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随着经济的不断发展,金融机构在不断的增多,金融市场逐渐出现白热化的竞 争局面。CB银行辽宁分行作为当地市场份额最大、资产质量最优的国有股份制商 业银行在市场占有率、客户信任度等方面具有较强优势,然而与同业银行和第三方 金融机构相比在营销策略中仍存在一些问题,例如目标市场选择不准确、产品类型 单一、企业内外因素营销,对于CB银行的业务发展形成了一定的挑战。存款是商 业银行最重要的考核指标,是商业银行发展的基础。目前随着人们投资理财观念逐 渐树立,资本市场内流入股市和理财产品的资金不断增加,存款份额不断降低。此 外,辽宁省内金融市场竞争激烈,银行、第三方金融机构等均将扩大存款规模作为 首要任务,对CB银行辽宁分行存款业务发展造成巨大压力。 本文综合运用文献研究法、案例研究法,运用宏观环境分析、内部环境分析以 及4P理论,从产品、价格、促销及渠道四个方面分析CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营 销策略的现状,同时梳理了现有营销策略在存款业务产品设计、定价、促销和渠道 方面的现状,分析发现存在产品创新缺乏、定位不清晰,产品定价偏低、宣传促销 方式较为传统以及产品营销渠道运营等方面的问题。本文研究从存款业务的产品策 略、价格策略、促销策略和渠道策略四个方面深入结合案例数据研究制定了多样化 产品营销策略、采取组合定价法营销策略、精准促销营销策略和线上线下联动的渠 道策略,依托大数据技术支持本文研究制度的营销策略精准执行。同时,为了保障 新营销策略的顺利实施,从制度的更新、人力资源的提升、财务资源以及大数据平 台支撑保障等方面开展相应工作。通过理论结合实际提出营销策略改进建议,促使 CB银行辽宁分行在存款业务竞争中不断扩大市场份额,实现存款业务快速发展。 大数据时代的到来是CB银行的挑战更是机遇,通过本文研究能够完善CB银 行的存款产品营销策略,适应时代的变革和市场发展,提高企业竞争能力,为银行 产品的市场营销策略研究提供可行性方案和理论新视角。 关键词:存款业务 营销策略 大数据技术 国有银行 II ABSTRACT With the continuous development of the economy, the number of financial institutions in the continuous increase, the financial market is gradually white-hot competition. Largest bank of CB liaoning branch as a local market share and the optimal asset quality of state-owned joint-stock commercial Banks in terms of market share, and customer trust has strong advantages, but compared to the interbank and third-party financial institutions there are still some problems in the marketing strategies, such as target market selection is not accurate, the single product type, the enterprise inside and outside factors of marketing, for CB bank business development has formed a certain challenges.Deposit is the most important evaluation index of commercial Banks and the foundation of their development. At present, with the gradual establishment of people's investment and financial management concept, the funds flowing into the stock market and financial products in the capital market continue to increase, and the share of deposits continues to decline. In addition, the financial market competition in liaoning province is fierce, and Banks and third-party financial institutions have taken the expansion of deposit scale as their primary task, which has put great pressure on the deposit business development of liaoning branch of CB bank. The integrated use of literature research, case study method, using the macro environment analysis, internal environment analysis, as well as the 4 p theory, from the four aspects: product, price, promotion and channel analysis of the status quo of CB bank deposits in liaoning branch marketing strategy, and combing the existing marketing strategy in deposits product design, pricing, promotion and channel of the status quo, analysis found that there is lack of product innovation, positioning is not clear, the product price is low, a traditional way of promotion and product marketing channel operation and other aspects.We study from the deposits of the product strategy, price strategy, promotion strategy and channel strategy four aspects combining with case study data made the diversified product marketing strategy, marketing strategy combination pricing, precise sales promotion and online interactive channel strategy, marketing strategy relying on big data technology support system in this paper, research of precision marketing strategy implementation. At the same time, in order to ensure the smooth III implementation of the new marketing strategy, the corresponding work should be carried out from the aspects of system update, human resources improvement, financial resources and support and guarantee