随着中国经济及工业的发展,电力用户对电能质量的要求也越来越高。电能质量问 题不仅会导致用电效率下降,更会造成诸多潜在危害包括电气火灾,因此电能质量的预 防和治理拥有广阔的发展空间。特别是结合物联网、大数据分析和人工智能等前沿科技, 帮助客户预先发现电力系统潜在的电能质量风险和避免电气隐患,这个方向具有无限的 发展潜力。本论文以ST公司计划投资的PQS(Power Quality System)电能质量项目作 为研究对象,通过商业计划书的形式,运用战略管理学、营销管理学和财务管理学等理 论,从不同角度对项目进行分析和总体规划。 本文首先对研究的背景进行了阐述,并说明研究的意义,梳理和总结了商业计划书 编制方面和电能质量方面的研究现状,在此基础上提出了研究内容和方法。其次运用 PEST及“五力”模型对项目面临的宏观及欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境进行了分析;并运用SWOT分析法 对项目外部的机会和挑战,以及项目的优劣势进行了分析,得出项目面临的外部机会大 于挑战,项目内部优势大于劣势。第三,通过STP营销工具确定了目标市场,并对项目 的产品、品牌和功能进行了定位;随后运用4P理论为项目制定了营销组合策略。第四, 在财务分析中,通过估测各年度收入和成本得出年度增量现金流,通过EXCEL中财务 函数求得净现值、内部收益率及修正内部收益率、动态回收期等财务主要指标。最后, 对本项目的各项风险因素进行定量分析,采用单因素敏感性分析法,筛选出项目的敏感 性风险因素,其中营业收入,采购成本和销售费用的变动对项目净现值是最为敏感的; 接着采用多因素敏感性分析法,对项目的综合风险承受能力进行分析和判断,为控制风 险提出了相关风险控制的对策和措施。 通过本商业计划书的研究得出:1、本项目具有较好的基础,产品技术优势明显, ST公司具有强大的技术储备和丰富的项目经验,项目自身优势大于劣势,外部机会大 于挑战,项目最优战略是采取“SO-增长型战略”。2、项目定位在高端电能质量治理的 综合解决方案提供商,市场以对电能质量敏感的工业客户为主,以高价值中等价格来挖 掘客户需求。3、项目总投资为2400万元人民币,项目前10年净现值NPV为4857.26 万元,即项目在前10年为公司增加了4857.26万元价值;内部收益率IRR为37.78%, 修正内部收益率MIRR为24.43%,都大于项目的必要报酬率11.4%;动态投资回收期 4.13年,低于投资者期望的5年投资回收期,所以该项目是值得投资的。4、经过单因 素敏感性分析和多因素敏感性分析发现,项目存在一定的风险,需要通过制定专项措施 II 来规避风险:针对营业收入下滑的风险,可加强销售团队的建设和考核,建立项目数据 库,加强大客户的管理和建立销售联盟;针对采购成本上涨的风险,可采取建立原材料 价格档案和价格评估体系,完善采购部降本激励机制,选择信誉好的供应商签订年度采 购合同;针对销售费用上升风险,可以采取建立销售费用预算制度,加强销售费用的过 程管理,创新销售模式降低销售成本。 关键词:电能质量系统;电力参数测量;电力资产管理 III ABSTRACT With the steady development of China's economy, the demand for electric energy in various industries is rapidly increasing, and the emphasis on power quality is gradually increasing. Any power quality problem will lead to a decline in the quality of power consumption and cause many hazards. There is a broad space for the prevention and control of power quality. In particular, combining cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence to help customers discover potential power quality risks and avoid electrical hazards in the power system in advance, this direction has unlimited development potential. This paper takes the PQS (Power Quality System) electric energy project invested by ST company as the research object, and uses the theories of strategic management, marketing management and financial management to analyze the project from different angles in the form of business plan. overall plan. This paper first expounds the background of the research, explains the significance of the research, sorts out and summarizes the research status of the business plan preparation and power quality, and puts forward the research content and method. Secondly, using PEST and five-force model to analyze the macro and industry environment faced by the project, and using SWOT analysis to analyze the opportunities and challenges outside the project, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the project, the external environment facing the project is very favorable, and Internal advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Third, the target market was determined through the STP marketing tool, and the product, brand and function of the project were positioned. Then the 4P theory was used to develop a marketing mix strategy for the project. Fourth, in the financial analysis, the cash flow of each year is obtained by estimating the income and cost, and the financial main functions such as the net present value, the internal rate of return, the revised internal rate of return, and the dynamic payback period are obtained through the financial function in EXCEL. Finally, the risk factors of the project are quantitatively analyzed, and the sensitivity risk factors of the project are selected by the single factor sensitivity analysis method. The changes in operating income, procurement cost and sales income are the most sensitive; then multi-factors are adopted. The sensitivity analysis method analyzes and judges the comprehensive risk tolerance of the project, proposes countermeasures and measures for controlling the risk. Through the research of this business plan, it is concluded that: 1. The project has a good foundation, and the product technology has obvious advantages. ST company has strong technical reserve and rich project experience. The project advantage is greater than the IV disadvantage, and the external opportunity is greater than the challenge. 2. The project is positioned as a solution provider for high-end power quality management. The market is dominated by industrial customers sensitive to power quality, mainly to explore customer demand with high value and medium price. 3. The total investment of the project is 24 million yuan. The net present value of the project is 4,857,260 yuan, which is greater than 0, creating value for the company; the revised internal rate of return is 24.43%, which is greater than the required rate of return of the project by 11.4%; the dynamic investment payback period is 4.13. In the year, it is lower than the 5-year investment payback period expected by investors, so the project is worth investing. 4. After single factor sensitivity analysis and multi-factor sensitivity analysis, the project has certain risks, and certain measures can be taken to avoid risks: the risk of sales revenue decline risk can strengthen the construction and assessment of sales teams and strengthen the project, establish the related database, strengthen the management and service of large customers and establish a joint growth of sales alliances; for the risk of rising procurement costs, we can establish a raw material price file and price evaluation system, establish a procurement department incentive mechanism, and choose a reputable supplier. Sign the annual purchase contract; in view of the rising risk of sales expenses, it is possible to establish a sales expense budget system, strengthen the process management of sales expenses, and innovate the sales model to reduce the cost of sales. Keywords: Power quality system; Power parameter measurement; Power asset management V 目录 摘要 ................. I Abstract ...... III 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 ................ 1 1.2 文献综述 ............................ 2 1.2.1 商业计划书编制方面 .. 2 1.2.2 电能质量方面 .............. 3 1.3 研究方法和内容 ................ 5 第二章 公司及项目介绍 ............. 8 2.1 ST公司实力 ........................ 8 2.2 PQS项目主要内容 ............. 9 2.2.1 产品及特色 .................. 9 2.2.3 业务模式 .................... 12 2.2.4 项目选址 .................... 12 2.3 项目研发和业务开发介绍 ............................. 13 2.3.1 产品研发介绍 ............ 13 2.3.2业务开发介绍 ............. 14 2.4 本章小结 .......................... 15 第三章 环境与市场分析 ........... 16 3.1宏观环境分析 ................... 16 3.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 .................. 18 3.3 竞争态势分析 .................. 20 3.4 SWOT分析与战略选择 ... 23 3.5 本章小结 .......................... 25 第四章 组织管理计划 ............... 26 4.1 组织结构