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随着经济的不断繁荣进步,居民收入水平得到较大的改善,都市中居民对居住环境 的要求也进一步提高,舒适与精致成为影响新房居住感的重要因素。快速、紧张、高压 的生活节奏,使得上班族并没有充足的时间亲自完成高标准的装修需求,从设计的个性 化到施工监管的高要求,再到装饰材料的选择上,需要一家专业全面的装饰公司为其解 决所有的问题。ZJ 家装项目商业计划书主要是通过对当前家装市场的研究和分析,创立 一家解决装修业主痛点的装饰公司,该装饰公司不仅包含设计和施工,还包含装修材料 比价、选购等相关配套服务。ZJ 公司的每个工程由设计师、采购专员、项目监理、工程 质检、客服人员“五对一”模式为业主全方位服务,力求创造一个超高性价比,省钱、 省时、省心、轻松愉快的装修过程。 本文以 ZJ 装饰公司的家装项目为研究对象编写项目商业计划书,通过前期对项目 科学调研,收集有效信息,然后结合市场、产品、营销、人员、制度、管理等各方面对 即将开展的商业计划项目进行研究分析,运用课程中接触过的相关理论知识,运用案例、 分析、文献研究法,对该项目的市场环境、市场细分、市场机会、产品定位、市场营销、 管理团队和项目风险等要素进行深入分析。针对本文选定区域——广州,主要调研了广 州消费者的需求情况,并根据需求情况划分市场,从而进一步确定本公司在广州市场的 目标顾客,对其进行精准产品定位;寻找市场机会,对其进行精准营销;控制项目成本、 增加差异化优势、降低项目风险、提升盈利能力;提高项目的可行性,为项目未来的经 营管理、风险防范提供决策建议。该公司的经营模式如下:业务人员对营销进行负责, 而设计师则对设计服务提供相应服务,施工项目则是由项目监理进行直接管理,公司对 施工所需的辅材进行统一供给。ZJ 装饰注重施工工程的质量、进度以及完善的售后服务, 秉承“创立一个品牌、做好一项工程、服务一方业主、赢得一片市场”的经营理念,全 程把控设计细节、装修预算、施工质量、现场管理、验收交底和饰后服务。 本文研究结论主要有以下三点:(1)在未来的发展进程中,家装公司的发展潜力 巨大;(2)本文确定了 ZJ 公司的商业模式、目标市场和营销战略,为 ZJ 公司项目落 地提供了有力的理论依据;(3)ZJ 装饰项目的经营模式是可以被市场所认可,项目计 划具有可行性也可以得到相应的市场回报。 关键词:ZJ 家装项目;战略管理;商业定位;市场营销II ABSTRACT Under the sustained economic prosperity, people's income level will be improved tomorrow, and the urban people will put forward higher requirements for their own home environment. Comfort and refinement have become an important factor affecting the living feeling of new houses. The fast, tense and high-pressure life rhythm makes office workers do not have enough time to complete the high standard decoration demand in person. From the personalized design to the high requirements of construction supervision, and then to the selection of decoration materials, a professional and comprehensive decoration company is needed to solve all the problems. The business plan of ZJ decoration company is mainly through the research and analysis of the current home decoration market to create a decoration company to solve the owner's pain points. The decoration company not only includes design and construction, but also includes decoration material price comparison, purchase and other related supporting services. ZJ company's "five to one" mode of designers, procurement specialists, project supervisors, project quality inspection and customer service personnel provides all-round services for the owners, striving to create a super cost-effective, cost-effective, time-saving, relaxed and pleasant decoration process. This paper takes ZJ decoration company as the research object to prepare the project business plan. Taking the project as the object, this paper analyzes the previous research results, collects the corresponding information, and deeply analyzes the implemented business plan project according to the marketing, marketing, management, product and many other aspects. This paper makes scientific use of many theoretical knowledge in the course, and analyzes the market environment with the help of cases, analysis, literature and other methods, market segmentation, market opportunity, product positioning, marketing, management team and project risk. In view of the selected region Guangzhou, this paper mainly investigates the demand of Guangzhou consumers, and divides the market according to the demand situation, so as to further determine the target customers of the company in Guangzhou market, carry out precise product positioning, find market opportunities and carry out precise marketing, control project cost, increase