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网络经济的发展为平台经济的兴起与消费者消费观念和购物模式的改变提 供了条件,平台经济背景下消费者行为的相关研究在学术界的被关注度日渐提 升。但既有文献大多集中于对消费者正向消费行为的探究,商业伦理问题的缓解 被提上日程的同时,同样影响市场秩序的消费者伦理问题却被忽视,消费者非伦 理行为的研究成为商业伦理与消费者行为相关研究中亟待完善的部分。与此同 时,随着企业营销同质化程度日趋严重,关注消费者的隐性需求在激烈的市场竞 争中愈发重要。其中,企业对履行社会责任的重视程度是影响消费者对其评价及 消费者自身行为的重要因素。因此,本研究启发于当下频发的社会责任行为缺失 现象,在平台企业社会责任行为与消费者非伦理行为关系的实证分析结果的基 础上,提出有针对性的行为治理机制与措施,在提升文章的学术价值与理论意义 的同时,提高本研究的现实意义。 本研究将理论与实证相结合,首先参考既有的包含消费者认知、情感和行为 变量的消费者行为决策模型构建了企业社会责任行为与消费者非伦理行为关系 的模型框架。接着,在社会契约理论、组织认同理论、挫折理论和中和技术理论 的支撑下引入消费者认同和其购后的感知风险作为中介变量,反映消费者的内 部心理环境。其次,本文为保证模型的完整性,将影响行为决策的外在与内在因 素相结合,引入消费者相对主义伦理意识作为调节变量,在中介变量对非伦理行 为决策的影响过程中进行干扰。然后,提出本文的研究假设,参考成熟量表完成 问卷的设计与数据的收集,并借助SPSS20.0和AMOS24.0软件完成实证分析。 实证结果显示:(1)企业社会责任行为会增加消费者—企业认同并降低消 费者感知风险;(2)消费者—企业认同负向影响其非伦理行为,消费者购后的 感知风险正向影响其非伦理行为;(3)消费者—企业认同与其购后的感知风险 部分中介了企业社会责任行为对消费者非伦理行为的影响;(4)消费者相对主 义伦理意识在感知风险对非伦理行为的影响路径中产生显著的调节效应,能够 增强感知风险对消费者非伦理行为倾向的促进作用。最后,本文基于以上研究结 论,以优化网络消费环境、促进网络经济和平台经济健康发展为最终目标,构建 包含一基础一关键两辅助的消费者非伦理行为的治理机制,并从企业管理、政府 调控及社会干预三个层面提出有针对性的多主体共同参与的治理措施。 关键词:平台企业社会责任;企业社会责任行为;消费者非伦理行为;治理 II Abstract The development of the Internet economy has provided conditions for the rise of the platform economy and changes in consumers’ consumption concepts and shopping models. Research on consumer behavior in the context of the platform economy has attracted increasing attention in academia. However, most of the existing literature focuses on the investigation of consumers ’positive consumption behaviors. While the relief of business ethics issues has been put on the agenda, the consumer ethics issues that also affect the order of the consumer market have been ignored. It has become an urgent part of the research on business ethics and consumer behavior. At the same time, with the increasing degree of corporate marketing homogeneity, paying attention to consumers' implicit needs is becoming increasingly important in the fierce market competition. Among the many indicators to meet consumer demand, the enthusiasm of enterprises to fulfill social responsibilities plays an important role in the process of consumer evaluation of enterprises. And it has become an important factor affecting consumer behavior. Therefore, this study is inspired by the current lack of social responsibility behavior. Based on the empirical analysis of the relationship between platform corporate social responsibility behavior and consumer non-ethical behavior, this paper proposes targeted behavior governance measures. While enhancing academic value and theoretical significance, this article is dedicated to improving the practical significance of this research. This research combines theory with empirical evidence. First, a model framework for the relationship between corporate social responsibility behavior and consumer non-ethical behavior is constructed with reference to existing consumer behavior decision models. Secondly, under the support of The Social Contract Theory, Organizational Identification Theory, Frustration theory and Neutralization Technology Theory, consumer’s identification and perceived risk are introduced as mediation variables to reflect consumers' judgment on the internal psychological environment. Then, in order to ensure the integrity of the model, this paper combines external and internal factors that influence behavioral decision-making, and introduces consumer relativist ethical consciousness as a moderating variable. This variable interferes with the influence of mediating variables on non-ethical behavioral decision III making . In addition, This article proposes research hypotheses, and completes the design of the questionnaire and data collection with reference to the maturity scale, This data lays the foundation for empirical analysis, which is done with the help of SPSS20.0 and AMOS24.0 software. The empirical results show that: (1) CSR behavior will increase consumer- enterprise identification and reduce consumers' perceived risk after purchase. (2) Consumer-enterprise identification negatively affects consumer non-ethical behavior, and consumer perceived risk after purchase positively affects this behavior. (3) Consumer-corporate identification and perceived risk partially mediate the impact of corporate social responsibility behavior on consumer non-ethical behavior. (4) The consumer’s relativistic ethics has a significant moderating effect on the influence path of perceived risk on non-ethical behavior, which can enhance the role of perceived risk in promoting consumer non-ethical behavior. In summary, based on the above research conclusions, with the ultimate goal of optimizing the online consumption environment and promoting the healthy development of the online economy and platform economy, this paper constructs a governance mechanism of consumer non-ethical behaviors that includes a basic mechanism, a key mechanism and two auxiliary mechanisms, and proposes targeted multi-agent joint governance measures from the three levels of business management, government regulation and social intervention. Keywords: Platform Corporate Social Responsibility; Corporate Social Responsibility Behavior;Consumer non-ethical behavior;Governance 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文 IV 目 录 摘要 ........................................................................................................................... I Abstract ...................................................................................................................... II 第1章 绪论 ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1研究目的与意义 .............................................................................................. 1 1.1.1研究的目的 ............................................................................................ 2 1.1.2研究的意义 ............................................................................................ 3 1.2国内外研究综述 .............................................................................................. 5 1.2.1平台企业社会责任相关研究 ................................................................ 5 1.2.2消费者非伦理行为相关研究 ................................................................ 8 1.2.3企业社会责任行为与消费者行为相关研究 ...................................... 13 1.2.4文献评述 .............................................................................................. 14 1.3研究内容与研究方法 .................................................................................... 15 1.3.1研究内容 .............................................................................................. 15 1.3.2研究方法 .............................................................................................. 16 第2章 基本理论 ....................................................................................................... 19 2.1概念界定 ........................................................................................................ 19 2.1.1平台企业社会责任行为 .......................

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