............. 9 2.1.3流量经营发展历程 ... 10 2.2相关理论基础 ...................... 11 2.2.1精准营销理论 ........... 11 2.2.2大数据营销研究 ....... 11 第三章 YZ移动流量业务市场营销现状及问题........... 13 3.1 YZ移动流量业务发展现状 13 3.2 YZ移动流量业务市场营销策略现状 ............... 17 3.2.1产品策略 ................... 17 3.2.2定价策略 ................... 18 3.2.3渠道策略 ................... 19 3.2.4促销策略 ................... 19 3.3 5G时代流量业务市场营销的特点 ................... 20 3.3.1移动体验速度几乎无限制 ...................... 20 3.3.2平台流量采购和分发 .............................. 20 3.3.3视频素材风靡、VR应用加速 ............... 20 3.3.4智慧终端蓬勃发展 ... 21 3.3.5云和大数据的盛行 ... 21 3.4 YZ移动流量业务市场营销存在的问题 ........... 22 3.4.1缺乏具有客户黏性的应用产品 .............. 22 3.4.2套餐多而杂且资费不灵活 ...................... 22 3.4.3渠道无法满足流量经营要求 .................. 23 3.4.4促销手段相对单一 ... 24 3.5 YZ移动流量业务市场营销问题成因研究 ....... 24 3.5.1产品同质化导致未形成差异化优势 ...... 24 3.5.2流量附加值变现能力欠缺 ...................... 25 3.5.3渠道管理体系不完善 .............................. 25 3.5.4人员管理体系还不完善 .......................... 26 V 第四章 基于5G的YZ移动流量营销思路 ................... 27 4.1 SWOT分析 ......................... 27 4.1.1优势分析 ................... 27 4.1.2劣势分析 ................... 29 4.1.3机会分析 ................... 31 4.1.4威胁分析 ................... 33 4.1.5 SWOT矩阵分析 ...... 35 4.2重塑流量经营概念 .............. 37 4.3面向个人用户按速率或接入设备打包收费的模式 ........................ 38 4.4开展内容运营盈利模式 ...... 39 4.4.1定向前向内容运营盈利模式 .................. 39 4.4.2定向后向内容运营模式 .......................... 40 4.5细化市场,找准差异化价值 ............................. 41 第五章 YZ移动5G流量业务营销策略制定实施 ........ 43 5.1 YZ移动流量业务的STP策略制定 .................. 43 5.1.1市场细分 ................... 43 5.1.2目标市场选择 ........... 44 5.1.3市场定位 ................... 45 5.2流量业务产品策略 .............. 46 5.2.1基础型流量产品策略 .............................. 46 5.2.2创新型流量产品策略 .............................. 47 5.2.3附加型流量产品策略 .............................. 49 5.3流量业务定价策略 .............. 50 5.3.1组合定价策略 ........... 50 5.3.2差别定价策略 ........... 51 5.3.3竞争导向定价 ........... 52 5.4流量业务渠道策略 .............. 52 5.4.1完善营