上海新势力汽车公司竞争战略研究 本文的研究对象为一家互联网跨产业新兴造车企业----上海新势力汽车公 司,该公司成立于2014年,主要生产电动
智能网联汽车。随着万物互联时代的 到来,全球主要制造业国家和产业界都对这场即将到来的智能交通革命都有着 清晰的预见,“互联网 + 制造业”将带动和催生全新的商业场
景,并对未来几 十年的全球经济格局产生深刻影响。上海新势力汽车公司正是在这股浪潮下诞 生,虽然具有独特的创新思维和互联网思维,但量产车于2018年中开始交付, 市场
占有率极低,为了打破这样的一种状况,公司亟待制定符合其发展水平的 竞争战略,希望在激烈的市场竞争中谋得一席之地。本文在对国内外的文献进 行梳理的基础上,重点分
析了在汽车产业发展的新趋势下的上海新势力汽车公 司的竞争战略产业情况。本文首先分析了上海新势力汽车公司的发展状况,并 且简述了公司的经营现状,从资源分配方面介
绍了公司的融资状况、产品情况 以及组织结构,以便对公司情况有一个相对全面的了解。在这一章中还根据当 前公司的竞争现状提出了所面临的主要问题:即企业面临交付和大
规模生产、 产品种类过少使其竞争优势不明显、用户体验实现产品定义还需要深入探索等 问题,并且具体分析了其成因。其次重点对上海新势力汽车公司的外部环境进 行了分析
,运用PEST分析法从政治、经济、社会以及技术四个维度进行了考虑。 同时分析了公司发展的内部条件,从资源与能力、核心能力的辨识、企业价值 链三个方面重点展开论述。
综合以上因素运用 SWOT矩阵分析法,从多个纬度 分析了新势力公司的当前状况,优势、劣势怎么样,机遇和挑战在哪里。通过 SWOT 矩阵分析,可以比较直观地看到到公司当前
的处境以及所要努力的方向。 最后在明确新势力公司的竞争战略目标的前提下。通过对前面公司战略目标分 析以及SWOT 矩阵分析,得出上海新势力汽车公司应采用 SO 战略,借
力于国 II 家大力发展新兴产业的机遇,以集中差异化战略吸引消费者占稳市场份额。然 后论述了为了实现竞争战略目标所要实施的一系列保障措施,主要是从组织结 构、人力
资源、薪酬激励、企业文化、研发投入以及知识产权提成保障措施。 本文全面、系统地提出了解决新势力公司现在所面临问题的解决方案,从而帮 助企业实现竞争战略目标,使
得本文的研究更具可行性,以期待新势力公司在 激烈的市场竞争环境中能利于不败之地,在不断创新中获得企业的竞争优势, 最终赢得可持续发展的能力。 关键词: 智能网联
汽车,竞争环境,竞争目标,竞争战略 III Abstract Research on Competitive Strategies for Shanghai New Power Automotive Company The research object in this
thesis is a new cross-industrial automobile manufacturer, named New Trend Automobile Co, Ltd (NTA). Founded in 2014, it focuses on producing intelligent
electric vehicles. As the age of IoT comes, all manufacturers in this industry have a clear vision of the intelligent transportation revolution: internet and
manufacturing will bring along and drive the development of more new business models, and will have profound influence on global economic situation in
several decades. NTA was born in this trend. Despite its unique innovative and internet thinking, the market sharing of its vehicles has been quite low since
it begins delivery in the middle of 2018. To find a way out, it is urgent for the company to make strategies that can meet its development level, so as to
earn a place in fierce competition. Based on the review of domestic and foreign literature, the thesis analyzes NTA’s strategies under the new trend in
automobile industry. Firstly, the thesis analyzes the current situation of the company, and introduces its state of business, financing situation, products
and organization structure, to present a whole picture of the company. In this chapter, the author also raises major problems that the company is facing,
including delivery and mass production, advantages not obvious due to small category, user experience and product definition need to be improved, etc. Their
causes are analyzed as well. Secondly, the thesis analyzes the external environment from four dimensions using PEST methodology: politics, economy, society
and technology. The internal environment is also analyzed and discussed from three aspects: resource and capability, recognition of core capability, and
enterprise value chain. Based on the above-mentioned factors, the current situation of the company is analyzed using SWOT methodology, including its
advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and IV challenges, etc. Through SWOT, the situation and direction of the company can be seen clearly. At last,
based on the clarified competitive strategies, the thesis puts forward SO strategy, which takes the opportunity of the government supporting the development
of emerging industries, aiming to attract consumers and take a stable market share through differentiation strategy. Then the author discusses measures to
achieve the company’s goals from the aspects of organization structure, human resources, salary incentives, enterprise culture, R&D investment, and
intellectual properties. The comprehensive and systematic solutions to solve the problems faced by NTA and to help the company achieve its goals make the
research more feasible, and make it expectable that NTA can thrive against fierce competition, gain advantage through continuous innovation, and earn the
ability of sustainable development.。。。。。。以下内容略