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硒一种微量元素,对守护人类健康、延迟衰老具有独特的功效,被人们称为“生命的 火种”。据了解,我国硒元素非常缺乏,大概有 72%的土地贫硒 或者缺硒,富硒农业、生 态富硒大米产业前景广阔。丰城市,位于江西省中部,属于宜春市下辖县级市,拥有 150 多万人口,2019 年 GDP 高达 543 亿元,富硒土壤面积 500 多平方公里,是中国营养学会 认可的“中国生态硒谷”,素有“中国生态硒谷”、“全国产量大县”的美名。近年来,丰 城市立足优势资源,强化富硒产业支撑,突出农业科技 引领,积极打造现代化富硒农业示 范基地。目前,丰城共培育富硒龙头企业 6 家,市级“单品冠军”品牌 3 个,富硒产业实 现总产值 81 亿元,带动农民就业 5 万人,农民增 收突破 10.5 亿元。丰城市乡意浓富硒生 态科技有限公司是江西省宜春市富硒农业的龙头企业,是市委市政府重点培植的企业,是 集现代农业生产技术研发、推广以及稻米、蔬 菜、茶叶、油茶、花卉等农作物种植、加工、 销售一体化的现代农业示范企业。 本文立足丰城拥有天然富硒的优势,以案例分析为主,综合运用文献法、访谈法、问 卷调查法、 环境分析法和 SWOT 分析法等,深入调研丰城市乡意浓富硒生态科技有限公司 富硒大米品牌营销情况,剖析公司面临的营销环境,在品牌营销相关理论的指导下,试图 探索出公 司在进行富硒品牌大米营销过程中存在的问题,比如品牌知名度低、影响力小, 品牌重视程度不高、销售渠道单一、品牌运营能力较差等,并有针对性的提出要实施差异 化战略 ,加强品牌建设,开拓网络营销渠道,组建高素质营销人才等建议。希望本研究能 够给正在塑造强势富硒大米品牌的丰城市乡意浓富硒生态科技有限公司提供一些新思路, 也对 国内其他富硒大米品牌营销提供一定的参考借鉴。 关键词:富硒大米 品牌营销 营销策略 SWOT 分析II Abstract Selenium is a trace element that has a unique effect on protecting human health and delaying aging. It is known as the "tinder of life". It is understood that China's selenium element is very scarce. About 72% of the land is selenium-poor or selenium-deficient, and the selenium-rich agriculture and ecological selenium-rich rice industry have broad prospects. Fengcheng, located in the central part of Jiangxi Province, is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Yichun City. It has a population of more than 1.5 million, a GDP of 54.3 billion yuan in 2019, and an area of more than 500 square kilometers of selenium-enriched soil. "Valley" is known as the "China Ecological Selenium Valley" and the "National Production County". In recent years, Fengcheng has strengthened its support for the selenium-rich industry based on its superior resources, highlighted the leadership of agricultural science and technology, and actively built a modern selenium-rich agricultural demonstration base. At present, Fengcheng has cultivated 6 selenium-rich leading enterprises and 3 city-level "single product champions". The selenium-rich industry has realized a total output value of 8.1 billion yuan, which has boosted the employment of 50,000 farmers and increased farmers' income by more than 1.05 billion yuan. Fengcheng HONEYLONG Selenium-enriched Ecological Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading enterprise in selenium-rich agriculture in Yichun City, Jiangxi Province. It is a key cultivated enterprise of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. It is a collection of research and development and promotion of modern agricultural production technologies, as well as rice, vegetables, tea, camellia, Modern agricultural demonstration enterprise integrating the cultivation, processing and sales of crops such as flowers. This article is based on Fengcheng's advantages of natural selenium-enriched. It focuses on case analysis and comprehensively uses the literature method, interview method, questionnaire survey method, environmental analysis method, and SWOT analysis method to investigate in depth the rich and selenium-rich ecological technology in Fengcheng City The company's selenium-rich rice brand marketing situation, analyze the company's marketing environment, under the guidance of brand marketing related theories, try to explore the company's selenium-rich brand rice marketing process problems, such as low brand awareness, low influence, Brands don't pay much attention, single sales channels, and poor brand operation capabilities, etc., and put forward targeted suggestions to implement differentiated strategies, strengthen brand building, open up online marketing channels, and establish high-qualityIII marketing talents. It is hoped that this research can provide some new ideas to Fengcheng Xiangyi Selenium-enriched Ecological Technology Co., Ltd., which is shaping a strong selenium-enriched rice brand, and also provide some reference for other domestic selenium-enriched rice brand marketing. Keywords: Selenium -rich rice; brand marketing; marketing strategy; SWOT analysisIV 目 录 中文摘要 ..............................Ⅰ 英文摘要 ..............................Ⅱ 目 录 ..............................Ⅳ 1 绪论 .......1 1.1 选题背景 ....................1 1.2 选题意义 ....................2 1.3 研究内容和方法 .......2 1.3.1 研究内容 ............2 1.3.2 研究方法 ............2 1.4 富硒大米品牌营销相关理论 ...............3 1.4.1 国外研究 ............3 1.4.2 国内研究 ............5 1.4.3 文献综述 ............6 2 丰城乡意浓富硒大米营销环境分析 ..........7 2.1 宏观环境(PEST)分析 ........................7 2.1.1 政治环境 ............7 2.1.2 经济环境 ............7 2.1.3 社会环境 ..........12 2.1.4 技术环境 ..........13 2.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境分析 14 2.2.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状 ..........14 2.2.2 现有竞争者 .....14 3 丰城乡意浓富硒大米品牌营销现状 ........20 3.1 公司简介 ..................20 3.2 现有产品和乡意浓品牌 ......................20 3.2.1 现有产品 ..........20 3.2.2 乡意浓品牌 .....21 3.3 乡意浓富硒大米品牌 SWOT 分析 ......22 3.3.1 优势 ...................22 3.3.2 劣势 ...................22 3.3.3 机遇 ...................23V 3.3.4 挑战 ...................23 4 丰城乡意浓富硒大米品牌营销调研 ........25 4.1 实地调研 ..................25 4.1.1 生产基地调研 .25 4.1.2 专卖店调研 .....25 4.1.3 电话访谈 ..........25 4.2 问卷调查 .................26 4.2.1 数据分析 ..........26 4.2.2 结论 ...................27 5 丰城乡意 浓富硒大米品牌营销策略存在的问题及原因分析 ........................29 5.1 品牌营销策略存在的问题 ..................29 5.1.1 品牌创建意识不强 .......................29 5.1.2 品牌运营创新不多 .......................30 5.1.3 品牌管理能力不足 .......................31 5.2 存在的问题剖析 .....33 5.2.1 品牌宣传力度不够 .......................33 5.2.2 品牌创新能力不足 .......................33 5.2.3 专业营销能力缺乏 .......................34 5.2.4 网络营销比 重较低 .......................34 6 丰城乡意浓富硒大米品牌营销策略优化建议 ....................36 6.1 增强“乡意浓”品牌创建意识 ....36 6.1.1 打造核心竞争力 .......................36 6.1.2 科学有效管理品牌资产 ..........36 6.2 提升“乡意浓”品牌运营水平 ....37 6.2.1 扩张营销新路径 .......................37 6.2.2 借鉴同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司成功经验 ..............38 6.3 锻造“乡意浓”品牌管理能力 ....38 6.3.1 树立“质量为王”品牌意识 38 6.3.2 讲好品牌故事 ............................39 7 研究结论与展望 .............40。。。。。。以下内容略

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