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河南新百维食品公司是一家以生产磷脂产品为主的科技公司,磷脂作为天然、健康的食品或食 品添加剂,越来越广泛的被食品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司所使用。随着消费 升级和人们健康保健意识的逐渐增强,消费 者会越来越青睐天然、健康的食品,进而促使健康食品市场不断扩大,所以天然健康食品添加剂的 市场需求也会水涨船高日趋增加。 为推进天然健康食品添加剂的产业发展,国家陆续出台了系列支 持和鼓励政策,支持天然健康的食品添加剂研发生产,目前公司恰逢市场需求上升和国家政策鼓励 的重要历史机 遇。如何把握机遇,推动以打造“天然健康高端磷脂”为核心的“新百维磷脂”强势 品牌创建并发展壮大,是当前企业面临的主要问题。为满足当前因消费升级、磷脂产品不断扩 大的 市场需求,河南新百维食品公司适时制定并实施品牌发展战略,显得尤为重要。 首先,本文以品牌和品牌战略等相关理论为基础,研究和学习国内外关于品牌发展战略的研 究 成果;在此基础上,本文采用文献分析、案例分析、归纳演绎法等分析方法和技术为手段,对河南 新百维食品公司品牌发展战略现状及环境进行分析,梳理出企业当前的优势 和劣势以及面对的机会 和挑战;进而结合以上研究,梳理出企业主要存在的公司高端人才数量配备不足且不完善、品牌定 位不明确、品牌形象不鲜明、品牌知名度不高和品牌市 场占有率低下等问题;最后,结合企业自身 发展环境和自身资源条件,从全局出发,制定出相应的品牌发展战略目标、规划和实施策略,合理 布局规划实施的内容、步骤和保障 措施,切实解决品牌在定位、传播、发展、危机公关过程中存在 的根本问题。本研究目的是确立河南新百维食品公司以品牌发展战略为企业发展的主要战略,抓住 机遇大力打造 企业品牌优势,开拓市场,满足更多客户的不同需求,促进企业发展壮大,为社会做 出应有贡献。希望通过本文研究,能为河南新百维食品公司及其他天然食品添加剂企业的品牌 发展 提供一定参考借鉴,为有关 B2B 企业品牌发展战略研究与制定提供一定的理论支撑。 关键词:磷脂产品;品牌;品牌发展战略;品牌资产III Abstract Henan Xinbaiwei Food Co., Ltd. is a technology company which mainly produces phospholipid products. As a natural and healthy food additive, phospholipid products are more and more widely used in the food industry. With the increase of consumers' income and their growing awareness of health care, consumers now favor natural healthy food over others. What’s more, the market for healthy food is expanding rapidly, so the market demand for natural healthy food additives is rising accordingly. In order to promote the development of natural and healthy food additive industry, the state has issued a series of policies to support and encourage the research, development and production of natural and healthy food additives. At present, the rising market demand and the encouragement of the national policies have brought the company both the opportunities and challenges. So how to seize the opportunity to build a strong brand of "natural healthy high-end phospholipid" and develop it well is the main problem enterprises are facing. In order to meet the current expanding market demand for phospholipid products due to consumption increase and rapid development of food industry, it is particularly important for Henan Xinbaiwei food company to implement the brand development strategy. By studying the brand development strategy of Henan Xinbaiwei food company, the paper analyzes its brand development status and the strategic environment of brand development. First of all, based on the theories of brand and brand strategy , this paper studies and learns the research results of brand development strategy at home and abroad. Then by analyzing the current situation and environment of brand development strategy of Henan Xinbaiwei Food Co., Ltd. and by means of literature analysis, case analysis, induction and deduction, the paper sorts out the advantages and disadvantages as well as the opportunities and risks the enterprise is facing. According to this, the paper finds out the problems existing in enterprises, such as lack of talents, unclear brand positioning, unclear brand image, low brand awareness and low brand market share, and analyzes the reasons for the problems. Finally, taking the enterprise's own resource conditions and the overall situation into account, the enterprise formulates