医药欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,因为涉及到国民健康、社会稳定和经济发展,一直是国家重点关 注的一个领域。近年来各种相关的改革从未停止,面对各种改革,医药领域发生 着翻天覆地的变化。要么跟上国家的改革节奏,适应改革的步伐;要么转型,这 是所有医药人都要面对的一个非常现实的问题。 各省的药品招标,是否进入国家的医保目录,一直牵动着所有医药人的神经。 2016年8月福建在全国更是率先成立“医疗保障管理委员会办公室”,这个部门 直接集药品的招标、采购、配送、结算、医保支付于一身,再次把所有医药人的 目光都吸引了过来。2016年11月13日,国家卫生计生委、国务院医改办在北京 召开上海、江苏、浙江、安徽和福建(简称四省一市)综合医改工作交流会。由 此,四省一市医改办正式“结盟”,开启了联合医改的序幕,并于2017年5月, “沪苏浙皖闽”四省一市综合医改联席会议中分工确定:由福建省牵头选择若干 种用量大、价格高的原研、独家品种,实行四省一市联合采购和价格谈判。这意 味着最早起步于三明这个地级市的医改方案,终于走出了福建,影响了其它地区。 也从另一方面说明,我们必须要研究医改、重视医改,关注国家相关的政策动向, 然后及时地修改自己原有的营销模式。如果自身不主动改变,就会付出惨重的代 价被迫改变,甚至被淘汰。比如说发生在2013年7月葛兰素史克公司的中国行贿 事件,以及此后一再曝光的其它外企的不正当经营事件,还有最近被央视曝光的 发生在2016年12月的上海、湖南多家医院医药公司业务人员的行贿事件,这些 都清楚地透露出了国家医改的方向和决心。不论国企还是外企,一视同仁,所以 作为医药人的我们必须在国家持续医改的阶段,深入地研究医改的政策,找出正 确的指引欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展的方向,不然就是死路一条。 了解了国家的医改政策,明确了企业发展的内外环境后,还要对自我进行深 刻的剖析,充分地认识自我的位置,运用PEST分析法、STP理论、4P理论、核心 竞争力理论等专业理论知识来对自身的组织架构、产品营销的现状、客户资源、 以及目前的薪酬考核体系等进行深刻分析,以求找出最合适的营销策略,为企业 新品的上市提供指导。 正大天晴在2008年时才刚刚进入中国医药工业百强,发展到2016年已经上 升到全国医药工业百强榜的第16位,并且2016年的全国研发综合实力排名第一。 这样一个发展迅速的企业,多年来一直以高增长、高研发活跃在中国的医药市场。 但是2016年在福建面对突如其来的医改,全年的营销业绩直接同比2015年下滑 了50%,即使采取了一系列改革措施, 2017年上半年同比2016年上半年依然是 负增长,预计2017年全年同比2016年业绩最多持平,甚至还会略微下滑。改革 II 迫在眉睫,尤其在2017年我们上市了利奈唑胺新产品后,如何在新形势下,用新 的营销策略指导新产品的推广工作,是我们目前最迫切要解决的事情。解决好了, 不但可以改变福建业绩的窘迫局面,而且还可以为其它产品在福建的营销策略提 供参考依据,同时也可以为结盟医改的其它三省一市提供参考。 为了更好地完成此篇论文,我们深入地研究了大量的国际营销理论,并且走 访了许多医药营销人员。根据福建甚至国内的营销形势,参考了其它发达国家走 过的医改路线,对正大天晴药业集团以及公司福建区市场营销团队进行了深入地 分析,并运用一些优秀的理论对企业未来在福建区的发展进行了研究和探讨,希 望能够为企业在福建区的市场发展做出贡献,甚至为公司在未来其它区域的营销 策略的制定提供参考。 关键词:正大天晴 福建区 利奈唑胺 营销策略 III Abstract The pharmaceutical industry is always a key filed of national concern., because it involves national health, social stability and economic development. In recent years, various related reforms have never stopped. In the face of various reforms, the pharmaceutical field is undergoing earth-shaking changes. Keeping up with the pace of national reform, adapting to the pace of reform, or transformation is a very real problem that all medical practitioners have to face. Drugs bidding of every province and whether they can enter the national catalogue of medical insurance or not have always been concerned by all medical practitioners. In August 2016, Fujian province took the lead in setting up the Office of the Medical Security Administration Commission in the whole country. This department directly integrates the bidding, procurement, distribution, settlement, and medical insurance payment of drugs. Once again, it attracted the attention of all medical practitioners. On November 13, 2016, the State Health and Family Planning Commission and the State Council Medical Reform Office held an meeting on comprehensive medical reform work in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Fujian (referred to as four provinces and one city) in Beijing. As a result, the medical reform offices of four provinces and one city officially "allied", which opened the prelude of the United medical reform. In May 2017, the division of work in the joint meeting of the comprehensive medical reform of four provinces and one city was determined: Fujian Province took the lead in selecting several large quantity, high price, original research and exclusive products, practising four provinces and one city joint procurement and price negotiations. This means that the medical reform plan of Sanming which is a prefecture-level city finally went out of Fujian and affected other districts. On the other hand, we must investigate health reform, attach importance to health reform, pay attention to the relevant policy trends of the country, and then modify our original marketing model in time. If you do not take the initiative to change yourself, you will have to pay a heavy price to change or even be eliminated, such as the GlaxoSmithKline bribery incident in China in July 2013 and other foreign companies that have been exposed since then for improper behaviour. Recently, it has also been exposed by CCTV that the bribery incident involving business personnel of IV many pharmaceutical companies in Hunan province and in Shanghai in December 2016. All these clearly reveal the direction and determination of the national health care reform. Whether state-owned enterprises or foreign enterprises, the treatment is the same, so as medical personnel, in the stage of national sustained medical reform, we must study the health care reform policy in-depth, find out the correct direction to guide the development of the industry, otherwise it will be a dead end. After understanding the national medical reform policy and defining the internal and external environment of enterprise development, we should analyze ourselves deeply, fully understand the position of ourselves, and apply PEST analysis method , STP theory , 4P theory, core competitiveness theory to makes a deep analysis of our own organizational structure, current situation of product marketing, customer resources, and current salary assessment system in order to find out the most appropriate marketing strategy providing guidance for the listing of new products. CTTQ has only just entered the top 100 of national pharmaceutical industry in 2008 and has risen to 16th place in the top 100 of the national pharmaceutical industry in 2016, and ranked first in the overall strength of research in China in 2016.Such a fast-growing enterprise has been active in China pharmaceutical market for many years with high growth and high research , but in 2016 it faced sudden medical reform in Fujian .The annual sales performance dropped 50% directly compared with 2015. Despite a series of reforms, negative growth remained in the first half of 2017 compared with the first half of 2016. It is expected that the annual results for the whole year of 2017 will be the flat, or even slightly lower, compared with the first half of 2016. Reform is imminent, especially after we launched a new product of linazolamide in 2017. How to use new marketing strategies to guide the promotion of new products under the new situation is the most urgent thing we need to solve at present. It can not only change the embarrassing situation of Fujian , but also provide reference for the marketing strategy of other products in Fujian, and provide reference for the other three provinces and one city. In order to complete this paper better, we have deeply studied a large number of international marketing theories, and visited many pharmaceutical marketing staffs. According to the marketing situation in Fujian and even all over China , referring to the medical reform route taken by other developed countries, this paper makes an V in-depth analysis of CTTQ Pharmaceutical Group and its marketing tea