differentiation advantage, the project risk is significantly reduced, while the profitability is significantly increased, so that the feasibility of the project is improved, and then the subsequent risk prevention. Project management provides important decision support. The model of ZJ company is as follows: sales personnel are responsible for marketing, designers are responsible for providing design services, engineering supervision directly manages construction projects, and all auxiliary materials in businessIII construction are provided by the company. ZJ decoration pays attention to the quality, progress and perfect after-sales service of the construction project. Adhering to the business philosophy of "creating a brand, doing a good job in a project, serving one owner and winning a market", ZJ decoration controls the design details, decoration budget, construction quality, site management, acceptance disclosure and post decoration service. The research conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) in the future development process, this industry company has a very high development space; (2) This study takes ZJ company as the object to clarify its business model, marketing strategy and target market, which provides a strong theoretical basis for the project implementation of ZJ company; (3) the business model of ZJ decoration project can be recognized by the market, and the project plan is feasible In order to get the corresponding market returns. Keywords: ZJ Home Improvement Projects; Strategic Management; Commercial Positioning; MarketingIV 目 录 摘要.............I Abstract ......... II 图表清单...VIII 第一章 绪论..1 1.1 研究背景............................ 1 1.1.1 国内家装市场............. 1 1.1.2 国内房产市场............. 1 1.2 文献综述............................ 2 1.2.1 国内研究现状............. 2 1.2.2 国外研究现状............. 3 1.3 研究内容和框架................ 5 1.3.1 研究内容..................... 5 1.3.2 研究框架..................... 5 1.4 研究方法............................ 6 1.4.1 文献研究法................. 6 1.4.2 调查研究法................. 7 1.4.3 案例分析法................. 7 第二章 ZJ 项目概况....................8 2.1 项目背景............................ 8 2.2 产品及服务........................ 8 2.2.1 家装产品..................... 8 2.2.2 服务流程..................... 9 2.3 商业模式.......................... 11 2.3.1 “我家我设计”....... 11 2.3.2 “超级智慧家”....... 11 2.3.3 主辅材 F2C 直采直供模式 ..................... 11 2.3.4 云监工....................... 12 2.3.5 “五对一”服务模式.............................. 12 2.4 核心竞争力...................... 13V 2.4.1 拥有自己的施工团队.............................. 13 2.4.2 灵活的产品与服务... 13 2.4.3 具象化展示............... 13 2.4.4 家居一站式服务....... 14 2.4.5 增项控制在 5%以内. 14 2.4.6 施工过程全程监控... 14 2.5 经营目标.......................... 15 2.6 本章小结.......................... 15 第三章 市场分析.......................16 3.1 家装欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展现状分析.. 16 3.1.1 家装企业数量多....... 16 3.1.2 家装企业规模小....... 16 3.1.3 专业化程度低........... 16 3.1.4 家装市场不规范....... 17 3.1.5 技术开发滞后........... 17 3.2 ZJ 装饰的 SWOT 分析..... 17 3.2.1 外部环境的机会与威胁.......................... 18 3.2.2 ZJ 家装项目的优势与劣势...................... 19 3.3 波特五力模型分析.......... 20 3.3.1 供应商议价能力....... 20 3.3.2 新进入者的威胁....... 21 3.3.3 替代品的威胁........... 21 3.3.4 业主议价能力........... 22 3.3.5 同业竞争程度分析... 22 3.4 本章小结.......................... 24 第四章 目标市场及市场定位...25 4.1 市场需求和细分市场...... 25 4.1.1 市场需求................... 25 4.1.2 市

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