... I ABSTRACT ..................... III 第1章 绪 论 ..................... 1 1.1 选题背景 ....... 1 1.2 文献综述 ....... 2 1.2.1 国外相关的研究情况 ........... 2 1.2.2 国内相关的研究情况 ........... 4 1.3 研究目的与意义........................... 6 1.3.1 研究的目的 ........................... 6 1.3.2 研究的意义 ........................... 6 1.4 研究思路与内容........................... 7 1.4.1 研究思路 7 1.4.2 研究内容 7 1.4.3 研究方法 8 第2章 理论基础 ....... 9 2.1概念释义 ........ 9 2.1.1中小企业 . 9 2.1.2授信业务 .............................. 10 2.1.3 授信风险管理 ..................... 10 2.2 中小企业授信风险..................... 11 2.2.1市场风险 .............................. 11 2.2.2信用风险 .............................. 12 2.2.3操作风险 .............................. 13 2.3中小企业授信业务风险成因分析 ............................ 15 2.3.1内部成因 .............................. 15 2.3.2外部成因 .............................. 16 第3章 H分行中小企业授信业务流程 .. 17 3.1 中国银行H分行简介 ................ 17 3.2 中国银行H分行授信业务发展情况 ....................... 18 3.2.1 中国银行中小企业授信业务简介 .................... 18 3.2.2 H分行中小企业授信业务发展情况及面临的风险压力 ................. 19 3.3 中国银行H分行授信业务风险管理现状 ............... 19 3.3.1 中小企业授信贷前调查 ..... 20 3.3.2贷中审查环节 ...................... 31 3.3.3贷后管理环节 ...................... 32 3.3.4授信各环节数据收集分析的指导意义 ............. 36 第4章 H分行不良贷款案例及风险成因 .............................. 37 4.1不良授信数据分析和应用 ......... 38 4.1.1相关趋势分析 ...................... 38 4.1.2指导意义 .............................. 45 4.2不良授信案例及风险成因 ......... 46 4.2.1案例:ZC铝业有限公司300万元授信 ........... 46 4.2.2案例:FD科技有限公司1000万元授信 ......... 48 4.2.3案例:KS泡沫制造有限公司100万元授信 ... 49 第5章 H分行中小企业授信风险管理对策 51 5.1规范准入要求 ............................. 51 5.2强化授信项目流程管理 ............. 52 5.3提升综合管理能力 ..................... 54 5.4重塑信贷文化 ............................. 55 5.5 加强授信风险防范和管理创新 56 第6章 结论 ............. 57 参考文献 ................... 59 致 谢 ...................... 61 摘要 I 中国银行H分行中小企业授信业务风险管理研究 摘要 如何解决中小企业融资难、贵困境一直是困扰中国经济发展的老大难问题。 随着我国进入经济新常态,国内国外多种因素叠加,众多中小企业遭遇经营困境, 银行授信风险频发,导致银行资产质量下迁严重。本文主要通过对H分行现行中 小企业授信体系的研究,结合现行体系下风险资产数据分析及不良案例成因分析, 对H分行中小企业授信风险管理的弱项和不足进行总结和归纳,针对发现的问题 通过建议的方式对流程梳理和研究,为银行系统更好的防控中小企业授信风险提 供参考与借鉴。 在基础理论阐述和背景分析后,文章首先通过对H分行中小企业授信全流程 进行梳理,分别从贷前调查、贷时审查、贷后管理三个主要环节对H分行中小企 业授信风险管控手段进行分析研究,研究内容对象主要是各个环节对授信风险点 识别和防控的方法和措施,以及上述手段的依据及作用,通过上述系统性的研究 为下面的数据分析研究和案例分析提供蓝图。 其次,根据业务中获得的数据和典型案例剖析H分行中小企业授信风险管理 中的薄弱环节,并结合授信蓝图给出具体解决方案,给出实际指导和建议,包括 严格准入要求、强化授信项目流程管理、提升综合管理能力和重塑信贷文化等。 最后,文章做出了总结,指出中小企业授信业务作为今后H分行重点发展方 向之一,在经济新常态下,面对中小企业授信不良频发,银行系统资产质量下迁 的严峻挑战,更应该做好风险管理。通过上文对H分行中小企业风险识别体系的 研究及案例的分析,指出其目前管理环境存在的主要问题,如内部风险管理理念 滞后、业务人员经验不足、部分风险管理环节形同虚设、人员队伍建设推进缓慢、 贷后管理落实不到位等问题;以及中小企业授信风险的产生的主要原因,外部原 因方面主要是外部经济环境恶化、宏观经济持续低位运行背景下,中小企业客户 自身的经营风险逐步暴露,并伴随着资金链、供应链以及担保链蔓延,授信风险 迅速上升。内部原因主要表现为人员业务素质、流程建制及风险管控策略的缺点。 H分行的中小企业授信管理急需改进优化,根据文章分析研究的结果,提出了对H 西南大学工商管理硕士学位论文 II 分行各环节进行优化,包括严格准入要求、强化授信项目流程管理、提升综合管 理能力和重塑信贷文化等方式,最终建立科学、完善的中小企业授信风险管理体 系。 通过系统的研究,本文主要从授信流程的准入要求严格化、授信项目流程管 理强化、提升综合管理能力和重塑信贷文化四方面进行对策建议的。在准入要求 严格化方面,重点做到严格欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司及客户、区域及机构、担保和资格准入要求;在 强化授信项目流程管理方面,对强化贷前调查管理、负责人风险责任管理、项目 审查审批管理、发放审核管理、贷后检查管理、反洗钱及制裁合规管理以及风险 资产管理给出了相关建议;在提升综合管理能力方面,重点突出H分行的大数据 应用能力、客户分层管理能力、问题自查自纠能力和制度贯彻执行能力;最后作 为银行金融机构,在目前的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争冲击下,H分行需要重塑自身信贷文化,从 强化管理问责、落实尽职免责、加强案例反思和对其员工开展多层次、差异化培 训。 