the corresponding brand development strategic objectives, practical planning and the enterprise reasonably arranges implementation strategies, and the contents, steps and guarantee measures for the implementation of the planning so as to effectively solve the actual problems of the company in the process of brand positioning, communication, development and crisis public relations. The purpose of this study is to make sure Henan Xinbaiwei food company takes the brand development strategy as the main strategy of enterprise development, seizes the opportunity to vigorously build the enterprise's advantage brand, opens up the market, meets the different needs of more customers, promotes the development and expansion of the enterprise, and makes due contributions to the society. Hopefully, this study can provide some references for the brand development strategy of Henan Xinbaiwei food company and other natural food additive enterprises, and provide some theoretical support for the brand development strategy research of B2B enterprises. Key words: phospholipid products, brand, brand strategy, brand equity目 录 摘要 .............................. I Abstract.III 第一章 前言 ................. 1 1.1 研究背景..................1 1.2 研究 目的与意义......2 1.2.1 研究目的.......2 1.2.2 研究意义.......2 1.3 国内外研究现状......3 1.3.1 国外研究现状............................. 3 1.3.2 国内研究现 状............................. 6 1.3.3 国内外文献评述......................... 9 1.4 主要研究内容与方法 ................10 1.4.1 主要研究内 容........................... 10 1.4.2 主要研究方法........................... 10 1.5 研究思路框架.......11 第二章 相关概念界定与理论基础.................. 12 2.1 品牌理论概述........12 2.1.1 品牌.............12 2.1.2 品牌战略.....13 2.2 相关理论基础........13 2.2.1 品牌战略管理理论概述........... 13 2.2.2 宏观 环境 PEST 分析理论........16 2.2.3 中观欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境迈克尔·波特五力分析理论.............17 2.2.4 内外部综合环境 SWOT 分析理论.........................17 第三章 河南新百维品牌发展战略的环境分析.............................18 3.1 河南新百维食品公司简介及现状......18 3.1.1 河南新百维食品公司简介.......18 3.1.2 河南新百 维公司的发展现状...18 3.2 河南新百维食品公司品牌发展战略外部环境宏观分析.18 3.2.1 政治环境.....19 3.2.2 经济环境.....19 3.2.3 社会环境 .20 3.2.4 技术环境 .20 3.3 河南新百维食品公司品牌发展战略竞争环境分析.........21 3.3.1 河南新百维食品公司现有竞争品牌企业分析......22 3.3.2 河南新百维食品公司潜在竞争品牌企业分 析......22 3.3.3 河南新百维食品公司替代品牌企业分析..............23 3.3.4 河南新百维食品公司供应商分析..........................24 3.3.5 河南新百维食品公司下 游买家分析......................24 3.4 河南新百维食品公司品牌发展战略内部环境分析.........25 3.4.1 河南新百维食品公司的技术资源..........................25 3.4.2 河南新百维食品公司的人力资源状况..................253.4.3 河南新百维食品公司的财务状况..........................26 3.4.4 河南新百维食品公司的生产能力状 况..................26 3.5 河南新百维食品公司品牌发展战略存在的问题.............27 3.5.1 公司高端人才数量配备不足且不完善..................27 3.5.2 公司的品 牌定位不明确........... 27 3.5.3 品牌形象不鲜明....................... 27 3.5.4 公司品牌知名度不高............... 28 3.5.5 公司品牌市场占有率低下.......28 3.6 河南新百维食品公司品牌发展战略存在问题原因分析.28 3.6.1 缺乏品牌战略规划................... 28 3.6.2 公司组织架构陈旧缺失 公司管理体制落后........29 3.6.3 公司品牌建设投入资金少.......29 3.6.4 公司人力资源机制不健全.......29 3.6.5 公司技术力量和开发策略有待改善......................29 3.6.6 公司品牌建设有 待优化........... 29 3.7 河南新百维食品公司品牌发展环境 SWOT 矩阵分析....31 3.7.1 河南新百维食品公司优势分析(S)....................31 3.7.2 河南新百维食品 公司劣势分析(W).................. 32 3.7.3 河南新百维食品公司机会分析(O)...................33 3.7.4 河南新百维

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