21世纪以来,信息技术的迅猛发展加速了经济全球化、一体化进程,企业 所赖以生存的市场环境也发生了巨大变化,如何在市场中更迅速地作出反应是 企业关注的问题。神州信息公司是国内最早进入IT服务市场的企业之一,公司 运维交付中心依托事件处理流程对客户方的服务请求进行全面管理。随着市场 的全面放开以及运维服务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司准入门槛的降低,事件处理流程存在的问题越来 越突出,优化业务流程,保障运维交付水平成为企业提高市场竞争力的当务之 急。 基于以上研究背景,本文在对流程管理理论和虚拟团队理论进行梳理的基 础上,首先,分析了神州信息公司运维交付中心的事件处理流程现状,明确了 现行事件处理流程中存在的主要问题,如内部人员协调困难、后台技术人员支 持不利、一线工程师资源不能得到充分利用。其次,本文根据流程管理的理论, 重点针对事件处理流程中包括后台二线指派流程、人员落实升级流程和技术升 级流程等在内的几个关键子流程进行了优化设计:二线指派流程引入了虚拟二 线团队参与远程技术支持,并依据事件重要性和人员能力匹配的原则进行分工; 人员落实升级流程强化了项目部在人员落实方面的责任,将项目部作为流程的 必经环节放置在资源管理岗的前面;技术升级流程则是扩展了适用范围,同时 强调了流程执行的规范性和及时性。然后,在优化方案实施阶段,为了更好地 保障新的事件处理流程运行,对运维交付中心的组织架构进行了变更,同时依 据虚拟团队理论组建虚拟二线团队,并进行人员培训以及考核和激励的改进。 最后,本文对本次优化方案的实施效果进行总结,并针对存在的问题提出了持 续改进的建议。 本文用相关理论指导完成了运维交付中心组织架构变更和业务流程的优化 方案设计和实施,有效解决了神州信息公司运维交付中心后台技术人员不足、 支持满意度不高等突出问题,保证了服务质量并提高了企业资源的利用率,提 升了企业在高度变化和动态的市场环境中的灵活性和竞争力,为运维服务提供 商的流程优化提供了参考价值。 关键词:运维交付,事件处理流程,二线指派,人员落实,技术升级 MBA学位论文 作者:张立德 神州信息公司运维交付中心事件处理流程优化研究 II PROCESS OPTIMIZATION OF EVENT HANDLING IN THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DELIVERY CENTER OF DCITS Abstract Since the 21st century, the rapid development of information technology has accelerated to economic globalization and integration. Enterprise market environment has changed greatly and how to respond more quickly in the market is the concern of the enterprise. Digital China Information Service Company (DCITS) is one of the earliest IT service companies in China. The operation and maintenance delivery center of DCITS manages customer service requests based on the event handling process. With the full opening of the market and the low entry threshold for the operation and maintenance service industry, the problems in the event handling process are becoming more and more obvious. It is an urgent task for enterprises to optimize the business process and ensure the operation and maintenance delivery in order to increase market competitiveness. Based on the above research background and on the basis of combing process management theory and virtual team theory, this thesis firstly analyzed the event handling process of the operation and maintenance delivery center in DCITS, and the main problems in current event handling process are identified, such as difficulties in personnel coordination, lack of back-end technical support engineers, the low utilization of field service engineer. Secondly, according to the theory of process management, this thesis optimized several key sub-processes in the event handling process, including the back-end support assignment process, technical resource implementation process and higher-level support process. The back-end support assignment process introduces the virtual back-end support team to participate in remote technical support, and divides the work according to the principle of matching the importance of the event and the ability of the engineer. The technical resource implementation process strengthens the responsibility of the project department in terms of technical resource implementation, and the project department should implement the personnel first before turning to the resource management post. The higher-level support process expands the scope of application of the MBA学位论文 作者:张立德 神州信息公司运维交付中心事件处理流程优化研究 III process and emphasizes the standardization and timeliness of process implementation. Then, in the implementation phase of the optimization scheme, to provide a guarantee for the operation of new event handling process, the operation and maintenance delivery center changed its organizational structure, set up the virtual back-end support team, carried out personnel training, and improved assessment and motivation. Finally, this thesis summarized the implementation effect of this optimization scheme, and put forward some suggestions for continuous improvement in view of the existing problems. Under the guidance of the related theory, the change of the organizational structure of the operation and maintenance delivery center and the optimization of business process have been finished, which effectively solves the outstanding problems of insufficient back-end technical personnel and low support satisfaction. It guarantees the quality of service, improves the utilization rate of resources, and enhances the flexibility and competitiveness of enterprises in the market environment. This thesis provides reference value for the process optimization of operation and maintenance service providers. Key words: Operation and maintenance delivery, Event handling process, Back-end support assignment, Technical resource implementation, Higher-level support MBA学位论文 作者:张立德 神州信息公司运维交付中心事件处理流程优化研究 IV 目录 中文摘要 ..................................................................................................... I Abstract ..................................................................................................... II 一、 前言.................................................................................................. 1 (一) 研究背景与意义 ...................................................................................... 1 (二) 研究内容和思路 ...................................................................................... 2 二、 相关理论综述 ................................................................................. 5 (一) 流程管理理论 .......................................................................................... 5 (二) 虚拟团队理论 .......................................................................................... 9 三、 神州信息公司运维交付中心事件处理流程现状分析 ............... 13 (一) 神州信息公司运维交付中心 ................................................................ 13 (二) 运维交付中心事件处理流程现状 ........................................................ 16 (三) 事件处理流程存在的问题分析 ............................................................ 19 四、 神州信息公司运维交付中心事件处理流程优化方案设计 ....... 23 (一) 流程优化整体规划 ................................................................................ 23 (二) 二线指派流程优化 ................................................................................ 26 (三) 人员落实升级流程优化 ........................................................................ 28 (四) 技术升级流程优化 ................................................................................ 30 五、神州信息公司运维交付中心事件处理流程优化方案实施 ......... 32 (一) 组织架构设计 ........................................................................................ 32 (二) 队伍组建和人员培训 ............................................................................ 34 (三) 实施效果初步分析 ................................................................................ 37 (四) 流程的持续改进 .................................................................................... 40 六、 结束语 ............................................................................................ 43 MBA学位论文 作者:张立德 神州信息公司运维交付中心事件处理流程优化研究 V (一) 主要内容及结论 ..........................