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近年来,随着我国经济的快速发展,居民人均收入逐渐增加,互联网的发展应用以及 快递欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司在生活中的渗透,居民的消费观念和消费方式也逐渐发生改变。人们在追求更多 样更深层次的消费需求的同时,也使商业银行的个人贷款业务实现了快速的发展,商业 银行在揽储成本增加的前提下有效控制资产质量成为各家银行风险管理的重点。Z 银行 X 支行作为一家国有商业银行的二级机构,在个人贷款业务快速增长的过程中也面临着 风险管理的问题。在市场竞争日益激烈的情况下,有效的控制好 Z 银行 X 支行的个人 贷款业务风险能使 Z 银行 X 支行在市场竞争中处于优势地位,提升 Z 银行 X 支行的盈 利能力。 本文通过对 Z 银行 X 支行个人贷款业务操作流程及风险控制流程的分析,按照战 略-人员-流程的逻辑顺序总结出 X 支行个人贷款业务风险管理中存在的问题:贷款投放 战略和绩效考核制度不合理、销售队伍人员综合素质不尽人意、业务操作流程不完善问 题。在对贷款投放战略和绩效考核制度方面存在的问题分析总结时提出:Z 银行 X 支行 的业务发展倾向高收益贷款产品,并在部分产品品种设计机制不合理、绩效考核制度不 科学。在分析销售人员销售队伍人员综合素质时,立足一线工作实际概括出一线销售人 员素质良莠不齐,银行工作人员违规问题屡禁不止,以及强行搭售产品可能引起合规风 险和声誉风险。在对业务操作流程问题分析时,结合一线工作的经验又从贷前、贷中、 贷后各个环节出现的问题一一展开阐述,主要包括贷前信息的核实不全面、贷查审批环 节担保的落实不到位、贷后问题的反馈和管理不主动。 针对 Z 银行 X 支行个人贷款业务存在的问题,本文提出六大建议:首先,银行应 该加强个人贷款产品的创新,满足差异化需求;同时通过改革客户经理考核制度,在激 励客户经理提升业绩的同时约束客户经理的不良作为,降低资产的不良率;再次,重视 营销环节乱收费和搭售产品等问题,提升客户的满意度和体验感,避免对银行造成声誉 风险等不良影响;另外借鉴他行的先进经验,改进我行个人贷款审批流程;同时由于个 人住房贷款在个人贷款业务中所占比例较重,在日常工作中着力于房地产开发商的风险 规避;最后,在科技不断发展的现代社会,一定要加强与互联网公司的合作,提升金融 科技水平。II 本文通过对大量关于个人贷款业务风险管理问题相关著作的研究分析,并结合自身 的工作对 Z 银行 X 支行个人贷款业务风险管理问题的研究,更有针对性和可行性,对 于其他银行个人贷款业务风险管理具有较高的参考意义。 关键词:Z 银行 X 支行,个人贷款,风险管理III ABSTRACT In recent years, with the rapid development of China's economy, the per capita income of residents has gradually increased. The development and application of the Internet and the penetration of the express delivery industry in life have changed residents' consumption concepts and consumption patterns. While pursuing more diversified and deeper consumer demands, it also promotes the rapid development of Banks' personal loan business. Commercial Banks' effective control of asset quality has become the focus of risk management of various Banks on the premise of increasing the cost of collecting and storing assets. As a secondary institution of a state-owned commercial bank, the X branch of bank Z also faces the problem of risk management in the process of the rapid growth of personal loan business. In an increasingly competitive market, effectively controlling the risks of personal loan business of Z bank can make Z bank X branch in an advantageous position in the market competition and improve the profitability of Z bank. This article through to Z bank X branch personal loan business process and the analysis of the risk control process, according to the logical order of strategy - staff - process summed up the X branch problems existing in the risk management of personal loan business: lending strategy and performance appraisal system is not reasonable sales team personnel overall quality unsatisfactory business operation process incomplete problem in lending strategy and analysis the problems of performance appraisal system in put forward: Z bank X branch business development trend of high yield loan products, and part of the products in the design mechanism is not reasonable performance appraisal system is not scientific On the analysis of the sales staff sales team personnel overall quality, based on a line of work actual Outlines a line sales personnel quality is good and bad are intermingled, bank staff violations, and the forced sale products may cause compliance risk and reputation risk in the business operation process problem analysis, combined with work experience and a line from the former loan credit loans after each link the problems one by one in this, mainly including credit information