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I 摘要 在过去的20年中,我国经济飞速发展,房地产市场从高额利润时代逐步减 低。为了控制房价涨价,切实做好房价惠民政策,2019年成都房管局出台了限 价、限售相关政策,对成都房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司带来了巨大冲击,成都一度成为全国房价 调控政策最严的城市。 本文以A公司所开发的NH超高层项目作为研究对象,针对NH超高层住宅开 发建设项目在拿地后的开发建设全过程的成本管理进行研究。由于建设项目开发 周期长、主体多的特点,不同阶段的工作对项目成本有相互影响,比如项目设计 方案直接影响后期施工成本,因此论文在项目各阶段成本管理中引入全过程成本 管理思想,从整体项目的角度提出了相应的管理方法。文中首先介绍了A公司的 状况和NH项目的基本情况,分析了公司历史类似项目成本管理的问题和原因, 在此基础上以NH项目为研究对象,将开发建设项目的全过程划分为三大阶段: 前期阶段(包含立项决策过程、项目设计过程)、实施阶段(含项目招标过程和 施工过程)和收尾阶段(竣工结算过程和项目销售过程)。由于项目各阶段的建 设成本管理相互独立又互相依赖,因此本文将结合六个过程的特性,针对前期阶 段从立项和设计两个过程制定成本优化措施从项目源头管理成本;针对实施阶段 从招标和施工过程制定实施方案降低成本管理;针对收尾阶段从竣工结算和项目 销售过程分析项目管理方案提前纳入前序过程以提高收尾阶段成本管理成效。 本文通过实践与理论的结合,将科学的理论方法与笔者的工作经验相结合, 通过各阶段内部多个管理方案,将全过程成本管理的6个过程建立连接,进一步 解决了建设项目在开发过程中各阶段的成本管理连接及交圈问题。本文研究的管 理方式在NH项目的成本管理运用过程中得到了良好的验证,本文的研究结果也 将进一步为其它建设项目的全过程成本管理提供经验借鉴。 关键词:房地产项目、项目管理、全过程成本管理、成本优化 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT With soaring development of Chinese economic, the living standard of Chinese has improved as a result, while the real estate market of China has dropped from its “golden age” to fragile times less than less within the past 20 years. In 2019, CHMB (Chengdu Housing Management Bureau) issued the relevant policies of price limit and sales restriction, which brought great impact on the real estate industry in Chengdu. Chengdu once became the city with the most stringent housing price regulation policies in China. The object of this paper is in relevance with NH ultra-rise residential project incubated by company A as reported, stitching on the cost management of NH ultra-rise residential project after it finished its previous purchase of land use right during the overall developing and construction process. Considering the long construction period and the abundant subjects of the process which contributed the secularity of the process, each step of the whole process has all interacted on project cost, for instance, the design paper would influence subsequent cost of constructing straightforward. Thus, the paper lead the ideology of overall process cost management in stage of cost individually, to introduced related management methods from the view of comprehensive project. Initially, the paper demonstrated the status of company A and the current situation of the project basically, analyzing the causes of cost management of a historical similar project of company A and on this basis to takes NH project as research object, assorting process of development and construction as whole into three phrases: Early stage within project deciding process contained, implementation stage within bidding, construction and designing contained and ultimate phrase within completion settlement and sales process contained. Owing to the construction developing process of individual stage of process are interrelated, the paper would absorb and analyze diverse characteristics of the 6 stages of process, considering that the project formulating cost optimization measures from the project initiation and design process in the early stage and to administer cost originated from source of project, from the point that to reduce cost management structing from the view of bidding and construction to design implementation program during implementation stage, moreover, and from the completion settlement and project sales in the closing stage process to analysis project management scheme is incorporated into the preprocess in advance to improve the cost management effect in the closing stage. ABSTRACT III By combining theories and practices, by incorporating scientific theoretical method and self-working experience, through numerous internal management scheme from each stage, to link 6 stages of cost management of whole process, additionally solved connection and circle problems of cost management for each stage when construction project during developing process. The management method in the paper had well verified in cost management of NH scheme, which would introduce to other construction project for overall process cost management as experience in further. Keywords: Real estate project, Project management, Whole process cost management, Cost optimization 目录 IV 目录 第一章 绪论 .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 ........................................................................................................... 1 1.2 研究方法及内容 ............................................................................................... 2 1.2.1 研究内容 ................................................................................................ 2 1.2.2 研究方法 ................................................................................................ 2 1.3 论文章节安排 ................................................................................................... 3 第二章 相关理论综述 .................................................................................................... 5 2.1 建设项目成本管理理论 ................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 成本管理理论 ........................................................................................ 7 2.1.2 超高层项目与普通住宅项目成本差异分析 ........................................ 7 2.2 全过程成本管理理论及相关概述 ................................................................... 9 2.2.1 全过程成本管理的基本内涵 ................................................................ 9 2.2.2 全过程成本管理的基本特点 ................................................................ 9 2.2.3 全过程成本管理的优点 ........................................................................ 9 2.3 房地产企业成本管理现状 ............................................................................. 10 2.3.1 地产项目成本组成 .............................................................................. 10 2.3.2 房地产项目成本管理的普遍问题 ...................................................... 10 2.3.3 房地产成本管理中混淆和误区 ........................................................... 11 2.4 挣值法在房地产开发建设全过程成本管理中的应用 .................................. 11 2.5 本章小结 .......................................................................................................... 11 第三章 A公司成本管理现状和NH项目情况介绍 ................................................... 13 3.1 A公司情况介绍 ............................................................................................... 13 3.2 A公司成本现状及问题分析 ........................................................................... 13 3.2.1 项目运作过程中忽略开发前期计划的重要性 .................................. 13 3.2.2 不重视先进的成本管理工具的应用 .................................................. 13 3.2.3 项目成本管理重心偏重于施工而忽略了前端 .................................. 14 3.2.4 公司决策层及管理模式对项目成本的影响 ...................................... 14 3.3 NH项目概况 ................................................................................................... 14 3.3.1 项目开发背景 ...................................................................................... 14 3.3.2 项目规划情况 ...................................................................................... 15

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