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I 摘要 十一届三中全会以来,为了适应我国社会经济飞速发展,消防应急体制改革 也紧跟其后,从而催生出庞大的消防应急管理服务市场,目前全国 已有多家企业 进入该领域,该领域由于受到利好政策的影响,进入者众多,竞争激烈。H公司 成立于2016年,其业务范围是集各类安全技术咨询、安全生产标准化创建、安全 生 产标准化动态管理、安全宣传动漫设计、安防设备销售、维修、安装等为一体 的专业安全技术咨询服务公司。同时,公司还为政府、事业单位提供安全生产第 三方检(巡)查、 安全技术支撑和安全生产培训等服务。公司为客户提供的产品 主要包括消防培训课、火灾演习演练、应急预案编制、动画宣传片制作、应急管 理APP等。成立以来,H公司虽然受 到利好政策的影响,业绩实现稳定增长,但 其营销管理体系存在严重的短板,影响H公司后续健康持续发展。 本研究首先是基于4P理论对H公司的营销现状进行分析,认为H公司在 营 销策略方面,产品附加值不高,价格管理不够系统化和规范化,营销渠道太过单 一,严重依赖公司管理层的关系营销,公司没有系统性的促销策略,不能持续性 开展促销活动 等问题。其次是根据PEST分析对H公司的宏观环境进行分析,认 为宏观环境良好,有利于公司发展;通过欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争分析认为H公司面临激烈的市 场竞争;运用SWOT分析,总结出H公 司的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。然后是根 据STP理论,对H公司进行市场定位,根据4P营销策略组合理论,分别提出了H 公司的产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略,以形成 新的营销策略组合。 最后是根据H公司的实际情况,为了更好的贯彻落实H公司的市场定位和新的营 销策略组合,从组织结构、规章制度、售后服务管理和企业文化建设这四个方 面 进行建议,保障H公司的营销管理能够更好的实施。 本研究通过传统的文献研究法、调查分析法、数据分析法等为研究方法,根 据H公司的实际情况,为H公司的营销管理工作 提供具有可行性的指导意见,旨 在帮助H公司在营销管理的过程当中,发现自身在营销管理方面的不足,提出解 决营销管理过程当中存在的问题,具有一定的实际实践意义,同时 也可以作为应 急管理服务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的企业提供参考。 关键词:H公司、应急管理服务、市场定位、营销策略 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, in order to adapt to the rapid development of China's social economy, the reform of the fire emergency response system has followed closely, which has spawned a huge fire emergency management service market. At present, many enterprises across the country have entered this field. Due to the influence of favorable policies, there are many entrants and fierce competition. Company H was established in 2016. Its business scope is a professional safety technology consulting service that integrates various types of safety technology consulting, safety production standardization creation, safety production standardization dynamic management, safety publicity animation design, security equipment sales, maintenance, installation, etc. the company. At the same time, the company also provides services such as third-party inspection (inspection) of safety production, safety technical support and safety production training for the government and institutions. The company's products for customers mainly include fire training courses, fire drills, emergency plan preparation, animation propaganda film production, emergency management APP, etc. Since its establishment, Company H has been affected by favorable policies and achieved steady growth in performance, but its marketing management system has serious shortcomings that affect Company H's subsequent healthy and sustainable development. This research first analyzes the marketing status of Company H based on the 4P theory, and believes that Company H's marketing strategy has low product added value, price management is not systematic and standardized, and the marketing channel is too single, relying heavily on the company's management Relationship marketing, the company does not have a systematic promotion strategy, can not continue to carry out promotional activities and other issues. The second is to analyze the company H’s macro environment based on the PEST analysis, and believe that the company’s macro environment is good and beneficial to the company’s development; through industry competition analysis, the company H is facing fierce market competition; using SWOT analysis, it summarizes the company H’s advantages, disadvantages, Opportunities