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阳江市海陵岛具有丰富的旅游资源及日益增长的旅游经济,项目发起人有意进入当 地潜力巨大的民宿市场,开发和经营民宿项目。但本项目投入的部分资金还有缺口,为 了让潜在的投资者能够更快、更有效地了解项目的实施计划,也为了帮助创业合伙人全 面了解项目发展的详细计划,须对“喜海言山”民宿项目的商业计划进行研究。 本文首先对“喜海言山”民宿项目的建设计划与发展规划进行论述;并以其所处的 旅游欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司进行宏观分析,从政策、经济、社会和技术对本项目所面临的环境进行分析; 使用波特五力模型分析本项目的产业竞争环境,进而帮助企业选择相应的竞争战略对 策;运用 SWOT 分析从机会、威胁、优势和劣势等角度分析内外部环境对项目产生的 竞争影响;在制定项目市场定位的同时通过市场需求分析设定营销目标,运用 STP 营销 管理理论制定项目的营销组合策略,以达到项目品牌的广泛宣传。然后,根据项目发展 规划制定服务管理计划与客户关系管理计划,依据项目发展设定组织管理结构和工作团 体组成,确定用人计划。其次,通过测算“喜海言山”民宿项目的净现值和内部报酬率, 对本项目的财务效益进行了客观评价。最后,运用敏感性分析找出项目的风险因素,并 对其风险的大小进行了度量,为应对潜在的经营风险提出了防范对策。 通过本商业计划书的研究得出:1、“喜海言山”民宿项目所面临的宏观环境十分有 利于自身的发展,同时本项目的发展优势大于劣势,机会大于挑战,具有较好的前景。 2、本项目以中高端收入人群为主要目标客户,凭借其在地的丰富旅游资源和良好的服 务计划、客户关系管理计划吸引目标客户,运用 STP 营销理论制定 4P+2R 的营销组合 策略藉以实现项目的营销目标。3、总投资为 110 万元,项目所得税后净现值为 98.98 万元;IRR 和 MIRR 分别为 26.42%和 17.54%,均大于基准收益率 12.20%,经济效益显 著。4、通过单因素与多因素感敏性分析,项目经营在不出现极其特别的意外事件的情况 下,本项目总是在创在价值的;同时,通过设立相应的风险防范措施来应对极其特别事 件带来的经营风险。 通过本项目的商业计划研究,为“喜海言山”民宿项目的建设发展规划提供指导和 本项目的融资活动提供决策依据,也为其他同类项目的商业计划研究提供借鉴。 关键词:民宿;滨海民宿;乡村旅游;商业计划书II Abstract Hailing Island of Yangjiang City has rich tourist resources and growing tourism economy. The project sponsor intends to enter the local home stay tourism market, develop and operate a Homestay named “Like Sea and Mountains” there. However, part of the funds invested in this project still a gap needs to be financing, It is extremely necessary to conduct research on the business plan of the homestay project in order to enable potential investors to understand the implementation plan of the project faster and more effectively, and also to help start-up partners fully understand the detailed plan of project development First of all, this paper expounds the construction plan and development program of the homestay project. A macro-environment analysis is then conducted based on the political, economic, social and technological environment that this tourism project is facing. Porter's five-force model is applied to analyze the industrial competition environment of this project in order to help the company to choose corresponding competitive strategic countermeasures. The competitive impact of the internal and external environment on the project is analyzed from the perspective of opportunities, threats, advantages and disadvantages (the SWOT analysis). While formulating the project's market positioning, this paper also sets the marketing goals through market demand analysis, and uses the STP theory to formulate the project's marketing mix strategy to achieve extensive brand publicity. Afterwards, the service management plan and customer relationship management plan are formulated, and the organization and management structure are set up and the recruit plan is determined according to project development program. Furthermore, the financial benefits of the project are objectively evaluated by calculating the net present value and internal rate of return of its. Finally, the sensitivity analysis is used to find out the risk factors of the project, and it sizes are measured , in order to proposes preventive measures against the potential risks of the project. Through the research findings of this business plan,the following conclusions have been put forward: 1. The macro environment of the “Like Sea and Mountains” Homestay project is very conducive to its own development. Meanwhile, the development advantages of the project are greater than disadvantages, opportunities are greater than challenges, which puts the project under promising future. 