随着互联网的普及和人们学习、生活习惯的改变,在线学习逐步成为人们学 习的主要方式,我国在线教育市场规模长期保持较快增速,从2017年起,增速 在不断的增大,2017年的增速超过7.5%,截止到2018年上半年,其市场增速已 经超过了了19%,说明增速在迅速加大,此时的市场已经超过了1800亿元的规 模。根据市场数据预测,其规模还会持续增长,在2024年将会突破4.1亿人, 超过4500亿元的市场规模。在这样的市场背景下,根据团队的特有优势,在2019 年10月底成立河南巴布空间教育科技有限公司。公司在成立初期,对市场现有 的教育培训机构从规模、营销模式、市场占有率、产品课程产业链等进行了客观 全面的分析,得出现有的教育培训机构还是传统的B2C模式,且市场价格混乱, 客户流失率高,造成资源严重浪费。我公司利用互联网思维模式在提供全品类课 程的同时,让学员顾客也参与其中,既是消费者,也是分享者,不仅用最实惠的 价格享受最优质的的课程服务,还能从分享中获得实际收益,实现互联网社群经 济与传统教育的完美结合。公司在运作2个多月以来,取得了一定的成果,课程 体系、营销模式逐渐被市场认可。但是,作为初创的互联网新型在线教育平台想 快速占有市场并发展壮大,我们首要解决的就是公司在发展中所面临的资金问题, 因此,本人决定撰写此商业计划书。 本商业计划书对公司所处的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司背景、市场价值以及发展趋势进行了客观、 全面的分析,并且搜集了大量的市场信息欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,还拜访了欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内比较有名的多家 在线教育培训机构,对在线教育市场进行了详细的分析和研究。本商业计划书还 对公司现状进行了客观、全面的分析,包括欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司背景、公司概况、产品课程信息 等,并运用SWOT法对公司的优势、威胁、机会和劣势进行全面综合评估,展示 出了公司在我国在线教育市场有广阔发展前景;在此基础上,公司确立了未来的 发展方向,并且制定了适合公司的发展战略、人力资源战略和市场营销策略。 最后,本创业计划书在财务预测等方面进行了详细分析和论证,从盈利情况 来看,资产报酬率和净资产收益率都高于45%,且公司产品的平均边际贡献率为 70%,体现公司有较高的回报率,市场发展空间巨大。目前在线教育市场处于千 亿市场规模,随着市场经济的发展和人们对教育的重视,未来几年会呈现出万亿 级别的市场规模,随着公司的发展,将来公司估值有望达到百亿级别。本次计划 融资金额为300万,拟出让10%股权,投资者可以得到可观的回报。 关键词:在线教育;创业计划书;融资 ? ? ? ?II ? Abstract With the popularity of the Internet and people learn, the change of lifestyle, e-learning has become the main way people learn, online education in our country the size of the market for a long time to maintain rapid growth, since 2017, the growth is constantly increasing, the growth of more than 7.5% in 2017, by the end of the first half of 2018, its market growth has exceeded 19%, growth is increasing rapidly, at this time of the size of the market has exceeded 180 billion yuan. According to market data, its scale will continue to grow, and will exceed 410 million people in 2024, with a market size of more than 450 billion yuan. Under such a market background, henan babu space education technology co., ltd. was established at the end of October 2019 according to the unique advantages of the team. At the early stage of its establishment, the company made an objective and comprehensive analysis of the existing education and training institutions in the market from the aspects of scale, marketing mode, market share, product curriculum industry chain, etc. It is concluded that some educational and training institutions still exist in the traditional B2C model, and the market price is chaotic, the customer turnover rate is high, resulting in a serious waste of resources. Our company use the Internet to thinking mode in the course of provide the category at the same time, let the student customer also involved, as consumers, and distributors, not only in the most affordable price to enjoy the best quality of course, also can gain actual income from share, realize the Internet community economy and the perfect combination of traditional education. After more than 2 months of operation, the company has achieved certain results, and the course system and marketing mode are gradually recognized by the market. However, as a new online education platform for the Internet, we want to quickly occupy the market and grow, the first thing we need to solve is the capital problem in the development of the company, so I decided to write this business plan. This business plan makes an objective and comprehensive analysis of the company's industry background, market value and development trend, collects a lot of market information, and visits many famous online education and training institutions in the industry to conduct detailed analysis and research on the online education market. This business plan also makes an objective and comprehensive analysis of the company's current situation, including industry background, company profile, product course information, etc., and USES SWOT method to comprehensively evaluate the ? ? ? ?III company's strengths, threats, opportunities and weaknesses, demonstrating that the company has a broad development prospect in China's online education market. On this basis, the company established the future development direction, and developed the development strategy, human resources strategy and marketing strategy suitable for the company. Finally, the business plan is analyzed and demonstrated in detail in terms of financial forecast. From the perspective of profitability, the return on assets and return on equity are both higher than 45%, and the average marginal contribution rate of the company's products is 70%, indicating that the company has a high rate of return and huge market development space. At present, the online education market is in the scale of one hundred billion yuan. With the development of market economy and people's attention to education, the market scale of one trillion yuan will appear in the next few years. With the development of the company, the company's valuation is expected to reach ten billion yuan in the future. The financing amount of the plan is 3 million yuan, and the plan is to sell 10% of the equity, investors can get a considerable return. Key words: Online education; Business plan; Financing ? ? ? ?IV 目录 摘要?..............I? Abstract?......?II? 目录?...........?IV? 1.执行摘要?..?1? 1.1公司介绍 .............................. 1 1.2产品介绍 .............................. 1 1.3市场分析 .............................. 1 1.4运营管理 .............................. 2 1.5团队介绍 .............................. 2 1.6财务与投资安排 ........................ 2? 2.河南巴布空间教育科技有限公司介绍?...................?3? 2.1项目背景 .............................. 3 2.2公司介绍 .............................. 4? 3.产品介绍?..?6? 3.1职业资格教育?.......................?6? 3.2学历提升教育?.......................?7? 3.3个人及企业成长类?...............?7? 3.4家庭亲子关系教育?...............?8? 3.5兴趣爱好类课程?...................?9? 3.6 K12教育??9? 4.市场与竞争分析?....................?10? 4.1宏观市场分析?.....................?10? 4.2细分市场分析?.....................?13? 4.2.1在线职业资格培训市场分析?................?13? 4.2.2学历提升教育市场分析?........................?14? 4.2.3个人及企业成长在线课程市场分析?....?14? 4.2.4家庭亲子关系教育市场分析?................?16? 4.2.5兴趣爱好类在线课程市场分析?............?17? 4.2.6 K12教育在线市场分析?........................?19? 4.3 市场竞争分析?....................?22? 4.3.1总体市场竞争对手分析?........................?22? 4.3.2市场结构竞争分析?.?25? 4.3.3 区域市场竞争分析??28? 4.3.4竞争分析结论?.........?29? 5.公司战略规划?.......................?30? 5.1公司SWOT分析?...................?30? 5.1.1优势分析?.................?31? 5.1.2劣势分析?.................?32? 5.1.3机会分析?.................?32? 5.1.4威胁分析?.................?33? 5.2公司发展战略 ......................... 33? ? ? ? ?V 5.2.1公司发展战略?.........?33? 5.2.2公司发展战略规划?.?34? 6.市场营销策略?.......................?35? 6.1市场定位?.............................?35? 6.2巴布空间品牌策略?.............?36? 6.3品牌推广?.............................?36? 6.4价格策略?.............................?36? 6.4.1常规课程价格策略?.?36? 6.4.2爆款课程价格策略?.?37? 6.6关系营销策略 .................