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十九大报告提出解决我国所有问题的核心和前提就是发展,科学技术是生产 的主要驱动力、最为宝贵的资源就是人才。企业如果想获得生存以及发展,人才 是最为重要的前提和保障。绩效考核是企业战略目标顺利达成的重要基础和前提。 唯有建立合理健全的员工绩效考核系统,才能够让员工的价值得到最大化的释放, 让企业在复杂多变的市场环境中,稳健发展。在当代企业的组织结构里面,中层 管理者夹在高层领导者与基层实施者之间,是企业协调调配的中转站。所以,从 一定层面上来讲,中层管理者的业务能力和整体素质对于企业今后的发展具有决 定性的影响作用,中层管理者绩效管理的优劣对于企业战略目标能否顺利达成具 有决定性的影响作用。 本文以绩效管理相关理论为依据,首先,对当前H中医药公司经营和管理情 况进行调研,从当前企业的人员架构情况,到现有的绩效考核施行情况进行仔细 的筛查,编制调查问卷,寻找当前企业中层管理者绩效考核所存在的问题;其次, 针对H中医药公司中层管理者的绩效考核运用KPI、360度考核法对其进行改进, 并对改进的原则和重点予以说明,利用对中层管理者职位的研究,讲述新的考核 体系设计思路、设计规划及具体的步骤;最后,对H中医药公司中层管理者新绩 效考核的施行予以解读。包含施行流程的解读,以及怎样解决施行过程中可能出 出现的阻碍等问题,针对新的考核办法制定了实施方案。期望借助此次分析,为H 中医药公司及其其他公司的中层管理者绩效考核的管理提供借鉴。 通过对国内外绩效管理、企业中层管理人员绩效管理的梳理可知,目前,国 内外关于中医药企业中层管理人员绩效考核的研究还几乎没有,在关于企业中层 管理人员的绩效考核体系优化研究中,采用的绩效考核方法也较为单一。本文以H 中医药公司中层管理人员为例,采用KPI+360度考核法对中层管理人员绩效考核体 系进行优化,具有一定的创新性和前瞻性。 关键词:绩效考核;中层管理人员;中医药 II Abstract The 19th CPC National Congress report puts forward that the core and premise of solving all problems in our country is development, science and technology are the main driving force of production, and the most valuable resource is talent. If enterprises want to survive and develop, talent is the most important prerequisite and guarantee. Performance appraisal is an important foundation and prerequisite for the successful achievement of strategic objectives of enterprises. Only by establishing a reasonable and sound employee performance appraisal system can the employee's value be maximized and the enterprise develop steadily in the complex and changeable market environment. In the organizational structure of contemporary enterprises, middle managers are among the top leaders and grass-roots implementers, which is the coordination of enterprises Transfer station. Therefore, from a certain level, the business ability and overall quality of middle managers have a decisive impact on the future development of enterprises, and the advantages and disadvantages of middle managers' performance management have a decisive impact on whether the strategic objectives of enterprises can be successfully achieved. Based on the relevant theory of performance management, this paper first investigates the current management and management of H Chinese medicine companies, carefully screen from the current personnel structure of enterprises to the implementation of existing performance appraisal, and compile a questionnaire to find out the problems existing in the current performance appraisal of middle managers in enterprises; Secondly, the performance appraisal of middle-level managers of H Chinese medicine companies is improved by the method of KPI、360 degree, and the principles and emphases of improvement are explained, and the new appraisal system design ideas, design plans and concrete steps are described by the research of middle-level managers' positions. H the implementation of new performance appraisal for middle managers of Chinese medicine companies. Including the interpretation of the implementation process, and how to solve the implementation process may appear obstacles and other issues, for the new assessment method to formulate the implementation plan. Hope to use this analysis for H Chinese medicine companies and other companies in the management of mid-level managers to provide