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薪酬管理是涉及到员工切身利益的企业管理活动,作为现代企业 人力资源管理的核心内容,如何通过打造完善的薪酬体系,以实现对 员工行为的有效 约束和激励,为企业战略目标的达成提供坚实支撑, 已然成为企业管理者必须要考虑的问题。战略薪酬则是将薪酬管理提 升至企业战略高度,让薪酬管理为实现企业战略目标服 务。本研究以M 药业股份有限公司为研究案例,在薪酬管理相关理论和方法的指导下, 探讨了该公司在薪酬管理方面存在的问题,并以此为基础,设计了一套 能够适应公司长远 发展的战略薪酬体系。 在具体研究内容上,本研究是从如下几个方面进行的:首先是对研 究的具体背景,研究的目的与意义,国内外学者的相关研究成果, 研究所采用的思路与 方法等进行了交代。其次是对薪酬、薪酬管理、 战略薪酬等概念以及相关理论进行了阐述,为后续研究奠定理论支 撑。再次是对M药业的薪酬体系现状通过问卷调查等形式予以明 晰, 同时对存在的薪酬管理问题进行提炼。第四是在薪酬管理相关理论与 方法的框架下,对M药业的战略薪酬体系进行构建,以期能为解决当 前的问题提供思路。第五是为了确 保战略薪酬体系的顺利推进,从薪酬 管理体系和绩效管理体系两个维度进行实施保障措施配套,并简要评 估实施效果。最后是研究结论与展望,对研究进行简要总结和提出后续 研究建议。 战略薪酬体系的构建是一项系统工程,牵涉到企业的各个方面, II 特别是要做到与企业战略导向的无缝对接,因而是难以一蹴而就的。 本研究以M药业为研究对象, 通过构建符合公司长远发展的战略薪酬 体系,以期能解决该公司实际问题的同时,也能为相关企业完善薪酬管 理提供有效借鉴。 关键词:M药业,薪酬管理,战略薪酬 III ABSTRACT Salary management is an enterprise management activity involving the vital interests of employees. As the core content of modern enterprise human resource management, how to build a perfect salary system to realize the effective restraint and incentive of employees' behavior and provide solid support for the achievement of enterprise strategic objectives has become an issue that enterprise managers must consider. Strategic compensation is to promote the compensation management to the strategic height of the enterprise, and let the compensation management serve for the realization of the strategic objectives of the enterprise. This study takes m Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. as a case study, under the guidance of relevant theories and methods of compensation management, discusses the problems existing in the compensation management of the company, and based on this, designs a set of strategic compensation system that can adapt to the long-term development of the company. In terms of specific research content, this research is carried out from the following aspects: first, the specific background, purpose and significance of the research, relevant research results of domestic and foreign scholars, ideas and methods adopted by the research are explained. Secondly, it expounds the concepts of compensation, compensation management, strategic compensation and related theories, IV which lays a theoretical support for the follow-up research. Thirdly, the current situation of M pharmaceutical's salary system is clarified through questionnaire survey, and the existing salary management problems are refined. The fourth is to construct the strategic compensation system of M pharmaceutical industry under the framework of relevant theories and methods of compensation management, in order to provide ideas for solving the current problems. Fifthly, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the strategic compensation system, the supporting measures are implemented from the two dimensions of compensation management system and performance management system, and the implementation effect is briefly evaluated. Finally, the conclusion and Prospect of the study, the summary of the study and the suggestions for the follow-up study. The construction of strategic compensation system is a systematic project, involving all aspects of the enterprise, especially to achieve seamless docking with the strategic orientation of the enterprise, so it is difficult to achieve it overnight. In this study, m pharmaceutical industry is taken as the research object. By building a strategic compensation system that is in line with the long-term development of the company, we hope to solve the actual problems of the company and provide effective reference for the relevant enterprises to improve the compensation management. V Key Words: M pharmaceutical, salary management, strategic salary I 目 录 摘要 ............................................................. I Abstract ....................................................................................................................... II 第 1 章 绪论 ........................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景 .....................................................1 1.2 研究目的和意义 .............................................. 2 1.2.1 研究目的 ................................................ 2 1.2.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2 1.3 国内外研究现状及水平 ........................................ 3 1.3.1 国外研究现状及水平 ...................................... 3 1.3.2 国内研究现状及水平 ...................................... 4 1.4 研究思路与方法 .............................................. 6 1.4.1 研究思路 ................................................ 6 1.4.2 研究方法 ................................................ 6 1.5 论文框架结构 ................................................7 第 2 章 薪酬管理研究概述 ............................................ 9 2.1 薪酬与薪酬管理 .............................................. 9 2.1.1 薪酬 .................................................... 9 2.1.2 薪酬管理 ................................................ 9 2.2 战略薪 酬....................................................10 10 2.2.1 战略薪酬的内涵 ......................................... 10 2.2.2 战略薪酬模式选择 .......................................11 2.2.3 战略薪酬支付水平 ......................................12 2.3 战略薪酬与传统薪酬的比较 ................................... 13 第 3 章 M 药业薪酬体系现状与问题分析 ................................ 15 3.1 M 药业概况 15 II 3.1.1 公司简介 ............................................... 15 3.1.2 公司组织结构 ........................................... 15 3.1.3 公司员工结构 ........................................... 16 3.2 公司薪酬体系现状 ........................................... 17 3.2.1 薪酬结构 ............................................... 17 3.2.2 薪酬模式 ............................................... 19 3.3 公司薪酬体系现状调查 ....................................... 19 3.3.1 问卷调查对象情况统计 ................................... 20 3.3.2 调查问卷结果统计 .......................................21 3.4 公司薪酬体系存在的主要问题 ................................. 24 3.4.1 薪酬体系与企业战略不匹配 ............................... 24 3.4.2 薪酬缺乏外部竞争力 ..................................... 24 3.4.3 薪酬结构较为单一 ......................................25 3.4.4 薪酬沟通渠道不畅 .......................................25 3.4.5 薪酬体系缺乏动态调整机制 ............................... 26 第 4 章 M 药业战略薪酬体系的构建 .................................... 27 4.1 公司薪酬设计的战略基础 ..................................... 27 4.1.1 公司发展战略 ........................................... 27 4.1.2 公司人力资源战略 ...................... 27 4.1.3 公司薪酬战略 ........................................... 28 4.2 战略薪酬体系的设计框架 ..................................... 28 4.2.1 设计目标 ............................................... 28 4.2.2 设计原则 ............................................... 29 4.2.3 设计思路 ............................................... 29 4.3 岗位分析与评价 ............................................. 30 4.3.1 岗位分析 ............................................... 30 4.3.2 岗位评价 ............................................... 31 4.4 薪酬水平调查 ..................................

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