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I 摘要 随着社会经济的不断进步,人们生活水平逐步提高,旅游欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展越来 越多样化,更多的人在旅游的时候,越来越多的人注重旅游品质、注重自己的 内在感受,同时“文化”的元素也加入了旅游业中,文化旅游逐渐发展成为一 个新的产业。在此背景下,文化旅游产业逐渐成为经济发展的重要影响因素之 一,因此,研究邯郸市 Q 旅游公司的旅游价值提升对于邯郸的文化旅游发展以 及整个旅游欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展具有重要的意义。邯郸是战国时期赵国都城,具有丰富 的历史文化,且邯郸气候适宜,自然社会环境较好,具备发展文化旅游产业的 先天基础条件。然而就目前邯郸地区旅游欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展来看,仍存在很大的发展 空间,且 Q 旅游公司在资源的整合及其他综合方面也存在问题,这些问题影响 着邯郸地区的文化旅游发展及 Q 旅游公司的旅游体验价值。 本文立足于邯郸文化旅游产业,以 Q 旅游公司为切入点,在总结文化旅游 资源及旅游价值体验相关理论和国内和国外研究成果的基础上,构建本文的理 论体系。同时分析邯郸地区文化旅游资源的分布及发展现状,以此为背景利用 波特五力模型分析 Q 旅游公司文化旅游发展的现状,通过问卷调查的形式对影 响 Q 旅游公司旅游体验价值的相关指标进行量化处理,利用 SPSS24.0 进行相 关的信度效度及相关性分析,找到影响旅游体验价值的主要影响因素,并建立 影响因素与旅游体验之间的多元线性回归模型,发现 Q 旅游公司目前存在的问 题,提出相对应的旅游体验价值提升策略,提高 Q 旅游公司在邯郸旅游业中的 竞争价值。 关键词:文化旅游;Q 旅游公司;旅游体验价值;提升策略Abstract II Abstract With the continuous progress of social economy, people's living standard has been improved, tourism industry has become more and more diversified. Many people pay attention to the tourism's quality and themselves inner feeling when traveling. Meanwhile, the element of "culture" has also been added into the tourism industry, cultural-tourism has gradually developed into a new industry. Under this background, cultural-tourism industry has gradually become one of the important factors influencing economic development. Therefore, the study on the improvement of tourism value of Handan Q tourism company is of great significance to the cultural-tourism's development in Handan. Handan was the capital of Zhao during the Warring States Period. Handan possess rich history and culture. Besides, it has a suitable climate and natural social environment, so it is equipped with the congenital conditions for developing the cultural-tourism industry. However, in terms of the current development of tourism industry in Handan, there is still a large space for development, and Q tourism company also has problems in the integration of resources and other comprehensive aspects, which affect the development of cultural tourism in Handan region and the value of Q tourism experience. Based on the cultural tourism industry in Handan, this paper takes Q tourism company as the entry point, summarizes relevant theories of cultural-tourism resources and tourism value experience as well as domestic and foreign research results, and constructs the theoretical system of this paper. At the same time analysis the distribution and development of cultural tourism resources in Handan area present situation, based on this background analysis of Q company culture tourism development present situation using porter's five Forces model. Through the form of questionnaire survey, quantify the relevant indicators that affect the tourism experience value of Q travel company. using SPSS24.0 related reliability validity and correlation analysis, found that the main influence factors, and establish the influence factors and multiple linear regression model between tourism experience, find Q travel company present problems, put forward the corresponding tourism experience value improvement strategy, improve the Q value travel company in Handan tourism competition..Abstract III Keywords: cultural-tourism; Q tourism company; tourism experience value; promotion strategy目 录 IV 目 录 摘要······I Abstract ·II 第 1 章 绪论 ·············1 1.1 研究背景及意义·················1 1.1.1 研究背景 1 1.1.2 研究意义 2 1.2 国内外研究概述·················2 1.2.1 文化旅游的国内外研究概述·············2 1.2.2 旅游体验的国内外研究概述·············4 1.2.3 国内外研究评述 ·········4 1.3 研究内容及方法·················6 1.3.1 研究内容 6 1.3.2 研究方法 7 1.4 创新点及技术路线··············8 1.4.1 创新点 ···8 1.4.2 技术路线 9 第 2 章 相关理论综述·10 2.1 顾客体验理论·10 2.1.1 顾客体验的定义 ········10 2.1.2 顾客体验的维度 ········10 2.2 体验价值相关理论·············11 2.3 本章小结·······13 第 3 章 邯郸市文化旅游背景下 Q 旅游公司环境分析················14 3.1 邯郸文化旅游资源分布现状 ·14 3.2 Q 旅游公司简介·················15 3.3 Q 旅游公司 SWOT 分析 ·······16 3.3.1 优势(S)分析··········16 3.3.2 劣势(W)分析·········17 3.3.3 机会(O)分析 ·········17目 录 V 3.3.4 威胁(T)分析··········18 3.4 Q 旅游公司欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境分析 ·················19 3.4.1 现有的竞争者 ···········19 3.4.2 潜在进入者 ··············19 3.4.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司替代品 ··············19 3.4.4 供应商的议价能力······20 3.4.5 消费者的议价能力······20 3.5 本章小结·······20 第 4 章 邯郸市 Q 旅游公司旅游体验价值分析·······21 4.1 问卷调查样本·21 4.2 问卷结构及数据收集 ··········21 4.3 样本描述性统计分析 ··········22 4.4 信度分析·······24 4.5 效度分析·······25 4.6 数据合并·······25 4.7 相关性分析····26 4.7.1 知识体验与体验价值的相关性分析 ···27 4.7.2 环境体验与体验价值的相关性分析 ···27 4.7.3 服务体验与体验价值的相关性分析 ···28 4.7.4 互动体验与体验价值的相关性分析 ···28 4.7.5 社会体验与体验价值的相关性分析 ···29 4.8 多元线性回归分析·············29 4.8.1 各维度与旅游体验价值的关系·········30 4.8.2 模型汇总 ·················31 4.8.3 方差分析表 ··············31 4.8.4 系数及共线性诊断······32 4.8.5 残差统计量分析 ········33 4.8.6 最终结果 ·················34 4.9 本章小结·······34 第 5 章 邯郸市 Q 旅游公司旅游体验存在的问题分析················36 5.1 缺乏专业的旅游知识管理人员 ················36 5.2 服务的质量难以保证 ··········36 5.3 配套设备性价比较低 ··········36 5.4 游客信息管理不到位 ··········37目 录 VI 5.5 互动活动过于繁琐·············37 5.6 本章小结·······37 第 6 章 邯郸市 Q 旅游公司旅游体验价值提升策略·38 6.1 增强知识培训、提高旅游知识体验 ··········38 6.2 提高服务质量、提升旅游服务体验 ··········38 6.3 改善旅游环境、加强旅游环境体验 ··········38 6.4 增加旅行项目、丰富旅游社会体验 ··········39 6.5 鼓励游客参与活动、增进旅游互动体验 ····39 6.6 本章小结·······40 结论与展望··············41。。。。。。以下内容略

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