近年来,茶饮市场蓬勃发展,现制茶饮满足了消费群体对“健康、新鲜茶饮”的需 求,实现了对常规瓶装饮料的部分替代。全国现制茶饮门店数达41万家,年增长率高 达74%。在我国范围内,新兴现制茶饮连锁品牌的出现,不仅颠覆了消费者对中国茶的 传统认知,也促进了现制茶饮欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的快速发展。 同时,伴随着移动互联网的发展,智能终端的普及,以信息化、数字化为特征的营 销新时代已经来临。在移动互联时代的背景下,云计算、大数据、物联网等新信息技术 与传统经济形式快递融合,打破了传统经济时代下消费者与企业间的信息不对称格局。 传统企业在价格体系、品牌市场、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司规则方面屡屡受到冲击。多数茶饮连锁企业因为 缺乏系统的互联思维和转型体系路径,对营销模式的互联网化只停留在表面的营销模式 叠加上,难以制定有效的营销策略。 笔者通过对正处于转型期的茶饮连锁企业MX公司营销工作的数字化转型情况进 行研究,发现该企业在现阶段的营销活动中,数字化营销策略与营销环境存在不适应, 难以融合的问题。这再一次说明了对数字化营销策略实施研究的必要性。为了找出实现 MX公司数字化营销策略实施的可行方式,本文围绕发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的 思路展开了研究: (1)发现问题:通过分析茶饮连锁企业现阶段的营销环境,发现MX公司的数字 化营销活动与其不适应之处,结合内部问卷调查结果发掘MX公司数字化营销策略的现 存问题; (2)分析问题:基于4D营销策略组合理论,分析MX公司的数字化营销策略现 存问题与环境不协调的原因; (3)解决问题:基于4D营销策略组合理论,借鉴同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司先进企业经验,提出相应 问题的解决办法。 本文希望通过分析MX在数字化营销方面的创新成果以及不足之处,总结得出互联 网时代下数字化营销策略的思路和技巧,以此丰富市场营销学中营销策略的相关理论。 此外,本文希望通过分析MX在中国市场的数字化营销策略,为互联网时代有意进入茶 II 饮连锁市场的中国企业制定数字化营销策略提供一定的借鉴。本文结合各位专家学者的 研究结果,与MX的数字化营销成果相对照,通过对其数字化营销策略的现状及存在问 题、微宏观营销环境、数字化营销策略的实施等方面进行分析,提出相应的对策,以此 来探讨MX应如何改进其数字化营销策略,形成一套更适合MX发展的数字化营销体系, 以此实现顾客的消费体验的升级,增加客户粘性,提高MX的业务增长速度、发挥其竞 争优势、提高核心竞争力。 关键词:大数据,茶饮连锁企业,数字化营销,营销策略,MX III ABSTRACT In recent years, the tea drinks market develops rapidly. Freshly-made tea drinks not only meet consumers’ need for “healthy and fresh drinks” but also partly substitute normal bottled drinks. There have been 410 thousand freshly-made drinks stores around the country, and the annual rate of growth even has reached up to 74%. In China, the APPearance of tea drinks chain brands not only change consumers’ traditional perception of Chinese tea but also promote the rapid development of freshly-made tea drinks industry. Meanwhile, with the development of mobile internet and the popularity of intelligent terminals, the new marketing era featured by informatization and digitization has arrived. Since the era of mobile Internet access, new information technologies and traditional economic forms are rapidly integrated, such as cloud computing, big data, Internet of things. It breaks the information asymmetry pattern between consumers and enterprises in the traditional economic era.It has broken the information asymmetry pattern between consumers and enterprises in the traditional economic era. The price system, brand market and industry rules of traditional enterprises have been repeatedly impacted. However, most tea chain enterprises only stay on the surface of the digital marketing mode, because of the lack of systematic Internet thinking and transformation system path. Therefore, it is difficult for them to develop effective marketing strategies. Through the research on the digital transformation of marketing work of MX company, a tea chain enterprise in the transition period, the author finds that in the current marketing activities of this enterprise, digital marketing strategy and marketing environment are not suitable and difficult to integrate. This once again explains the necessity of carrying out research on digital marketing strategy. In order to find out a feasible way to implement MX company's digital marketing strategy, this paper focuses on the ideas of discovering, analyzing and solving problems. (1)Discovery of problems: through analyzing the marketing environment of tea chain enterprises at the present stage, it finds out the inadaptability