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中小企业在我国占比超过 80%,其 GDP 的贡献率也已超过全国 GDP 总量的一半 以上,所以经济的快速发展,离不开创业活动,广泛的创业活动也正是推动经济发展 及技术进步的生力军。但经调查发现,中小企业的企业寿命平均为 3.8 年,“三年无活, 四年亡”是创业企业的普遍现象,大学生的创业成功率更是远远达不到预期。这一问 题引起了广大学者的关注,本文尝试通过对河北地区创业大学生的数据调查,实证分 析创业胜任力对创业绩效的影响。 本文通过对创业者胜任力的研究框架以及创业要素相关理论的梳理,通过引入创 业环境作为中介变量,构建创业胜任力(EC)——创业环境(EE)——创业绩效(EP) 理论模型。在河北地区对样本群体进行问卷的发放、收集和整理。利用收集到的数据 验证问卷的信度与效度,并运用 SPSS 22.0 对创业者胜任力、创业环境、创业绩效进 行探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析。将创业者胜任力作为自变量,创业绩效作为因 变量,并加入创业环境作为中介变量,运用 PROCESS 3.5 验证 EC—EE—EP 的中介 效应,并对本文的研究假设进行分析,研究结果表明: (1)调研对象的创业者胜任力各维度都对创业绩效具有相关关系,并且都是典型 正相关。 (2)创业绩效受创业者胜任力各维度的影响不同,其中机会胜任力的影响尤为显 著。 (3)创业者胜任力在加入创业环境作为中介变量时,对创业绩效的影响显著提 高;其中关系胜任力在加入创业环境作为中介变量后,对创业绩效的影响提高作用更 为显著,接近 20%。 (4)创业环境中的直接环境和间接环境中,除了不支持直接环境在战略胜任力和 创业绩效之间的中介效应外,其他的中介效应假设都能支持。 故本研究认为大学生创业死亡率比较高,创业绩效偏低,环境因素、创业者因素 是主要影响因子,并从这两方面提出对策和建议。环境方面:(1)从资金支持、人才 培养与引进和政策落实方面对政府提出建议,改善创业制度环境;(2)从改善创新创 业教育体系、营造创新创业校园氛围和深化创业孵化器建设方面对高校提出建议,改 善创业教育环境。创业者方面:从如何树立创新创业自主意识,提高创业者胜任力方 面提出建议。 关键词:创业者胜任力、创业环境、创业绩效、中介效应III ABSTRACT Small and medium-sized enterprises(SME) contributes more than 80% to China's GDP, and the contribution rate of GDP has exceeded more than half of the total. Therefore, rapid economic development cannot be separated from entrepreneurial activities, and extensive entrepreneurial activities are also the new force to promote economic development and technological progress. However, the survey believes that the average enterprise life of SMEs is 3.8 years, "three years of no life, four years of death" is a common phenomenon of start-up enterprises, the success rate of college students is far less than expected. So the majority of scholars begin to pay attention to this problem.This research attempts to make an empiricalanalysisoftheinfluenceofentrepreneurialcompetency(EC) onentrepreneurial performance(EP) through a data of entrepreneurial college students survey in Hebei. Trough based on the research of the EC framework and relevant theory of combing business elements, with the introduction of entrepreneurial environment(EE) as a intervening variable, this study builds a theoretical model of EC-EE-EP by introducing entrepreneurial environment as the intermediary variable. In Hebei province, questionnaires were distributed, collected and sorted out to sample groups. The study use the collected data to verify the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, and SPSS 22.0 was used to conduct exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis on entrepreneur competence, entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurial performance. Then, with EC as the independent variable and EP as the dependent variable, and EE as the intermediary variable, PROCESS 3.5 was used to verify the mediating effect of EC-EE-EP. The research results showed that: 1. Each of EC dimensions is positively correlated with EP. 2. Compared with different dimensions of EC, opportunity competency affects EP in a more significant way. 3. Adding EE as an intermediate variable to different dimensions of EC significantly increase the degree of influence of EP. Among them, relational competency has a more significant effect on EP, close to 20%. 4.Whentheentrepreneurialcompetencydimensionswereaddedintotheentrepreneurial environment as an intermediary variable, the impact on entrepreneurial performance was significantly increased; Among them, relational competence has a more significant effect on entrepreneurial performance after adding entrepreneurial environment as the intermediary variable.IV Therefore, this study believes that the entrepreneurial death rate of college students is relatively high, entrepreneurial performance is low, environmental factors and entrepreneurial factors are the main influencing factors, and puts forward countermeasures and Suggestions from these two aspects. Environmental side: (1) From financial support, personnel training and introduction and policy implementation of the recommendations to the government, improve the system of EE; (2) From improving the innovation and entrepreneurship education system, creating the atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship campus and building campus incubators in a deep level, Through the above suggestions universities can improve the education of EE. Entrepreneur side: on the one hand , entrepreneurs should pay attention to foster a sense of innovation and entrepreneurship, on the other hand, they should improve the competence of entrepreneurs. Key words: Entrepreneur competence Entrepreneurial environmentEntrepreneurial performance Intermediary effectV 目 录 摘要 .........................I ABSTRACT..................III 第一章 绪论 ................1 1.1 研究背景.................1 1.2 研究目的.................1 1.3 研究意义.................2 1.4 研究内容和研究方法............................2 研究内容......2 研究方法......4 创新点..........4 技术路线......5 第二章 相关理论与研究综述....................7 2.1 主要概念的界定.....7 创业..............7 创业者..........8 胜任力..........9 创业环境......9 创业绩效....10 2.2 相关研究综述.......10 国外研究现状...........................10 国内研究现状...........................12 文献述评....13 第三章 理论模型的维度划分与构建......15 3.1 研究假设的提出...15 3.2 理论模型的构建...16 第四章 问卷调查及数据分析..................19 4.1 问卷设计...............19 4.2 变量的测量...........20VI 4.3 研究样本选取.......21 样本数量....21 样本选取....22 样本特征....22 4.4 数据分析方法.......23 描述性统计分析.......................23 信度与效度分析.......................23 相关性分析24 中介效应分析和 Bootstrap 分析 ............................24 4.5 数据分析...............25 创业者胜任力的信度、效度检验..........................25 创业环境量表的信度、效度检验..........................28 创业绩效量表的信度、效度检验..........................30 第五章 实证研究 ......33 5.1 相关性检验...........33 5.2 中介效应分析.......34 机会胜任力对创业绩效...........34 关系胜任力对创业绩效...........36 概念胜任力对创业绩效...........39 组织胜任力对创业绩效...........41 战略胜任力对创业绩效...........44 承诺胜任力对创业绩效...........47 5.3 本章小结...............49 第六章 研究结果分析与政策建议..........53 6.1 优化创业环境.......53 优化创业制度环境...................53 优化创业教育环境...................54 6.2 提高创业者胜任力..............................55 树立创新创业自主意识...........56 提升创业者胜任力的途径.......56 第七章 结论与展望 ..57 7.1 研究讨论...............57 7.2 局限与展望...........58VII。。。。。。以下内容略

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