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Z银行成立于2014年,是河南省唯一一家省级法人银行。为了适应激烈的 市场竞争环境,Z银行2017年引入麦肯锡等全球知名的咨询公司为其量身打造 数字化转型战略蓝图,并于2018年正式启动数字化敏捷战略。Z银行将从全行 机制体制设计、信息和数据平台等方面重构组织构架与业务流程,并启动Scrum 敏捷项目开发模式,以快速地响应市场诉求、更好地提升用户体验。然而,在 从传统的工作模式到数字化Scrum敏捷模式的转型中,如何从总行的部门制过 渡到跨职能的项目团队、构建具有Scrum敏捷工作方式的跨职能项目团队、打 造Scrum敏捷项目开发模式是Z银行目前亟待解决的问题。 本文在收集整理大量文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的基础上,以敏捷项目管理为理论依据,借 鉴国内外敏捷项目开发模式的成功实践,系统地研究了Z银行Scrum敏捷项目 开发模式与实施策略。首先,在Z银行发展概况和战略转型的基础上,分析了Z 银行项目开发现状,揭示了现有的组织结构和瀑布式项目开发模式存在的问题。 其次,基于敏捷项目开发,提出了Scrum敏捷开发的理念与准则,优化了Z银 行的组织结构,构建了Scrum敏捷项目团队,设计了Scrum敏捷开发流程与工 作表。进而,通过强化Scrum敏捷开发团队的组织建设和Scrum敏捷开发项目 的进度、成本和质量的效果分析,提供了Z银行Scrum敏捷项目开发的实施策 略与效果评估。最后,以F项目为背景,构建了Scrum敏捷项目开发团队和开 发流程,并对F项目Scrum敏捷开发的实施效果进行了分析,提供了Z银行Scrum 敏捷项目开发模式的实证分析。 本文特色与创新之处主要表现在三方面:① 提出了Z银行Scrum敏捷开发 的理念与准则,构建了Scrum敏捷项目团队,并明确了该团队的岗位职责和权 利;②通过分析敏捷开发项目的进度、成本和质量的效果,提供了Z银行Scrum 敏捷项目开发的实施效果; ③针对F项目,构建了Scrum敏捷项目开发团队和 开发流程,提供了Z银行Scrum敏捷项目开发模式的实证分析。本文的研究不 仅为Z银行提供了一套可操作的Scrum敏捷项目开发模式,而且为其他商业银 行的数字化敏捷转型提供了理论依据和实施策略。 关键词:Z银行;Scrum敏捷开发;敏捷项目开发团队;敏捷开发项目效果 II Abstract Z Bank, founded in 2014, is the only provincial legal person bank in Henan Province. In order to adapt to the fierce market competition environment, bank Z introduced McKinsey and other world-renowned consulting companies to create a digital transformation strategic blueprint for it in 2017, and officially launched the digital Agile Strategy in 2018. Z Bank will reconstruct the organizational structure and business process from the aspects of the bank wide mechanism system design, information and data platform, and launch the scrum agile project development mode to respond to the market demands quickly and improve the user experience better. However, in the transformation from the traditional working mode to the digital scrum agile mode, how to transition from the head office department system to the cross functional project team, how to build the cross functional project team with the scrum agile working mode, and how to build the scrum agile project development mode are the urgent problems for Z Bank to solve. On the basis of collecting and sorting out a large number of documents, taking agile project management as the theoretical basis and drawing lessons from the successful practice of agile project development mode at home and abroad, this paper systematically studies the Scrum agile project development mode and implementation strategy of bank Z. First of all, based on the development and strategic transformation of Z bank, this paper analyzes the current situation of Z bank project development, and reveals the existing organizational structure and the existing problems of waterfall project development mode. Secondly, based on the agile project development, the concept and criteria of Scrum agile development are proposed, the organizational structure of Z bank is optimized, the scrum agile project team is constructed, and the scrum agile development process and worksheet are designed. Furthermore, through strengthening the organizational construction of Scrum agile development team and the effect analysis of the progress, cost and quality of Scrum agile development project, the implementation strategy and effect evaluation III of Scrum agile project development in bank Z are provided. Finally, taking f project as the background, the paper constructs a scrum agile project development team and development process, analyzes the implementation effect of F project scrum agile development, and provides an empirical analysis of Z bank scrum agile project development mode. The characteristics and innovations of this paper are mainly shown in three aspects: first, the concept and criteria of Scrum agile development in bank Z are put forward, the scrum agile project team is built, and the responsibilities and rights of the team are defined; second, the implementation effect of Scrum agile project development in bank Z is provided by analyzing the progress, cost and quality effect of agile development project; ③ For F project, the paper constructs a scrum agile project development team and development process, and provides an empirical analysis of the scrum agile project development mode of Z bank. This study not only provides a set of operable scrum agile project development mode for Z bank, but also provides theoretical basis and implementation strategy for other commercial banks' digital agile transformation. IV 目录 摘要 ..................................................... I Abstract ................................................ II 第一章 引言 ............................................. 1 第一节 研究背景与意义 ......................................... 1 一 研究背景 .................................................. 1 二 研究意义 .................................................. 3 第二节 研究内容与框架 ......................................... 4 第三节 本文特色及创新之处 ..................................... 6 第二章 Z银行项目开发现状 ................................ 8 第一节 Z银行简介 ............................................... 8 一 Z银行发展历程 ............................................. 8 二 Z银行战略转型 ............................................. 9 第二节 Z银行项目开发现状 ..................................... 10 一 Z银行产品开发模式 ........................................ 10 二 Z银行项目开发流程 ........................................ 12 第三节 Z银行项目开发问题分析 ................................. 12 一 项目组织结构问题分析 ...................................... 13 二 开发与实施问题分析 ........................................ 13 第三章 Z银行Scrum敏捷项目开发模式 .................... 16 第一节 Scrum敏捷开发概念与框架 ............................... 16 一 Scrum敏捷开发理念 ........................................ 16 二 Scrum敏捷开发准则 ........................................ 19 V 第二节 Scrum敏捷项目开发组织结构 ............................. 20 一 Z银行组织结构优化 ........................................ 20 二 Scrum敏捷项目团队岗位职责和权利 ............................ 21 三 Scrum敏捷小组岗位能力要求 ................................. 24 第三节 Scrum敏捷开发流程与工作表 ............................. 27 一 Scrum敏捷开发流程 ........................................ 27 二 Scrum工作表与关键活动 ..................................... 27 第四章 Z银行Scrum敏捷开发实施与效果评估 .............. 30 第一节 构建Scrum敏捷项目实施流程 ............................ 30 一 加强项目的组织与领导 ...................................... 30 二 建立项目团队绩效考核标准 ................................... 30 第二节 Scrum敏捷开发项目效果分析 ............................. 32 一 Scrum敏捷开发模式管理项目进度的效果 ......................... 32 二 Scrum敏捷开发模式管理项目成本的效果 ......................... 34 三 Scrum敏捷开发模式管理项目质量的效果 ......................... 35 第三节 Scrum敏捷开发相关辅助工具 ............................. 36 一 需求管理工具与持续集成平台 ................................. 37 二 集成测试与版本管理工具 ..................................... 37 第五章 Z银行Scrum敏捷项目开发模式的实证分析 .......... 39 第一节 F项目情况介绍 ......................................... 39 一 F项目实施背景 ............................................ 39 二 F项目简介 ............................................... 40 第二

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