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随着银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的不断发展和转型,很多金融机构在高端客户的挖掘方面都面临 着很大的竞争,同时为了稳固高端客户的现有量,各家银行都想尽一切办法挖掘 高端客户的潜在价值。作为个人业务发展的决定性因素,怎样有效拓展高端客户, 并对高端客户群体进行精细的客户关系管理,将决定兰州银行的经济效益和发展 能力是否能又快又好地提升。 本论文以兰州银行为研究对象,梳理了客户关系管理的相关概念及主要理 论,详细介绍了兰州银行个人业务的发展状况、高端客户关系管理的现状及服务 内容等。采用调查问卷的方法,获得了350位金融资产在300万元以上的高端客 户样本,从客户的视角来测度个人高端客户关系管理存在的问题。同时又选取 18位在兰州银行从事客户关系管理的相关人员,逐一进行深度访谈,从员工的 视角进一步验证高端客户关系管理方面存在的不足。借助对调查问卷和访谈结果 的分析,笔者指出兰州银行个人高端客户关系管理方面存在客户准入与分层不科 学、客户维护流于形式、产品和服务缺乏多样性等严重问题。同时,本文汲取国 内与国际发达银行的客户管理经验,针对兰州银行存在的不足,从高端客户准入、 高端客户开发、高端客户的维护、高端客户的挽救、高端客户的退出五个方面提 出兰州银行个人高端客户关系管理的优化策略。最后,为有效实现优化策略的效 果,还从组织层面、制度层面、技术层面、文化层面等提出保障措施,不断提高 客户满意度和忠诚度,降低高端客户流失率,增强兰州银行的客户挖掘潜力和竞 争水准。 本次研究有利于提高兰州银行个人业务的综合实力,也有利于提高兰州银行 的市场占有率,明确高端客户对该行发展的决定性作用。对兰州银行高端客户的 精细化管理具有深刻的指导作用,而且对其他地方性商业银行优化客户关系管理 也有着一定的借鉴和参考意义。 关键词:高端客户,客户关系管理,客户价值,优化策略 MBA学位论文 作者:景亚楠 兰州银行个人高端客户关系管理优化研究 II RESEARCH ON CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT FOR HIGH-QUALITY INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS OPTIMIZATION OF BANK OF LANZHOU Abstract With the continuous development and transformation of the banking industry, many financial institutions are facing great competition in the exploitation of high-quality customers. At the same time, in order to stabilize the high-quality customers, various banks have done everything possible to tap the potential value of high-quality customers. As a decisive factor for personal business development, how to effectively expand high-quality customers and conduct sophisticated customer relationship management for high-quality customer groups will determine whether economic efficiency and development capabilities of Bank of Lanzhou can be improved quickly and well. This paper takes Bank of Lanzhou as the research object, sorts out the related concepts and main theories of customer relationship management, and introduces the development status of personal business in detail, the status quo of high-quality customer relationship management and service contents of Bank of Lanzhou. Through questionnaires, 350 high-quality customers with financial assets of more than 3 million yuan were obtained to measure the problems in personal high-quality customer relationship management from the perspective of customers. Meanwhile, 18 relevant personnel engaged in customer relationship management in Bank of Lanzhou were selected to conduct in-depth interviews one by one to further verify the deficiencies in high-quality customer relationship management from the perspective of employees. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire and interview results, the author points out that there are serious problems in personal high-quality customer relationship management of Bank of Lanzhou, such as unscientific customer access and layering, superficial customer maintenance, and the lack of diversity in products and services. At the same time, this article draws on the customer management MBA学位论文 作者:景亚楠 兰州银行个人高端客户关系管理优化研究 III experience of developed domestic and international banks, and addresses the shortcomings of Bank of Lanzhou, and proposes from five aspects: high-quality customer access, high-quality customer development, high-quality customer maintenance, high-quality customer rescue, and high-quality customer exit optimization strategies for personal high-quality customer relationship management in banks. Finally, in order to effectively achieve the effect of the optimization strategy, it also proposes safeguard measures at the organizational, institutional, technical, and cultural levels to continuously improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, reduce the rate of high-quality customer churn, and enhance the potential of customers and the competition of bank of Lanzhou. This study is conducive to improving the comprehensive strength of personal business and also to increase the market share of Bank of Lanzhou, and to clarify the decisive role of high-quality customers in the development of the bank. It has a profound guiding effect on the refined management of high-quality customers of Bank of Lanzhou, and also has certain reference and reference significance for other local commercial banks to optimize customer relationship management. Key words: High-quality customer, customer relationship management, customer value, optimization strategy MBA学位论文 作者:景亚楠 兰州银行个人高端客户关系管理优化研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 .................................................................................................................................... I Abstract..................................................................................................................................... II 第一章 绪论 ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1研究背景与意义 ............................................... 1 1.1.1研究背景 ................................................. 1 1.1.2研究意义 ................................................. 4 1.2研究内容与框架 ............................................... 5 1.2.1研究内容 ................................................. 5 1.2.2研究框架 ................................................. 5 1.3研究方法与创新 ............................................... 6 1.3.1研究方法 ................................................. 6 1.3.2研究创新 ................................................. 7 第二章 相关概念与理论基础 ....................................................................................... 8 2.1 相关概念 .................................................... 8 2.1.1银行高端客户服务 ......................................... 8 2.1.2客户关系管理 ............................................ 10 2.2 理论基础 ................................................... 13 2.2.1关系营销理论 ............................................ 13 2.2.2客户价值理论 ............................................ 14 2.2.3顾客满意理论 ............................................ 14 2.2.4客户生命周期理论 ........................................ 15 2.3商业银行客户关系管理相关理论与实践 .......................... 17 2.3.1国内银行客户关系管理 .................................... 17 2.3.2国外银行客户关系管理 .................................... 17 2.3.3借鉴与启示 .............................................. 18 第三章 兰州银行个人高端客户关系管理现状分析 .................................... 20 MBA学位论文 作者:景亚楠 兰州银行个人高端客户关系管理优化研究 V 3.1兰州银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务概况 ............................................ 20 3.1.1兰州银行简介 ............................................ 20 3.1.2兰州银行组织结构及产品组合概况 .......................... 23 3.2兰州银行个人高端客户关系管理现状 ............................ 25 3.2.1兰州银行高端客户规模及来源 .............................. 25 3.2.2兰州银行高端客户服务渠道 ................................ 27 3.2.3兰州银行高端客户服务特色 ................................ 29 3.2.4兰州银行高端客户服务流程 ................................ 29 3.2.5兰州银行高端客户服务系统 ................................ 30 3.3兰州银行个人高端客户关系管理问卷调查 ........................ 31 3.3.1问卷调查的基本原则 ...................................... 31 3.3.2调查问卷的设计 .......................................... 32 3.3.3调查问卷的发放与回

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