【关 键 词】中小企业;中小企业授信;风险管理; 【研究类型】应用研究 Abstract III Title: The Research of SME Credit Business Risk Management System in Bank of China H Branch Abstract How to solve the financing dilemma of small and medium-sized enterprises has always been a difficult problem for China's economic development. As China has entered the new normal of the economy, many small and medium-sized enterprises have encountered operational difficulties and frequent bank credit risks, leading to a serious downward shift in bank asset quality. This paper mainly through the study of H branch current small and medium-sized enterprise credit system, combined with risk assets under the current system data analysis causes and bad case analysis, weakness of H branch of the small and medium-sized enterprise credit risk management and the insufficiency is induced and summarized, aiming at the problems found by way of advice to process carding and research, better prevention and control of small and medium-sized enterprises credit risk to the banking system to provide the reference and reference. After the basic theory expounded and background analysis, this article first through to the small and medium-sized enterprise credit combed the whole process of H branch, respectively, from before the credit investigation, credit review and post-loan management three main links of H branch of small and medium-sized enterprise credit risk control methods are studied, and the research content object is mainly each link of credit risk identification and prevention and control methods and measures, as well as the basis of the above means and function, through the systematic research for the following data analysis and case analysis to provide a blueprint. Secondly, according to the data obtained from the business and the typical cases of H branch of small and medium-sized enterprise credit risk management, and combining the credit blueprint for the detailed solution, gives a practical guidance and advice, 西南大学工商管理硕士学位论文 IV including strict entry requirements, strengthening credit project process management, improve the comprehensive management ability and reshape the credit culture, etc. Finally, the article made a summary, and points out that the small and medium-sized enterprise credit business, as one of the H branch emphasis in the future, in the new normal, in the face of small and medium-sized enterprise credit frequent adverse, asset quality banking system under the challenge of moving, it should be ready to risk management, through the above study of H branch of the small and medium-sized enterprise risk identification system and the analysis of the case, points out its main problems at present management environment, such as the internal risk management idea lag, inexperienced business personnel, of that risk management process can be evaded, advancing slowly personnel team construction, implementation does not reach the designated position of post-loan management; As well as the main reasons for the credit risk of small and medium-sized enterprises, the external reasons are mainly the deterioration of the external economic environment and the sustained low operation of the macro economy,