of big data platform. Through the combination of theory and practice, the paper puts forward some Suggestions for improving the marketing strategy, so as to promote the liaoning branch of CB bank to continuously expand its market share in the competition of deposit business and realize the rapid development of deposit business. The arrival of the era of big data is not only a challenge but also an opportunity for CB bank. The study in this paper can improve the marketing strategy of CB bank's deposit products, adapt to the change of The Times and market development, improve the competitiveness of enterprises, and provide a feasible plan and a new theoretical perspective for the research on the marketing strategy of bank products. Key Words: Deposit business Marketing strategy Big data technology State-owned Banks 1 IV 目 录 摘要 I ABSTRACT ....................... II 绪论 1 0.1 研究背景与研究意义 ..................... 1 0.1.1 研究背景 1 0.1.2 研究意义 1 0.2 已有研究现状及述评 ..................... 2 0.2.1 国外研究综述 ....................... 2 0.2.2 国内研究综述 ....................... 3 0.2.3 国内外研究述评 ................... 4 0.3 研究内容和研究方法 ..................... 4 0.3.1 研究内容 4 0.3.2 研究方法 5 0.4 技术路线图 ..... 6 1 研究相关概念和基础理论 ....................... 8 1.1 相关概念界定 . 8 1.1.1 存款业务的概念及特点 ........ 8 1.1.2 “大数据”技术概念 ................ 9 1.2 理论基础及分析方法 ..................... 9 1.2.1 4P营销理论 .......................... 9 1.2.2 宏观环境分析 ..................... 10 1.2.3 内部环境分析 ..................... 10 2 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营销策略分析............................. 12 2.1 CB银行辽宁分行概况 ................. 12 2.1.1 CB银行辽宁分行基本情况 12 V 2.1.2 CB银行辽宁分行存款产品及分类 .................... 12 2.2 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营销策略现状 .................. 13 2.2.1 现售产品方面 ..................... 13 2.2.2 现行价格方面 ..................... 16 2.2.3 宣传促销方面 ..................... 17 2.2.4 营销渠道方面 ..................... 18 2.3 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营销策略存在的问题 ....... 18 2.3.1 产品开发方面不足.............. 18 2.3.2 价格定位方面不足.............. 19 2.3.3 宣传促销方面不足.............. 20 2.3.4 渠道方面存不足 ................. 21 3 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营销环境分析............................. 22 3.1 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营销的宏观环境分析 ....... 22 3.1.1 政治环境分析 ..................... 22 3.1.2 经济环境分析 ..................... 22 3.1.3 社会文化环境分析.............. 23 3.1.4 技术环境分析 ..................... 24 3.2 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营销的竞争环境分析 ....... 25 3.2.1 同业银行存款业务政策 ...... 25 3.2.2 同业银行存款业务营销策略分析 ...................... 25 3.2.3 第三方金融机构存款业务政策 .......................... 26 3.2.4 第三方金融机构存款业务营销策略分析 ........... 26 3.3 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务SWOT分析 .................... 27 3.3.1 优势分析............................. 27 3.3.2 劣势分析............................. 28 3.3.3 机遇分析............................. 29 3.3.4 挑战分析............................. 31 4 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营销策略建议............................. 32 4.1 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营销策略的规划 .............. 32 VI 4.1.1 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务客户市场细分......... 32 4.1.2 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务目标市场选择......... 34 4.1.3 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务市场定位 ................ 35 4.2 CB银行辽宁分行存款业务营销策略制定 .................. 36 4.2.1 存款业务的产品策略 .......... 36 4.2.2 存款业务的价格策略 .......... 37 4.2.3 存款业务的促销策略 .......... 39 4.2.4 存款业务的渠道策略 .......... 40 4.3 策略应用的改进实施的预期 ........ 42 4.3.1 策略应用的效果预测 .......... 42

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