of MX company's digital marketing activities, and explores the existing problems of MX company's digital marketing strategies based on the results of internal questionnaires; IV (2)Analysis of problems: based on the 4D marketing strategy combination theory, analyze the reasons for the existing problems in MX company's digital marketing strategy and the incongruity between environment; (3) Problem solving: based on the combination theory of 4D marketing strategy, draw lessons from the experience of advanced enterprises in the same industry, propose solutions to corresponding problems. In this paper, the author intends to conclude digital marketing strategy in the internet era based on the analysis of MX’s innovation achievements and its deficiencies in the aspect of digital marketing so as to enrich the theories related to marketing strategy. Furthermore, the author hopes that this paper can provide references for Chinese enterprises which plan to enter the tea drinks market in the internet era to make proper digital marketing strategies. Based on the comparison between the results of the research conducted by experts and scholars and the outcome of MX’s digital marketing, the author proposes corresponding strategies after conducting analyses in the aspects of the current situation and problems of digital marketing strategy, the micro-environment and macro-environment of marketing and the implementation of digital marketing strategy. Furthermore, the author also discusses how MX improves its digital marketing strategy and then establishes a digital marketing strategy system which is more suitable for the development of MX so as to upgrade customers’ shopping experience, enhance customer loyalty, accelerate MX’s business growth, gain more competitive edges and improve the core competitiveness. KEY WORDS: Big data,Tea drinks chain enterprise,Digital marketing,Marketing strategy,MX V 目 录 摘要...............I ABSTRACTIII 1 绪论............1 1.1研究背景与意义.................1 1.1.1 研究背景......................1 1.1.2 研究意义......................3 1.2国内外文献综述.................3 1.2.1 国内研究现状..............3 1.2.2 国外研究现状..............4 1.2.3 国内外相关研究述评..5 1.3研究方法与内容.................6 1.3.1 研究方法......................6 1.3.2 研究内容......................6 1.4研究创新之处.....................7 2 数字化营销的概念界定及相关理论基础..............9 2.1 数字化营销概念界定.........9 2.2 相关理论基础...................10 2.2.1 直复营销理论............10 2.2.2 关系营销理论............10 2.2.3 体验式营销理论........10 2.2.4 软营销理论................10 2.2.5 4D营销策略组合理论..............................11 3 MX公司数字化营销环境及营销策略组合分析.13 3.1 MX公司介绍....................13 VI 3.2 宏观环境分析...................14 3.2.1政策法规环境.............14 3.2.2经济环境.....................14 3.2.3社会环境.....................15 3.2.4技术环境.....................16 3.3微观环境分析...................16 3.3.1 竞争者分析................16 3.3.2 消费者分析................17 3.4 MX公司SWOT分析.......18 3.4.1 优势分析....................19 3.4.2 劣势分析....................19 3.4.3 机会分析....................19 3.4.4 威胁分析....................20 3.5 4D组合..............................20 3.5.1需求.............................20 3.5.2动态.............................23 3.5.3传递.............................23 3.5.4数据.............................24 4 MX公司数字化营销策略实施现状及问题分析.27 4.1. MX数字化营销策略的实施目的..................27 4.1.1 提升公司形象............27 4.1.2 丰富营销手段............27 4.1.3 深度挖掘市场信息....28 4.1.4 完善顾客消费体验....28 4.1.5 营销活动的降本增效28 4.2 MX公司数字化营销策略的实施现状...........29 4.3 MX公司数字化营销策略