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技术创新是制造企业成长过程中的重要一环,通过技术革新,可以达到提升企 业核心竞争力的目的。F 散热器公司是国有独资中型企业,是研发、设 计、制造车 用散热器的专业化公司,现为三十多家汽车、叉车主机企业生产配套产品,企业产 品具有一定的知名度和产品市场占有率。经过五十多年的发展,老国企在新的发展 环境和竞争压力下,近年发展缓慢,从 2019 年开始销售收入有所下滑。短期内, 企业通过改进新的生产工艺等方法,降低成本,以维持企业的运营。 本文通过分析相关的文献 以及研究结论,将技术创新能力构成与 F 散热器公司 自身特点相结合,构建并评估了技术创新投入能力、技术研发产出能力、产品制造 能力、市场开拓能力、创新过程管理能力 、创新环境支撑能力 6 个维度指标。通过 对 F 散热器公司技术创新能力的评估和分析,深挖企业技术创新短板,取长补短, 切实提高创新能力。指标设计初期,阅览了有关技 术创新能力的文献,并实地考察 了 F 散热器公司,得到指标设计的初步构想。指标构建过程中,询问了专家对指标 设计的意见,并结合询问结果对指标进行了改动。指标确定之 后,设计了调查问卷, 分发给了 F 散热器公司的部分一线技术人员和高层管理人员,完成了指标打分和结 果收集。 本文评价分析过程中使用了 AHP和模糊综合评价法。先对 F 散热器公司 6 个 方面指标进行了权重分配,再通过模糊综合评价法计算出了 6 个指标的综合分值, 最终结论为 F 散热器公司技术创新能力一般。其中,技术创新投入、技术研 发产出、 创新环境支撑三方面能力指标综合评分较低。评价结果反映出 F 散热器公司的技术 创新投入水平较低,技术研发成果较少,内部创新环境支持力度欠缺。结合企业实 际情况进行分析后,根本原因在于F散热器公司的研发资金受限以及技术人才缺乏。 因此本文针对 F 散热器公司在技术创新方面存在的问题,提出了提升技术创新能力 的对策, 主要从加大研发投入、绿色发展提高企业质效、营建良好创新环境、加强 激励制度建设等角度进行了分析,愿能为企业发展带来一点帮助。 关键词:F 散热器公司;技术创新能 力;层次分析法;模糊综合评价F 散热器公司技术创新能力评价研究 1 ABSTRACT Technological innovation is an important part of the growth process of manufacturing enterprises. Through technological innovation, the goal of enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises can be achieved. F Radiator Company is a wholly state-owned medium-sized enterprise. It is a specialized company that researches, develops, designs, and manufactures vehicle radiators. It now produces supporting products for more than 30 automobile and forklift main engine enterprises. The company has a certain reputation and product market share. . After more than 50 years of development, under the new development environment and competitive pressure, the old state-owned enterprises have developed slowly in recent years, and their sales revenue has declined in 2019. In the short term, companies will reduce costs by improving new production processes and other methods to maintain their operations. Through the analysis of relevant literature and research conclusions, this paper combines the content of technological innovation with the characteristics of F Radiator Company, and builds and evaluates technological innovation input capacity, technological research and development output capacity, product manufacturing capacity, market development capacity, and innovation process 6 indicators of management ability and innovation environment support ability. Through the evaluation and analysis of the technological innovation capability of F Radiator, we will dig deep into the shortcomings of the enterprise's technological innovation, learn from each other's strengths, and effectively improve its innovation capabilities. In the initial stage of index design, I read the literature about technological innovation ability, visited F Radiator Company on the spot, and got the preliminary idea of index design. In the process of index construction, the opinions of enterprise experts on index design were consulted, and the index was adjusted based on the feedback of experts. After the indicators were determined, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the front-line technicians and senior management of F Radiator Company, and the indicator scoring results were collected. The analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method are used in the evaluation and analysis process of this thesis . First, the weight distribution of the 6 indicators of F Radiator Company was carried out, and then the comprehensive scores of the 6 indicators were calculated by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The final conclusion is that F Radiator Company's technological innovation ability is2 average, among which the comprehensive scores of technological innovation input ability, technological research and development output ability, and innovation environment support ability are low. The evaluation results reflect the low level of investment in technological innovation of F Radiator Company, the lack of technological research and development results, and the lack of support for the internal innovation environment. After analyzing the actual situation of the enterprise, the root cause is the limited R&D funds of F Radiator Company and the lack of technical personnel. Therefore, this thesis puts forward several suggestions for the problems of F Radiator Company in technological innovation, mainly from the perspectives of increasing R&D investment, green development, improving enterprise quality and efficiency, creating a good innovation environment, and strengthening the construction of technological innovation incentive systems. Analysis, hope to provide some help to the development of the enterprise. KEYWORDS: F Radiator Company; technology innovation ability; analytic hierarchy process; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation F 散热 器公司技术创新能力评价研究F 散热器公司技术创新能力评价研究 1 目 录 第一章 绪论....... 1 第一节 选题背景................1 第二节 研究目的与意义....2 一、研究 目的....................2 二、研究意义....................3 第三节 企业技术创新能力评价的国内外研究现状......................3 一、国外研究现状............3 二、国内研究现状............4 三、研究现状综述............5 第四节 研究思路和研究内容...........................6 一、研究思路....................6 二、研究 内容....................7 第二章 技术创新能力理论基础......8 第一节 企业技术创新能力理论来源...............8 一、技术创新理论............8 二、资源观与动态能 力理论...........................8 第二节 企业技术创新能力的内涵和类型.......9 一、技术创新能力的内涵9 二、企业技术创新能力分类...........................9 第三节 企业技术创新能力的影响要素及评价体系....................10 一、技术创新能力的影响要素.....................10 二、企业技术创新能力评价体 系.................11 第四节 技术创新能力研究方法.....................12 一、文献研究法和调查法.............................12 二、层次分析法..............13 三、模糊综合评价法......15目录 2 第三章 F 散热器公司技术创新的近况........................17 第一节 F 散热器公司创新发展的现状..........17 一、F 散热器公司基 本情况..........................17 二、F 散热器公司发展特征分析..................17 第二节 F 散热器公司市场分析......................18 一、F 散热器公司欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 内状况......................18 二、F 散热器公司市场占有率......................19 三、F 散热器公司市场竞争优势与劣势......19 第四章 F 散热器公司技术创新能力 评价指标体系构建与实证分析........21 第一节 技术创新能力评价体系的构建.........21 一、评价指标选取的原则.............................21 二、技术创新能力评价 指标的选取.............22 三、评价体系的设计......25 第二节 评价的实施..........27 一、层次分析法计算权重.............................27 二、模糊综合评价方法 运用.........................31 三、模糊综合评价结果..37 第三节 实证评价结果分析.............................37 一、结果分析..................37 二、原因分析 ..................41 第五章 提高 F 散热器公司技术创新能力的对策...... 43 第一节 加大研发投入力度.............................43 一、增大一线产品研发支 出.........................43 二、引进和培养中高级技师.........................43 第二节 绿色发展提升产品质量和企业效益.4

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