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I 摘要 我国房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司在数十年的发展中,逐步成为了国民经济的支柱产业,不仅带动 了其他多个产业的发展、拉动了内需,同时在实现城镇化的过程中起到了至关重要的 作用。相较于一、二线城市土地开发速度快、资源趋近饱和而言,三、四线城市中仍 有较为丰富的土地资源,供应层面更具有优势。同时三、四线城市人口流入相对较少, 常驻人口多为本地户籍且大多拥有一套以上固定住房,且人均收入受城市发展水平所 限,因而购房需求和购房数量远低于一、二线城市。对比三、四线城市房地产商品的 现有数量与需求量,明显呈现供过于求的情况。高库存就意味着高额资金的占用,导 致资金回笼滞后,影响欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展前景。同时地方财政也受房地产业资金流动缓慢的 影响,经济下行压力加大。市场环境和业内竞争的双重压力下,三、四线城市房地产 公司要寻求生存发展,就必须在提高商品和服务质量的基础上,做好营销。近十数年 来,一、二线城市房地产企业越来越关注营销的研究和应用,已经取得很好的应用效 果,三、四线城市欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内的各个企业也正逐步赶上,通过战略转型争取业内竞争力。 本文选取位于山东潍坊昌乐县的TY房地产公司LJ项目为例,对三、四线城市 的房地产企业应该如何制定营销策略开展研究。要选择制定适用于房地产项目的营销 策略,首先需要成熟理论作为依据。本文参考了众多国内外文献中的经典营销理论并 了解了相关理论在房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的应用和发展,整理概述了STP、4Ps、4Cs、4R理论 内容和国内4V组合营销、体验式营销、网络营销等理念以及房地产商品和营销的特 殊性,为研究奠定基础。通过了解TY公司发展情况和LJ项目现状,找出其在营销 方面存在去库存压力大、缺乏明显竞争优势等问题。针对现有问题,对项目的营销环 境由外而内开展分析,首先运用PEST模型进行宏观环境分析,进而分析中观环境的 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场和竞争者,最后对直接影响营销效果的微观环境即企业能力和项目资源进行 分析。通过SWOT态势分析,总结项目优势与机遇,选择最适合企业的发展计划。 应用STP将消费者按照需求进行分类,选择目标市场从而确定项目市场定位。以4P 要素作为营销策略制定的主要依据,并将消费者需求营销、差异化营销、体验式营销 及网络营销方式灵活融入其中,对应营销的不同时期采取相应的营销策略组合,提出 了一些新型营销方式并结合项目情况给出了部分活动建议。为达成营销策略的良好实 施,制定了包括管理体系、团队建设、优化考核以及企业文化等方面的保障措施。后 TY房地产公司LJ项目营销策略研究 II 对营销策略研究进行总结和未来发展展望。 关键词:房地产项目;三、四线城市;去库存;营销策略 Abstract III Abstract China's real estate industry has gradually become a pillar industry of the national economy in the development of decades. It not only promotes the development of many other industries and stimulates domestic demand, but also plays a vital role in the process of urbanization. Compared with the first and second-tier cities, the third and fourth-tier cities still have more abundant land resources, and the supply level has more advantages. At the same time, the third and fourth-tier cities have relatively small inflow of population, most of the resident population is local household registration and most have more than one set of fixed housing, and per capita income is limited by the level of urban development, so the demand for housing and the number of housing purchases are far lower than the first and second-tier cities. Comparing the existing quantity and demand of real estate commodities in the third and fourth-tier cities, it is obvious that the supply exceeds the demand. High inventory means the occupation of large amounts of funds, resulting in the lag of capital recovery, affecting the development prospects of the industry. At the same time, local finance is also affected by the slow flow of capital in the real estate industry, and the downward pressure on the economy is increasing. Under the dual pressure of market environment and industry competition, the third and fourth-tier City real estate companies must do a good job of marketing on the basis of improving the quality of goods and services in order to seek survival and development. In the past decade, the real estate enterprises in the first and second tier cities have paid more and more attention to the research and application of marketing, which has achieved good results. The enterprises in the third and fourth tier cities are gradually catching up with each other and striving for the competitiveness of the industry through strategic transformation. This paper takes the LJ project of TY Real Estate Company in Changle County, Weifang, Shandong Province as an example to study how the real estate enterprises in the third and fourth tier cities should formulate marketing strategies. To choose the marketing strategy suitable for real estate projects, we first need mature theory as the basis. This paper refers to the classical marketing theories in many domestic and foreign literatures and understands the application and development of relevant theories in the real estate industry. It summarizes the contents of STP, 4Ps, 4Cs and 4R theories, the concepts of 4V combination marketing, experiential marketing, network marketing and the particularities of real estate commodities and marketing in China, and lays a foundation for the study. Through the understanding of the development of TY company and LJ project status, we find out that there are some problems in its marketing, such as high pressure to remove inventory, lack of obvious competitive advantage and so on. In view of the existing problems, the marketing environment of the project is analyzed from the outside to the TY房地产公司LJ项目营销策略研究 IV inside. First, the PEST model is used to analyze the macro-environment, then the industry market and competitors of the medium-environment are analyzed. Finally, the micro-environment which directly affects the marketing effect, namely the enterprise capacity and project resources, is analyzed. Through the SWOT situation analysis, summarize the advantages and opportunities of the project and choose the most suitable development plan for the enterprise. STP is used to classify consumers according to needs and select the target market so as to determine the location of the project. Taking 4P elements as the main basis for marketing strategy formulation, and integrating consumer demand marketing, differential marketing, experiential marketing and network marketing flexibly, corresponding marketing strategy combinations are adopted at different stages of marketing, and some new marketing methods are put forward and some activities are constructed according to the project situation. In order to achieve the good implementation of marketing strategy, the safeguard measures including management system, team building, optimizing assessment and corporate culture are formulated. Then summarize the marketing strategy and look forward to the future development. Keywords: Real estate projects; Third and fourth tier cities; Reduce inventory goods; Marketing strategies 目 录 V 目 录 摘要 ........ I Abstract .... III 目 录 ...... V 第1章 绪论 ............................ 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ........ 1 1.1.1 研究背景........................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义........................... 2 1.2 文献综述 .................... 3 1.2.1 国外文献综述 ................... 3 1.2.2 国内文献综述 ................... 4 1.2.3 文献评述........................... 6 1.3研究内容、结构与研究方法 .................... 7 1.3.1 研究内容和结构 ............... 7 1.3.2 研究方法........................... 9 1.4 论文创新点 .............. 10 第2章 相关理论概述 .......... 11 2.1 房地产营销内涵及其特殊性 ................. 11 2.1.1房地产营销的内涵 .......... 11 2.1.2 房地产产品的特殊性 ..... 11 2.1.3 房地产营销的特殊性 ..... 11 2.2 房地产营销基础理论 ............................. 12 2.2.1 STP战略.......................... 12 2.2.2 4Ps理论.......................... 13 2.2.3 4Cs理论.......................... 14 第3章TY公司LJ项目现状与营销环境分析 .. 16 3.1 TY公司发展情况及LJ项目现状简介 .. 16 3.1.1 公司发展......................... 16 3.1.2 项目现状......................... 16 3.2 TY公司LJ项目营销宏观环境分析 ...... 17 TY房地产公司LJ项目营销策略研究 VI 3.2.1 政治环境分析 ................. 17 3.2.2 经济环境分析 ................. 17 3.2.3 社会环境分析 ................. 18 3.2.4 科技环境分析 ................. 19 3.3 TY公司LJ项目营

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