2020年,境内金融欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司开放化趋势愈演愈烈,不少金融板块迎来新的考验,而银 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司所要承接的变革任务艰巨。首先,金融市场新规呈递出更明显的开放化特征,外 资企业参与热情高涨,加剧了欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争程度。其次,互联网公司参与竞争,导致银行 业面临严重存续危机,务必寻求新的策略,才能巩固既有份额,达成质性发展收效。 大部分股份制银行如今设法变更战略定位,秉持差异化原则开展竞争活动。现阶段, 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司整体竞争关系紧张化,股份制银行为谋求持续性利润,只能优化有关竞争战略, 确保战略具有适用性及实用性。 参考这一背景,本文将P银行石家庄分行设作样本对象,引入个案法、文献法, 系统评述该分行所面临的竞争局势,从中归纳待改进之处,并借助评估模型,进一步 研究其竞争处境、竞争力,为其规划配套竞争方案及保障机制。有关研究结论将为该 分行带来切实的参考欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,使其明确自身竞争短板、不利处境,也认识到潜在机遇, 擅用既有竞争要素,最大限度凸显竞争优势,获得持续进步。有关理论还能够填补本 土银行战略课题领域空缺,向本土其他银行提供有效借鉴案例。 第一,本文多方位评估了P银行石家庄分行建设情形,清楚归纳了该分行主要建 设短板:营收水平不断降低、存款额度涨幅减小、贷款额度涨幅减小、当前技术系统 难以充分契合新时代导向。究其缘由,则是因为该分行一线组织能力不足,互联网金 融方面认知水平较浅,团队水准不理想、技术能力缺乏优势。第二,本文凭借PEST、 波特五力两类模型,完成评估工作,详述了该分行所要应对的考验及机遇、内部优势 及短板。第三,本文专门解读了该分行所处竞争局势,结合其竞争要素、发展目标, 提出走差异化发展路线的建议。本文认为,P银行石家庄分行务必继续提高研发水平, 同时强调异质化优势,如此才能避免同新兴市场主体展开激烈竞争,尽快开辟细分市 场空间,形成不可替代的竞争地位,通过差异化布局,突出品牌的特定标签,最大限 度吸引目标受众。第四,本文结合该分行最新战略计划,提出四类保障措施:持续升 级网点效力;提高风控能力;完善欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司间整合机制;优化团建收效。 关键字:竞争战略 普惠金融 差异化 II ABSTRACT In 2020, China's financial market will accelerate its opening up, involving banking, insurance, fund and other financial fields. The pattern of domestic traditional banking industry has been under unprecedented pressure and challenge. On the one hand, the increasingly open financial policy will attract foreign institutions to accelerate their entry; on the other hand, with the entry of Internet enterprises, how to resist the invasion of enterprises to occupy market share, and how to borrow from others, It is a great challenge for most joint-stock banks to quickly adjust their own strategies and achieve leapfrog development. In the current situation of fierce market competition, joint-stock banks want to achieve long-term development, it is necessary to develop competitive strategies in line with their own characteristics. Based on the above, this paper selects Shijiazhuang branch of bank P as an example, comprehensively uses case analysis method and literature analysis method. Based on the analysis of the competition status and development problems of Shijiazhuang branch of bank P, the paper uses the strategy analysis tools to analyze the macro environment, internal and external advantages and disadvantages, etc., and selects the competitive strategy suitable for the branch based on this And put forward the safeguard measures. In order to help Shijiazhuang branch of bank P solve the current problems and realize long-term development, it can enrich the relevant research literature and typical cases of bank competition strategy in China, and provide reference for the formulation and implementation of other banks' competitive strategy in China. First of all, this paper analyzes the development status of P bank Shijiazhuang branch, and makes it clear that there are still some problems in its current development, such as the continuous decline of profitability, the slow growth of deposit and loan scale, and the existing science and technology system can not fully adapt to the new environment and new business. The main reasons are that the grass-roots management of P bank Shijiazhuang branch is still relatively weak, and the thinking and concept of Internet finance are not perfect