reference. By combing the performance management at home and abroad and the performance management of middle managers in enterprises, we can see that at present, there is almost no research on the performance appraisal of middle managers III in Chinese medicine enterprises at home and abroad, and the performance appraisal method used in the research on the performance appraisal of middle managers in enterprises is also relatively single. This paper takes the middle management personnel of H Chinese medicine company as an example, uses the KPI 360 degree appraisal method to optimize the performance appraisal system of the middle management personnel, has certain innovation and foresight. Key words: performance appraisal; middle management; traditional Chinese Medicine IV 目 录 摘要 ....................... I 目 录 .................... IV 一、绪 论 .............. 1 (一)研究背景及意义 .................. 1 1.研究背景 .............................. 1 2.研究意义 .............................. 2 (二)国内外相关研究现状 .......... 2 1.国外研究现状 ...................... 2 2.国内研究现状 ...................... 3 3. 国内外研究评述 ................ 5 (三)研究内容与研究思路 .......... 6 1.研究内容 .............................. 6 2.研究思路 .............................. 6 (四)研究方法与创新点 .............. 7 1.研究方法 .............................. 7 2.研究创新点 .......................... 8 二、绩效考核相关研究理论介绍 .......... 9 (一)相关概念 ............................. 9 1.绩效 ....... 9 2.绩效管理 .............................. 9 3.绩效考核 .............................. 9 4.中层管理人员 .................... 10 (二)绩效考核两种方法 ............ 10 1. KPI法 10 2. 360度考核法 .................... 11 (三)绩效考核理论概述 ............ 12 1.需要层次理论 .................... 12 2.双因素理论 ........................ 12 3.期望理论 ............................ 13 4.公平理论 ............................ 13 三、H中医药公司中层管理人员现有绩效考核实施现状及存在问题 .......... 15 (一)H中医药公司概况 ............ 15 1.公司简介 ............................ 15 2.公司组织结构 .................... 15 3.公司中层管理人员结构及特征 ....................... 16 (二)H中医药公司中层管理人员的作用及对其考核的必要性 .......... 18 1.H中医药公司中层管理人员的作用 ................ 18 2.H中医药公司中层管理人员进行绩效考核的必要性 .................. 18 (三)H中医药公司中层管理人员绩效考核实施现状 .......................... 18 1.考核指标体系 .................... 19 V 2.考核方式和流程 ................ 20 3.考核结果应用 .................... 20 (四)H中医药公司中层管理人员绩效考核现状调查 .......................... 21 1.问卷设计 ............................ 21 2.问卷发放及收回 ................ 21 3.问卷调查结果分析 ............ 22 (五)H中医药公司中层管理人员绩效考核存在问题 .......................... 25 1.绩效考核指标问题 ............ 26 2.绩效考核方式问题 ............ 26 3.绩效考核主体问题 ............ 27 4.考核结果运用问题 ............ 27 (六)H中医药公司中层管理人员绩效考核存在问题的原因分析 ...... 28 1.缺乏科学调研和有效沟通 28 2.平均主义思想严重 ............ 28 3.考核方式简单化,考核主体单一化................ 28 4.重视力度不够,执行力度不强 ....................... 29 四、H中医药公司中层管理人员绩效考核优化对策及保障措施 .................. 30 (一)中层管理人员绩效考核优化目标 ................... 30 (二)中层管理人员绩效考核优化设计总体思路 ... 30 (三)中层管理人员岗位分析 .... 31 (四)中层管理人员绩效考核优化设计 ................... 33 1.中层管理人员绩效考核优化设计方法............ 33 2.中层管理人员绩效考核方式优化.................... 34 3.中层管理人员绩效考核主体优化.................... 34 4.中层管理人员绩效考核指标和权重优化........ 36 (五)中层管理人员绩效考核流程优化 ................... 39 1.绩效考核计划 .................... 40 3.绩效考核成绩反馈与申诉 43 4.绩效考核结果运用 ............ 43 (六)中层管理人员绩效考核优化对策的保障措施 .............................. 44 1.运行环境保障 .................... 44 2.制

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