中国改革开放后国民经济得到迅速发展,各类民营企业在充分享受改革成果而快速 成长的同时,伴随着日渐饱和的市场大背景,其所面临的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内部
竞争和环境外部挑战 也日益突出。民营企业如何在竞争日趋激烈的红海战争中求生存、图发展,是每一个企 业经营者无时无刻不在思考的问题。 “开源节流”是每一个企业管理
者都熟知的经营真理,在受到日益严峻的市场竞争冲 击而使得“开源”成本越来越高且越发困难之时,“节流”的降本增效作用对于企业的生存 和发展来说就显得愈发重要,而
采购无疑是节流管理工作中的重中之重。采购管理工作 的成果不仅表现在传统概念中对企业正常生产经营工作的保证及对企业最终产出产品 质量的影响上,更越来越多的表现在
对企业业务利润、资金占用、仓储费用等显性或隐 性财务成本上的影响。美国通用公司著名CEO杰克·韦尔奇认为“采购和销售是公司唯 一能挣钱的部门,其他任何部门发生的都
是管理费用”,这一观点充分阐明了采购管理 对于一个企业的重要程度。 本文的研究案例样本G公司成立于1993年,总部位于南京,集团主营业务为传统 餐饮及品牌住宿。伴随
着集团规模的不断扩大,对于内部综合管理的要求日益凸显,特 别是长久以来一直延续的“各自为政”的松散分散型采购制度亟待改进。自2006年起推 行了数十年采购改革政策
后虽收到了一定的成效,但不可否认的是成绩背后也暴露出较 多的弊端和问题。 本文在上述研究背景下以G公司作为分析主体,立足作者切身工作体会,通过文献 研究、调查问
卷、数据分析等方法,全面综合思考了研究主体在现行采购管理战略上的 成绩和不足之处。对于其现行采购管理战略的优化从战略、制度和流程三个不同层次提 出了新的思路,
也对如何落实相关思路从战略定位、物资管理、供应商协调、人员团队 激励等具体方面设计出一系列具有针对性并行之有效的方案措施。本文研究成果对于其 他处于相同或相近
欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司且规模性质相似企业的采购管理实践过程和管理同样具有一定 的借鉴意义。 关键词: 采购管理 集中采购 集团企业 案例研究 II Abstract After China's reform and
opening up, the national economy has developed rapidly. All kinds of private enterprises enjoy the fruits of reform and grow rapidly. Meanwhile, with the
increasingly saturated market background, they are facing increasingly prominent internal competition and external environmental challenges. How to survive
and develop in the increasingly fierce competition in the " Red sea" market is a problem that every business manager is constantly thinking about.
"increase the income and decrease the expenditure " is a management theory that every enterprise manager is familiar with. When the cost of
"increase income" becomes higher and more difficult due to the increasingly severe market competition, the effect of "decrease
expenditure" becomes more and more important for the survival and development of enterprises, and procurement is undoubtedly the most important part of
cost management. The achievements of procurement management are not only reflected in the traditional concept of ensuring the produce and the quality of the
final products for an enterprise, but also reflected in the impact on the business profits, capital occupation, storage costs and other explicit or implicit
financial costs of enterprises. Jack Welch, the famous CEO of GM, once said that "procurements and sales are the only departments that can make money,
management expenses are incurred in any other departments", which explained the importance of procurement management for an enterprise. The research
sample G company was founded in 1993, with headquarters in Nanjing. Its main business is traditional catering and accommodation. With the continuous
expansion of the group's scale, the requirements for internal comprehensive management are increasingly prominent, especially the long-standing
"independent" loose decentralized procurement system needs to be improved. Since the implementation of the procurement reform policy for decades in
2006, data and facts have proved that the reform has achieved certain results, but at the same time, there are also many drawbacks and problems behind the
achievements. Under the above research background, this paper takes G company as the analysis subject, based on the author's personal work experience,
and through literature research, questionnaire, data analysis and other methods, comprehensively considers the achievements and shortcomings of the research
subject in the current procurement management strategy. For the optimization of its current procurement management strategy, it puts forward new ideas from
III three different levels of strategy, system and process, and also designs a series of targeted and effective measures for the implementation of relevant
ideas from the specific aspects of strategic positioning, material management, supplier coordination, personnel team incentive, etc. The research results of
this paper can also be used for reference for other enterprises in the same or similar industries and similar scale and nature.。。。。。。以下内容略