2. This Homestay project takes the middle- and high-income groups as the main target customers. By taking advantage of the rich local tourism resources, good service managementIII plan and customer relationship management plan of the project, the target customers shall be attracted. STP marketing theory is applied to develop the 4P2R marketing mix strategy in order to achieve the marketing target of this project. 3. The total investment of the project is 1.1 million yuan, the NPV is 989,800 yuan; the IRR and MIRR are 26.42% and 17.54% respectively, which are higher than the benchmark yield of 12.20%, and showing significant economic benefits of the project. 4. The project is always creating value without extremely special accidents by the single-factor and multi-factor sensitivity analysis. Meanwhile, risks prevention measures are set up to deal with the business risks caused by extremely special events. Through the business plan study of the “Like Sea and Mountains” Homestay project, this paper provides guidance for the construction and development planning and decision-making for the financing activities of the project, and also provides reference for the business plan research of other similar projects. Key Words: Homestay; Beach Resort Homestay; Rural tourism; Business PlanIV 目 录 摘要.............I ABSTRACT .. II 目 录............IV 图表清单.....VII 第一章 绪论..1 1.1 研究的背景和意义............. 1 1.2 文献综述............................. 1 1.2.1 民宿欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展相关文献............................. 1 1.2.2 民宿建设运营方面相关文献..................... 2 1.2.3 分析工具方面的相关文献......................... 3 1.3 研究的方法与内容............. 4 第二章 项目背景与建设规划.....7 2.1 项目背景与经营规模......... 7 2.1.1 项目背景...................... 7 2.1.2 主题定位...................... 8 2.1.3 项目规模...................... 9 2.2 选址与房屋设计............... 10 2.3 开发建设计划................... 13 2.4 项目发展规划................... 14 2.5 本章小结........................... 15 第三章 环境分析与市场营销计划..........................17 3.1 旅游欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司宏观环境分析... 17 3.1.1 政策环境.................... 17 3.1.2 经济环境.................... 18 3.1.3 社会环境.................... 19 3.1.4 技术环境.................... 21 3.2 项目前景与竞争力分析... 22 3.2.1 民宿市场发展分析.... 22V 3.2.2 项目的前景分析........ 24 3.2.3 项目竞争五力分析.... 25 3.3 项目 SWOT 分析 ............. 27 3.3.1 优势分析(S).......... 28 3.3.2 劣势分析(W) ........ 28 3.3.3 机会分析(O) ......... 28 3.3.4 威胁分析(T) ......... 29 3.3.5 组合分析.................... 29 3.4 项目市场定位................... 30 3.5 营销目标........................... 32 3.6 营销组合策略................... 33 3.6.1 产品策略.................... 34 3.6.2 价格策略.................... 34 3.6.3 分销策略.................... 35 3.6.4 促销策略.................... 36 3.6.5 关联策略.................... 36 3.6.6 关系策略.................... 36 3.7 本章小结........................... 37 第四章 项目运营计划...............38 4.1 服务管理计划................... 38 4.2 客户关系管理计划........... 39 4.3 组织管理计划................... 40 4.3.1 组织架构设置............ 40 4.3.2 职责分工.................... 41 4.3.3 项目管理团队............ 41 4.3.4 人员配置及薪酬估算 42 4.4 运营成本费用估算........... 43 4.4.1 土地使用租赁费........ 43 4.4.2 民宿用品采购成本估算........................... 44 4.4.3 其他运营费用测算.... 45VI 4.4.4 广告营销费用预算.... 46 4.4.5 总运营成本费用汇总 47 4.5 本章小结........................... 48 第五章 财务计划与效益评价...49 5.1 必要的说明和假设........... 49 5.2 投融资计划与退出方式... 50

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