还有我们并不完美的人生 整理,未经授权不得转载转发,
管理资源网保险门户欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司下载网站 What were you doing in 1996?
Working for a living, studying for exams
or still on the way into this world? 20年前的你正在做什么?打拼谋生,埋头读书,还是尚未出生? 那时,你是否想过未来想要什么生活? Had you figured out
what kind of life
you wanted to have in future? Had you found the place you wanted to be someday?
是否找到某一天想要去的地方? Life was always a competition,
and you were not seen as the best at the beginning. 生活总像是场比赛,你在一开始或许并不被看好。 Perhaps you were dreaming of becoming somebody else, to follow his extraordinary success.
也许你也经常期待着成为某个人,取得同样不凡的成就。 But life was like a basketball game,
there were always some players faster and stronger than you.
但生活就像一场篮球赛,总有人比你更快更强。 So you worked hard to prove yourself,
with sweat and blood and tears.
因此你不惜血汗努力证明自己。 You finally reached the peak of success and got what you wanted.
也许如你所愿,你取得了最大的成功。 You caught people’s attention and won their affection.
你曾经赢得关注,集宠爱于一身。 You tried to chase perfection,
but life is ever perfect.
It is like the weather,
often changing without warnings. 你也许尝试追求完美,
就像天气一样变幻莫测。 People told you that you could do much better.
But you just didn’t know how.
人们常常告诉你可以做的更好,但你却不知道怎么做。 Life failed you and knocked you down over and over again.
生活让你体味失败,一次次把你击倒。 Friendships were broken.
曾经好友,形同陌路。 People said you disappointed them.