is not comprehensive to verify credit check approval link to guarantee the implementation of the inadequate credit problems after feedback and management is not active. In view of the problems existing in the personal loan business of Z bank X branch, this paper puts forward six Suggestions: first, Banks should strengthen the innovation of personal loan products to meetIV the differentiated needs; At the same time, the performance appraisal mechanism, the responsibility attribution mechanism and the supplementary risk margin system are reformed to improve the assessment of account managers. While encouraging the account managers to improve their performance, they also continuously improve their professional quality, reduce the defective rate of assets, and add luster to their career. Thirdly, we should pay attention to the problems such as random charges and tie-in products in the marketing process, so as to improve customer satisfaction and experience, and avoid the adverse impact on the bank's reputation risk. In addition, we can learn from the advanced experience of other Banks to improve our personal loan approval process. Meanwhile, due to the heavy proportion of personal housing loan in personal loan business, I focus on the risk aversion of real estate developers in my daily work. Finally, in the modern society with the continuous development of technology, we must strengthen the cooperation with Internet companies to improve the level of fintech. Through the research and analysis of a large number of works related to the risk management of personal loan business and the research on the risk management of personal loan business of X branch of Z bank in combination with my own work, this paper is more targeted and feasible, which has a high reference significance for the risk management of personal loan business of other Banks KEY WORDS: Z bank X branch,Personal loan,Risk managementV 目 录 摘要...............I ABSTRACT .............................. III 1 绪 论.......... 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 ................ 1 1.1.1 研究背景 .................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 .................... 2 1.2 研究内容与研究方法 ........ 3 1.2.1 研究内容 .................... 3 1.2.2 研究方法 .................... 3 1.3 研究文献综述 .................... 4 1.3.1 国内研究文献综述 ... 4 1.3.2 国外研究文献综述 ... 6 1.3.3 文献述评 .................... 8 2 个人贷款相关概念及理论基础.............................. 9 2.1 个人贷款相关概念 ............ 9 2.1.1 个人贷款的定义........ 9 2.1.2 个人贷款的分类........ 9 2.2 个人贷款风险相关概念 .... 9 2.2.1 个人贷款风险概念 ... 9 2.2.2 个人贷款风险种类 . 10 2.3 个人贷款风险管理相关理论 ......................... 12 2.3.1 生命周期理论.......... 12 2.3.2 信息不对称理论...... 12 2.3.3 整合风险管理理论 . 12 2.3.4 资产风险管理理论 . 13 3 Z 银行 X 支行风险管理现状.. 15VI 3.1 我国银行个人贷款业务发展情况 ................. 15 3.1.1 我国个人贷款发展状况 ........................ 15 3.1.2 我国个人贷款的不良贷款现状............ 16 3.2 Z 银行 X 支行个人贷款业务发展情况.......... 17 3.2.1 Z 银行 X 支行个人贷款规模 ................ 17 3.2.2 Z 银行 X 支行个人不良贷款规模 ........ 18 3.3 Z 银行个人贷款业务操作流程及风险控制流程 ......................... 19 3.3.1 客户申请 .................. 19 3.3.2 客户经理送审.......... 19 3.3.3 征信调查 .................. 20 3.3.4 估价调查................... 20 3.3.5 贷款审查 .................. 20 3.3.6 贷款审批 .................. 20 3.3.7 放款审核 .................. 21 3.3.8 贷后管理 .................. 21 4 Z 银行 X 支行个人贷款风险管理问题及分析..... 23 4.1 贷款投放战略和绩效考核制度不合理 ......... 23 4.4.1 业务发展倾向高收益贷款产品............

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