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当前,我国住宅的销售大多仍然采用预售制模式为主,客户通常在还没有获 得对所购买的住房的清晰体验和感受之前,就需要在商品房交付之前,就要支付 部分甚至是全部的房款,由此而严重影响了消费者购买住房的欲望。因此,在商 品房的预售阶段,增加销售者与消费者之间的情感交流,增强消费者的互动体验, 就成为商品房销售的重要环节。因此,房地产企业必须突出自身房地产项目的营 销特点,使房地产项目在营销方面显示出差异性,因地制宜的设计项目的体验营 销方案,以有效提升房地产项目的销售效果。 因此,本文通过对A公司房地产C项目深入研究,运用体验营销理论,结合 公司房地产营销实践,采用文献研究法、问卷调查法、实证分析法等研究方法, 在进行体验式营销进行概述的基础上,对A公司地产C项目的基本情况进行了简 要介绍,分析了A公司房地产C项目的核心要素有身份识别要素、环境要素、电 子媒介要素、交流要素和产品要素等五个方面,提出了体验式营销在项目中的应 用方法,对感官式体验、情感式体验、联想式体验、行动式体验等用户参与体验 在该项目的内容加以了确定,并通过问卷调查对该项目进行实证分析,由问卷调 查及分析表明顾客对房地产产品本身的设计、建造质量、环境布局等要素的体验, 是房地产体验式营销的核心要素,同时也是进行体验式营销设计时,最需要加以 关注和利用的要素。进而以此为基础,对该项目的体验营销应用经验进行了分析 和总结,进一步研究提出了适合公司房地产项目的体验营销策略组合,并对体验 营销在房地产中的应用提出了相关建议。 关键词:房地产,市场化运作,体验式营销,应用策略 湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II Abstract At present, most of the residential sales in China are still based on the pre-sale system. Customers usually need to pay part or even all of the housing payment before the delivery of commercial housing before they have a clear experience and feeling of the housing they buy, which seriously affects the desire of consumers to buy housing. Therefore, in the pre-sale phase of commercial housing, increase the emotional exchanges between sellers and consumers, enhance the interactive experience of consumers, has become an important part of commercial housing sales. Therefore, real estate enterprises must highlight the marketing characteristics of their real estate projects, so that real estate projects in the marketing show the opposite sex, according to local conditions of the design of the project experience marketing program, in order to effectively improve the real estate project sales effect. The research of this paper shows that for the core elements of A company real estate C project in Hefei, there are mainly five aspects: identity elements, environment elements, electronic media elements, communication elements and product elements. In order to achieve greater marketing effect in the real estate sales, the design of the real estate sales experience marketing module should be carried out in accordance with the actual situation including all types of experience elements. By the questionnaire survey and the analysis shows that in the experiential marketing, customer quality of real estate product itself to design, build, environmental layout elements such as experience, is the real estate core elements of experiential marketing, and design of experiential marketing, the need to pay attention and use of elements, at the same time, because of other factors have a certain correlation with the core elements of the product, therefore, in the process of real estate marketing experience design, also need to consider other factors. In the specific link of experiential marketing, the need to further strengthen the experience form design and the customer's attention, and the company's need to pay attention to, is the experiential marketing in sensory experience, Emotional mode experience, predictive experience, operation experience and experience of the specific content, the company shall, in order to enhance the quality of the product of real estate project elements as the key point, on the basis of effectively improving the quality of real estate project elements influence, to provide customers with distinctive characteristics of the various marketing experience, thus effectively increase the real estate project products of the company to attract customers. Keywords: real estate, market operation, experiential marketing, the application strategy 湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 III 目 录 摘要 ...................................................................... I Abstract ................................................................... II 目 录 .................................................................... III 第1章 绪论 ................................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景............................................................. 1 1.2 研究目的............................................................. 2 1.3 研究意义............................................................. 3 1.4 研究思路和方法....................................................... 4 1.4.1 研究思路 ....................................................... 4 1.4.2 研究方法 ....................................................... 4 第2章 国内外研究现状 ........................................................ 5 2.1 国外研究现状......................................................... 5 2.2 国内研究现状......................................................... 6 2.3 已有现状评价......................................................... 9 第3章 体验式营销相关理论 ................................................... 10 3.1 相关概念界定........................................................ 10 3.1.1 体验式营销概念 ................................................ 10 3.1.2 体验式营销的特征 .............................................. 10 3.2 体验式营销理论...................................................... 11 3.3 体验式营销模式...................................................... 13 3.4 体验式营销操作步骤 .................................................. 15 3.4.1 识别目标客户 .................................................. 15 3.4.2 加强与客户接触 ................................................ 16 3.4.3 从目标客户视角为其提供体验 .................................... 16 3.4.4 确定体验的具体内容,并让客户参与体验 .......................... 16 3.4.5 进行评价与控制 ................................................ 17 3.5 体验式营销优点...................................................... 17 第4章 C项目的体验式营销分析 ............................................... 18 4.1 项目概况............................................................ 18 4.1.1 项目概况 ...................................................... 18 4.1.2 项目基本面分析 ................................................ 18 4.2 体验营销在项目中的应用 .............................................. 19 4.2.1 识别目标顾客 .................................................. 20 4.2.2 认识目标顾客 .................................................. 23 湖 北 工 业 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IV 4.2.3 从目标客户视角为其提高体验 .................................... 25 4.3 体验内容的确定即客户参与体验 ........................................ 26 4.3.1 感官式体验 .................................................... 29 4.3.2 情感式体验 .................................................... 35 4.3.3 联想式体验 .................................................... 36 4.3.4 行动式体验 .................................................... 37 4.3.5 关联式体验 .................................................... 37 4.4 电子商务环境下房地产的体验营销特点及策略 ............................ 38 4.4.1 电子商务环境下房地产的体验营销特点 ............................ 38 4.4.2 电子商务环境下房地产的体验营销策略 ............................ 38 第5章 C项目体验营销效果分析 ............................................... 40 5.1 评估方法............................................................ 40 5.2 问卷设计与评价过程 .................................................. 40 5.2.1 问卷设计 ...................................................... 40 5.2.2 问卷调查实施情况 .............................................. 41 5.3 问卷实证分析.

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