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I 摘要 近年来,面对利率市场化削弱银行定价权,外资银行、互联网等第三方金融 企业的激烈竞争,各家商业银行为了扩大获客范围,提高活客能力进行了金融科 技转型。C银行云南省分行通过与政府合作建立“智慧政务”平台,搭建和发展 G端(政府)C端(消费者)B端(企业)金融生态圈,创造了一种新的客户引流 方式,提高了C银行云南省分行的市场竞争力。 本文围绕C银行云南省分行与省政府合作 “智慧政务”项目的市场拓展, 研究“智慧政务”项目的发展现状及其存在的问题与不足,并针对性地提出相应 发展策略及保障措施,以期为该项目提供合理化建议,使得该项目的规划与发展 更加系统与完善。并且通过对该项目的深入研究,能够为其他银行的金融科技发 展提供一定的借鉴意义。 本文首先通过长尾理论,蓝海理论,市场营销的7Ps理论等理论分析了“智 慧政务”项目的产生背景与发展现状。通过收集该项目相关经营数据,利用波士 顿矩阵分析,发现C银行云南省分行“智慧政务”项目正处于问题类产品向明星 类产品转变的过程中,得出发展对策为C银行云南省分行应该对该项目加大投入 和推动持续发展,使之成长固化为明星类乃至金牛类产品。 在对项目的内外部资源分析中采用了PEST分析法,总结出C银行云南省分 行所具备优势及问题所在。运用SWOT模型对项目优劣势和威胁机遇进行分析, 得出当前项目面临的主要竞争优势、劣势和机遇。 通过前文研究,针对C银行云南省分行“智慧政务”项目的具体内容及发展 现状,本文制定与提出以下两个结论: 1、制定四个方面的差异化发展策略:(1)服务差异化、(2)市场选择差异 化、(3)客户选择差异化、(4)产品差异化。 2、提出四个方面的针对性保障措施,以期保障“智慧政务”项目在市场拓 展中持续良好发展:(1)重视客户拓展工作、(2)加强金融科技利用、(3)做好 人才培养,整合营销队伍、(4)完善考核机制,调动员工积极性。 关键词:商业银行;市场拓展;智慧政务 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT In recent years, facing the fierce competition among foreign banks, Internet and other third-party financial enterprises, the weakened pricing power of banks caused by market interest rate, commercial banks have carried out financial technology transformation so that they could expand the scope of customers and improve their ability of engaging customers. By cooperating with the government to establish the "smart government affairs" platform, the Yunnan Branch of C Bank has built and developed the G-end (government) C-end (consumer) B-end (enterprise) financial ecosystem, creating a new way of customer drainage and customer engagement, and improving the market competitiveness of the Yunnan Branch of C Bank. This piece of paper takes the market development of "smart government" project led by C bank branch in Yunnan province and the provincial government cooperation as background, discusses the present situation and the existing problems and deficiencies of "smart government" project , and puts forward the corresponding development strategies and safeguard measures, so as to provide reasonable Suggestions for the project, make the project planning and development process more systematic and perfect . Moreover, through the in-depth study of this project, it can provide some references for the development of financial technology of other banks. Firstly, this paper analyzes the background and development status of the project of "smart government affairs" through the Long Tail Theory, Blue Ocean Theory and 7Ps Theory of Marketing. By collecting relevant operation data of this project and using Boston matrix analysis, it is concluded that the "intelligent government affairs" project of Yunnan Branch of C Bank is in the process of transforming from problem products to star products. It is concluded that the development strategy is that the Yunnan Branch of C Bank should increase investment and promote sustainable development in this project, to grow and solidify the project into star products and even Taurus products. PEST analysis is adopted in the analysis of internal and external resources of the ABSTRACT III project, and the advantages and problems of Yunnan Branch of C Bank are summarized. SWOT model is used to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the project and to discover threats, opportunities, as well as the main competitive advantages. Based on the previous research and the specific content and development status of the "Smart Government" project of Yunnan Branch of C Bank, this paper draws the following two conclusions: 1. To develop differentiation development strategies in four aspects :(1) service differentiation, (2) market selection differentiation, (3) customer choice differentiation, and (4) product differentiation. 2. Putted forward four specific measures to ensure the sustainable development of the "smart government" project in the market expansion :(1) pay attention to customer development, (2) strengthen the use of financial technology, (3) achieve effective talent training, the marketing team integration, (4) improve the assessment mechanism and mobilize the enthusiasm of employees. Key words: Commercial Bank, Market expansion, Smart Government Affairs 目录 IV 目录 摘要 ................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................ II 目录 .................................................... IV 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景 ..................................................... 1 1.2 国内外研究理论现状 ........................................... 3 1.2.1国外研究理论综述 ................................................... 3 1.2.2国内研究理论综述 ................................................... 4 1.2.3国内外综合研究理论述评 ............................................. 6 1.3 研究目的和意义 ............................................... 6 1.4 研究内容、思路及方法 ......................................... 7 1.4.1研究内容 ........................................................... 7 1.4.2研究思路 ........................................................... 8 1.4.3技术路线 ........................................................... 9 1.4.4研究方法 .......................................................... 10 1.5 创新与不足 .................................................. 10 第二章 相关理论基础和战略分析工具 ....................... 11 2.1 理论基础 .................................................... 11 2.1.1长尾理论 .......................................................... 11 2.1.2蓝海市场理论 ...................................................... 12 2.1.3市场营销中的7Ps理论 .............................................. 13 2.1.4上述理论在本文中的应用 ............................................ 14 2.2 战略分析工具 ................................................ 14 2.2.1波士顿矩阵分析 .................................................... 14 2.2.2 PEST分析法 ....................................................... 15 目录 V 2.2.3 SWOT分析法 ....................................................... 15 第三章 C银行云南省分行智慧政务项目现状分析 ............. 16 3.1 C银行云南省分行简介 ......................................... 16 3.2 C银行云南省分行智慧政务项目发展现状 ......................... 17 3.2.1“智慧政务”项目架构 ............................................... 17 3.2.2“智慧政务”项目服务对象 ........................................... 19 3.2.3“智慧政务”项目客户群体 ........................................... 19 3.3 C银行云南省分行智慧政务项目波士顿矩阵分析 ................... 20 3.3.1“智慧政务”项目经营数据 ........................................... 21 3.3.2“智慧政务”项目波士顿矩阵分析 ..................................... 23 第四章 C银行云南省分行“智慧政务”项目内外部分析 ....... 25 4.1 C银行云南省分行智慧政务项目外部环境分析 ..................... 25 4.1.1 政策法律分析(P) ................................................. 25 4.1.2 经济环境分析(E) ................................................. 26 4.1.3 社会环境分析(S) ................................................. 28 4.1.4 技术环境分析(T) ................................................. 30 4.1.5 外部环境综合评述 .................................................. 31 4.2 C银行云南省分行智慧政务项目内部资源能力分析 ....

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