近年来,伴随网络购物的蓬勃发展,农产品电子商务也得到快速发展,具有广阔的 前景。尤其是在国家大力发展农村经济和对解决“三农”问题的重
视与支持下,电子商 务这种新型的营销方式,能够以其独特的优势,使农民直接对接消费市场,促进农产品 与消费者的互通互联,为农民的收入增长起到至关重要的作用。尽管
发展农产品电商营 销具有非常重要的意义和作用,但在实际过程中,一些地区却因电商技能不足、基础设 施建设跟不上、营销渠道单一等问题,导致其农产品电商发展受阻。 陕
西大荔县作为典型的中西部农村地区,农产品电商营销起步较晚,实践探索还处 于初始阶段,农产品电子商务的发展还存在许多亟待解决的问题。本文以大荔县农产品 电商营销
为研究对象,根据农产品营销及农产品电子商务营销的相关概述,结合网络直 复营销理论、4P 与 4C 整合营销理论和关系营销理论,对当地农产品电商营销问题展开 深入研究。
论文通过问卷调研的方式,深入了解陕西省大荔县农产品电商营销的发展现 状,在此基础上分析出当地农产品电子商务营销发展中存在的主要问题包括:农民电商 技能不足、农
产品品牌化建设不理想、农产品营销渠道单一及农产品电商营销服务落后 等。同时结合欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展经验和未来我国电子商务的发展趋势,从提高农产品核心竞争力、 加强基础设施
建设、建立多元的营销模式、加强电商人才建设、加强政府的引导作用等 方面提出促进大荔县电商营销发展的对策建议。目的在于推动大荔县农产品电商营销的 发展,帮助当地
解决农产品的销售问题,在降低交易成本的同时增加农民收入,进而帮 助当地农民脱贫致富,在解决“三农”问题上起到一定的积极作用。 关键词:电子商务,农产品,营销模
式ii Abstract In recent years, with the rapid development of online shopping, E-commerce of agricultural products has also been achieved rapid development
and has a broad prospect. Especially under the country vigorously develops the rural economy and to solve the "three agriculture" question the
attention and the support, E-commerce, a new marketing method, can make farmers directly connect with the consumer market with its unique advantages,promote
the interconnection between agricultural products and consumers, and play a crucial role in the growth of farmers' income. Although the development of
agricultural products e-commerce marketing has very important significance and role, in the actual process, the development of e-commerce of agricultural
products in some regions is hindered due to the lack of e-commerce skills, inadequate infrastructure construction and single marketing channels. As a typical
rural area in central and western China, Dali county of shaanxi province has a late start in e-commerce marketing of agricultural products, and its practice
and exploration are still in the initial stage. There are still many problems to be solved in the development of e- commerce of agricultural products. This
paper takes the e-commerce marketing of agricultural products in Dali county as the research object. Based on the relevant overview of agricultural product
marketing and e-commerce marketing of agricultural products, this paper conducts an in-depth study on the e-commerce marketing of local agricultural products
by combining the direct network marketing theory, 4P and 4C integrated marketing theory and relationship marketing theory.Through the wayof questionnaire
survey, we has a deep understanding of the development of agricultural products e-commerce marketing in Dali county, Shaanxi province, on the basis of the
analysis of local agricultural products e-commerce marketing development ofthemainproblemsinclude:lackoffarmers'e-commerceskills、
unsatisfactoryconstruction of agricultural product brand 、single marketing channels for agricultural products and e- commerce marketing services for
agricultural products lag behind,combined with industry development experience and future development trend of China's e-commerce. Put forward
countermeasures and suggestions to promote the development of Dali county electric businessiii marketing from the following aspects: enhancing the core
competitiveness of agricultural products, strengthening infrastructure construction, establishing a diversified marketing model, enforcing construction of
talent team of electrical business and strengthening the government's guiding. The purpose is promoting the development of e-commerce marketing of
agricultural products in Dali county, and helping solve the sales problems of agricultural products, and increasing farmers' income at the same time as
reducing transaction costs, so as to help lifting local farmers out of poverty. It has played a positive role in solving the problems concerning agriculture,
rural areas and farmers. Key words:E-commerce,agricultural products, marketing modeliv 目 录 第一章 绪论
.............................................................. 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ................................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景
.................................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 .................................................... 2 1.2 国内外研究综述
................................................... 3 1.2.1 国外研究综述 ................................................ 3 1.2.2 国内研究综述
................................................ 4 1.2.3 研究述评 .................................................... 6 1.3 研究内容和研究方法
............................................... 7 1.3.1 研究内容 .................................................... 7 1.3.2 研究方法
.................................................... 8 第二章 相关概念及理论基础 ............................................... 10 2.1 相关概念
........................................................ 10 2.1.1 农产品及农产品品牌 ......................................... 10 2.1.2 市场营销
................................................... 10 2.1.3 农产品营销 ................................................. 11 2.1.4 电子商务
................................................... 11 2.1.5 农产品电子商务 ............................................. 12 2.2 理论基础
........................................................ 12 2.2.1 网络直复营销理论 ........................................... 12 2.2.2 4P 与 4C 整合营销理论
........................................ 13 2.2.3 关系营销理论 ............................................... 14 第三章 大荔县农产品电子商务的发展现状分析
............................... 15 3.1 大荔县农产品的发展现状 .......................................... 15 3.1.1 大荔县的地域特点
........................................... 15 3.1.2 大荔县农产品基本概况 ....................................... 15 3.1.3 大荔县的农产品特点
......................................... 18 3.2 大荔县农产品电商营销现状 ........................................ 18 3.2.1 大荔县农产品电商营销参与主体现状
........................... 19 3.2.2 大荔县农产品电商营销产品现状 ............................... 21 3.2.3 大荔县农产品电商营销渠道现状
............................... 21 3.2.4 大荔县农产品电商营销体系建设现状 ........................... 22 3.3 本章小结
........................................................ 24 第四章 大荔县农产品电商营销存在的问题及原因分析 ......................... 25v 4.1 大荔县农产品电
商营销存在问题分析 ................................ 25 4.1.1 农民电商技能不足 ........................................... 25 4.1.2 农产品品牌建设不理想
....................................... 26 4.1.3 农产品营销渠道单一 ......................................... 26 4.1.4 农产品电商营销服务落后
..................................... 27 4.2 大荔县农产品电商营销存在问题的原因分析 ........................... 27 4.2.1 农产品品牌化程度较低
....................................... 28 4.2.2 基础设施建设不够完善 ....................................... 28 4.2.3 缺乏专业的电商营销人才
..................................... 29 4.2.4 政府引导作用不够 ........................................... 30 4.3 本章小结
........................................................ 30 第五章 大荔县农产品电商营销发展的对策及建议 ............................. 31 5