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创业孵化器作为支持创新创业的重要载体,在刺激地区经济发展活力中扮演 着重要角色,但其也存在严重的区域发展不平衡问题。特别对于部分经济欠发达 地区,创业孵化器的运行效率较之于发达地区存在很大差距,具体可表现为整体 投入不足且商业培育能力较弱等问题,这在一定程度上严重影响了区域经济的发 展活力。本文通过实证与案例的双重研究,发现创业孵化器商业模式是改善这些 问题的有效途径,但现有文献能够基于商业模式视角探究创业孵化器发展问题的 研究较为少见。 基于此,本文首先运用DEA研究方法对我国创业孵化器运行效率进行了整 体评估和分地区对比评估,进而率先明确地区间创业孵化器运行效率的发展差异 和差异本质。从宏观层面的实证研究发现,东北地区创业孵化器运行效率整体有 效,但整体投入却存在严重不足,即使再增加投入仍能保持孵化器的良好运行效 率。为进一步发现问题的本质,研究基于微观层面进行了深层次分析,较之于东 部地区,东北地区创业孵化器运行效率整体低下,具体表现为纯技术效率低,因 此东北地区应致力于提高其孵化器管理能力。此外,通过对东北地区内部政府主 导和民营主导的两类孵化器的综合分析和对比分析,研究发现东北地区内部孵化 器运行效率低下,且孵化能力弱和经济效益低是该地区孵化器面临的主要问题。 此外,较之于民营主导型创业孵化器,政府主导型孵化器运行效率整体低下,因 此,其孵化器商业模式的转型迫在眉睫。 其次,为有效解决以上问题,在已有商业模式研究的基础上,本文首次创造 性地构建了多层级商业模式理论体系,并基于此采用双案例对比研究方法深层次 挖掘了东部地区和东北地区创业孵化器商业模式的本质差异,揭示出东北地区创 业孵化器商业模式的不足之处。研究发现,创业孵化器早已不仅是初创企业一种 有形的安排,而是将“知识的服务纳入其价值链”的有效组织。不少创业孵化器 一直存在于充满政治色彩的环境中,所以其价值使命会出现漂移,战略一致性的 II 保持尤为重要。进一步地,“东北”与“东部”地区的双案例对比研究的结果显 示,东北地区创业孵化器商业模式在价值主张、价值生产和价值获取三个环节均 存在亟待解决的发展问题。只有对创业孵化器商业模式各环节的进一步优化,才 能达到各参与主体的利益适配,进而促进整个孵化器生态系统的良性循环。 最后,为改善我国区域间创业孵化器发展不平衡问题,本文基于实证与案例 研究结论,为提高欠发达地区孵化器整体运行效率提出了政策建议,这对于振兴 地区经济,减轻中央财政压力,缓解我国区域发展不平衡矛盾具有重要的参考价 值。此外,本文基于宏微观视角系统分析了不同区域的创业孵化器运行效率发展 差异和商业模式的本质差异,并且在微观层面构建了创业孵化器商业模式多层级 理论体系,这种宏微结合的研究对于创业孵化器自身理论体系的构建以及商业模 式理论的拓展应用均具有重要的促进意义。 关键词:创业孵化器;运行效率;商业模式;多层级体系 III Abstract As an important carrier to support innovation and entrepreneurship, business incubator has serious imbalance in regional development. Especially for underdeveloped regions, there is a huge development gap in the operation efficiency of business incubator compared with developed regions, which seriously affects the vitality of regional economic development. Compared with the developed eastern regions, the overall investment of incubators in northeast China is insufficient, the incubators’ hatching ability is weak and the economic benefits are low, which seriously affects the vitality of the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem of the old industrial bases in northeast China. The business model of incubator is an effective way to improve incubators’ ability to incubate and improve their economic benefits. However, it is rare for existing literature to explore the nature of unbalanced development of incubators’ operating efficiency in different regions from the perspective of business model. First, based on this, this paper applies DEA methods to evaluate the operational efficiency of business incubator in China, and carried on the overall assessment and points out the development of the regional incubator efficiency difference and difference nature, the study found two conclusions: from the macro level of empirical studies, we have found that compared with the East area, the overall operational effectiveness of the business incubator in Northeast is low, and the overall investment is serious deficiencies. In order to further found that the nature of the problems, we carried on some research based on the micro level. We found that compared with the Eastern region, the northeast business incubator, pure technical efficiency of Northeast is low, so the northeast region should be dedicated to improve its incubator management ability. In addition, through the internal government and private dominated in the Northeast of the comprehensive analysis of two types of incubators, the study found that the incubation ability is weak and low economic benefit in the northeast are the main problems, and compared with the private leading business incubator, the government's leading incubator’s low efficiency matters, and the transformation of this IV incubator’s business model is imminent. Secondly, in order to effectively solve the above problems, on the basis of existing business model research, this article creatively constructed a multi-level business model theoretical system for the first time, and based on this, uses a double case comparative research method to deeply explore entrepreneurship in the eastern and northeastern regions. The essential differences in the business models of incubators reveal the shortcomings of the business models of entrepreneurial incubators in Northeast. Research has found that entrepreneurial incubators are not only a tangible arrangement for start-ups, but also an effective organization that incorporates "knowledge services into their value chain". Many entrepreneurial incubators have always existed in a political environment, so their value mission will drift, and maintaining strategic consistency is particularly important. Based on the results of the double-case comparative study, the business model of startup incubators in Northeast need to be further optimized in the three links of value proposition, value production and value acquisition, in order to achieve the benefit adaptation of each participant, and then promote the benign incubator ecosystem. cycle. Finally, to improve China’s regional unbalanced development of incubator, we propose some suggestion based on the empirical and case studies for the revitalization of the economy less developed area, reduce the pressure of the central government, relieve the contradictions of unbalanced development of incubator areas. These have important practical significance. In addition, the paper systematically analyzes the difference of incubator operation efficiency development between regions and within regions based on macro and micro perspective, and the proposed multi-level incubator business model system has important theoretical significance for the research of incubators and business model. Key words: Business Incubator; Operational Efficiency; Business Model;Multilevel System V 目 录 第1章 绪论............................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究问题的提出 ........................................................................... 2 1.1.1 研究背景 ............................................................................. 2 1.1.2 研究问题 ............................................................................. 3 1.1.3 研究价值与实践意义 ......................................................... 5 1.2 研究内容与方法 ........................................................................... 7 1.2.1 研究内容 ............................................................................. 8 1.2.2 研究方法 ........................................................................... 10 1.3 结构安排 ..................................................................................... 12 第2章 文献综述 .................................................................................... 13 2.1 创业孵化器的相关理论 ............................................................ 13 2.1.1创业孵化器的起源与历程 ................................................ 13 2.1.2创业孵化器的定义及构成要素 ....................................... 20 2.1.3创业孵化器的构成

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