and threats. Then, based on the STP theory, the company H is positioned in the market. According to the 4P marketing strategy combination theory, the company H's product ABSTRACT III strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy are proposed respectively to form a new marketing strategy combination. Finally, according to the actual situation of Company H, in order to better implement Company H's market positioning and new marketing strategy combination, we make recommendations from four aspects of organizational structure, rules and regulations, after-sales service management and corporate culture construction to protect H The company's marketing management can be better implemented. This research uses traditional literature research methods, survey analysis methods, data analysis methods, etc. as research methods. According to the actual situation of H company, it provides feasible guidance for H company's marketing management work, aiming to help H company in marketing In the process of management, it finds its own deficiencies in marketing management, and proposes to solve the problems in the marketing management process, which has certain practical practical significance, and can also be used as a reference for enterprises in the emergency management service industry. Keywords: H company,Emergency management services, market positioning, marketing strategies 目 录 IV 目 录 第一章 绪论 ....................... 1 1.1 选题的背景与意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..... 1 1.1.2 研究目的与意义 ........................ 2 1.2 研究的思 路与方法 2 1.2.1 研究思路 ..... 2 1.2.2 研究方法 ..... 3 1.3 研究内容与技术路线图 ....................... 3 1.3.1 研究内容 ..... 3 1.3.2 技术路线图 . 3 第二 章 相关理论基础 ....... 5 2.1 营销环境分析工具 5 2.1.1 PEST分析 .... 5 2.1.2 SWOT模型分析 ......................... 5 2.2 营销策略理论 ........ 6 2.2.1 STP理 论 ...... 6 2.2.2 4P营销策略组合 ........................ 7 2.3 关系营销 ................ 8 2.4 大客户营销 ............ 9 第三章 H公司营销现状分析 ........................ 10 3.1 H公司概况 .......... 10 3.1.1 H公司简介 10 3.1.2 H公司营销体系现状 ............... 10 3.2 H公司营销现状 ... 11 3.2.1 H公司销 售情况分析 ................ 11 3.2.2 产品营销策略现状 .................. 13 3.2.3 价格营销策略现状 .................. 15 3.2.4 渠道营销策略现状 .................. 16 3.2.5 促销营销策略现状 .................. 16 3.3 H公司营销问题分析 ......................... 17 目录 V 3.3.1 产品附加值不够高 .................. 17 3.3.2 价格管理不规范 ...................... 17 3.3.3营销渠道单一 ........................... 17 3.3.4 促销策略没有持续开展 .......... 18 第四章 H公司的营销环境分析 .................... 19 4.1 宏观环境分析 ...... 19 4.1.1 政治环境 ... 19 4.1.2 经济环境 ... 20 4.1.3 社会环境 ... 21 4.1.4 技术 环境 ... 22 4.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争分析 ...... 23 4.2.1 小微型第三方安全咨询技术服务公司 ................. 23 4.2.2 改扩增类型服务公司 .............. 24 4.2.3 第三方专 业应急预案编制服务公司 ..................... 24 4.2.4 资本雄厚的技术服务公司 ...... 25 4.3 SWOT分析 .......... 26 4.3.1 优势 ........... 26 4.3.2 劣势 ........... 28 4.3.3 机会 ........... 29 4.3.4 威胁 ........... 29 4.3.5 SWOT分析小结 ....................... 30 第五章 H公司营销策略建议 ........................ 31 5.1 H公司市场定位 .. 31 5.1.1 H公司的市场细分 ................... 31 5.1.2 H公司目标市场的选择 ........... 32 5.1.3 H公司的市场定 位 ................... 32 5.2 H公司营销组合策略 ......................... 33 5.2.1 产品策略 ... 33 5.2.2 价格策略 ... 34 5.2.3 渠道策略 ... 36 5.2.4 促销策略 ... 36 第六章 H公司营销策略的保障措施 ............ 38 6.1 完善组织结构 ...... 38 目录 VI 6.1.1 组建专业营销团队 .................. 38 6.1.2 组建融资部门 .......

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