The quality of personnel and the level of science and technology did not meet the requirements of the times. Secondly, using PEST analysis method and Porter five forces model, this paper analyzes the internal and external environment of P bank Shijiazhuang branch, and establishes EFE, IFE matrix to evaluate its current internal and external environment. Thirdly, through the analysis of the competitive environment of P bank Shijiazhuang branch, it is III concluded that the current competitive strategy should be differentiated. On the basis of strengthening the research and development of financial products and services, we should distinguish the third-party payment, mobile payment and P2P credit mode, fully tap the market segments of financial products and services, provide differentiated products and services, and build differentiated products and services Brand image. Finally, it points out that in order to ensure the implementation of competitive strategy, w branch of P bank also needs to continuously optimize the software and hardware functions of outlets, do a good job in risk management and control, establish a differentiated alliance between different industries, and vigorously build a talent team. KEYWORDS:Competitive strategy Inclusive finance Differentiation QSPM matrix IV 目 录 摘要 ..... I ABSTRACT .............................. II 第一章 绪论 ........................... 1 1.1研究背景及意义 ......... 1 1.1.1研究背景 .......... 1 1.1.2研究意义 .......... 2 1.2国内外研究现状 ......... 3 1.2.1国外研究现状 .. 3 1.2.2国内研究现状 .. 4 1.2.3国内外研究述评 ............................. 6 1.3研究内容及方法 ......... 6 1.3.1研究内容 .......... 6 1.3.2研究方法 .......... 7 1.4创新点 ......................... 7 1.5技术路线 ..................... 8 第2章 理论基础 ..................... 9 2.1 企业战略及战略管理 9 2.1.1 企业战略管理的层次结构 .......... 10 2.1.2 企业战略的特征 .......................... 10 2.1.3 战略管理的制定流程 ................... 11 2.2 竞争战略理论 .......... 13 2.1.1 成本领先战略 .............................. 13 2.1.2 差异化战略 ... 14 2.1.3 集中化战略 ... 15 2.3企业战略的分析工具 .............................. 16 2.3.1宏观环境分析工具:PEST方法 . 16 2.3.2欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争结构分析模型:五力模型 .......................... 17 2.3.3 SWOT分析模型 ........................... 18 第3章P银行石家庄分行外部环境分析 ...... 19 V 3.1 P银行石家庄分行宏观环境分析 .... 19 3.1.1政治环境分析 19 3.1.2经济环境分析 21 3.1.3社会文化环境分析 ....................... 25 3.1.4技术环境分析 27 3.2欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境分析 .. 28 3.2.1替代品的威胁 28 3.2.2客户议价能力 29 3.2.3供应商的议价能力 ....................... 29 3.2.4潜在竞争者的威胁 ....................... 30 3.2.5欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内部的竞争 ........................... 30 3.3 外部环境分析总结 . 32 第四章 P银行石家庄分行内部环境分析 ........... 35 4.1 P银行石家庄分行概况 ......................... 35 4.1.1 分行简介 ....... 35 4.1.2 P银行石家庄分行发展现状 ..... 35 4.2 P银行石家庄分行内部资源和能力分析 ............................ 37 4.2.1 P银行石家庄分行资源分析 ........ 37 4.2.2 P银行石家庄分行能力分析 ........ 42 4.3 内部环境分析总结 .. 44 第5章P银行石家庄分行竞争战略选择 ............ 46 5.1 P银行石家庄分行SWOT分析 ............. 46 5.2 P银行石家庄分行竞争战略选择 ........... 47 5.2.1 战略选择 ....... 47 5.2.2 战略制定 ....... 48 5.3 战略实施 .................. 48 5.3.1产品差异化 .... 48 5.3.2服务差异化 .... 50 5.3.3品牌差异化 .... 50 第6章P银行石家庄分行竞争战略实施保障措施 ........................... 52 6.1 网点软硬件功能的完善 ......................... 52 6.2 做好风险管控 .......... 53 6.3 形成异业联盟,嫁接同业资源 ............. 54 6.4 建设人才队伍 .......... 55 VI 第7章结论 ............................. 56 7.1研究结论 ................... 56 7.2研究不足与展望 ....... 57。。。。。。以下内容略