体育彩票从 1994 年开始发行,截至到目前,年销售额已经突破 180 亿元,随着体彩 的高速发展,越来越多的学者关注到体育彩票尤其关注到体育彩票发展的推动者—体育 彩民,更多专家关注体育彩民的群体特征、体育彩民的购买行为习惯以及彩民的生活消 费习惯。 目前体育彩票类型主要包括即开型、竞猜型和乐透型。丰富的品种使体育彩票整体 的研究并不能准确的判断出各类别彩票的特征,因此了解不同类别彩票的特点,针对本 类别彩票做相关的市场推广策略成为未来工作的重点,乐透型彩票是体育彩票中开发最 早,销量最高的票种。体育彩民推动着体育彩票业的发展,乐透型彩民的购买行为研究 是目前体育彩民研究的核心,国内部分学者以区域研究为基础开展体育彩票的购买行为 研究,本文选择较具地方特色的鲁西南地区的乐透型体育彩民研究,在调查问卷的基础 上运用文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、数理统计等方法,分别从鲁西南乐透型体育彩民群体特征、购买行为 现状、样本数据的描述性统计分析和基于计划行为理论及期望理论的鲁西南乐透型体育 彩民购买行为影响因素模型分析研究,得出以下研究结论: 第一,购彩群体主要是 21-40 岁之间的低学历中青年已婚男士,月收入在 1001-6000 元之间,购彩金额占月收入的比例主要集中在 2%-10%之间,以个体经营者、企业职员、 工人、农民和自由职业者为主。 第二,“购彩行为”变量均值为 3.06,“购彩态度”变量均值为 3.69,“购彩主观规范” 变量均值为 3.51,“知觉行为控制”变量均值为 3.82,“风险偏好”变量均值为 3.69,“购彩 意向”变量均值为 3.90,说明当地彩民有积极的购彩态度、较强购买力、强烈的购买意向 和风险偏好。购彩过程中彩票站点的购彩气氛良好。 第三,购彩意向对购彩行为影响路径系数最高,在本文的研究中,购彩意向起到中 介变量的作用,知觉行为控制对购彩行为有较显著的促进作用,风险偏好对购彩意向有 显著的促进作用。购彩态度对购彩意向有显著的促进作用,购彩主观规范对购彩意向有 促进作用。 关键词:鲁西南,购买因素,体育彩票,群体特征山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 III Study on Factors Influencing Purchasing Behavior of Lottery Players in Southwestern Shandong Tian Jing(Industrial and Commercial Management) Directed by Hao Huaijie ABSTRACT Sports lottery began in 1994. As of now,annual sales have exceeded 18 billion yuan. With the rapid development of body color, more and more scholars have paid attention to sports lottery people. What group characteristics do they haveWhat are the buying habitsWhat kind of life consumption habitsThese issues have attracted the interest of experts and staff. At present, sports lotteries mainly include instant openingguessing and Lotto. The abundant variety makes the research of sports lottery as a whole unable to accturately judge the characteristics of various types of lottery tickets. Therefore, understanding the characteristics of different types of lottery tickets and making relevant maketing strategies for this type of lottery tickets will become the focus of future work. Lottery lottery is the earliest type of sports lottery and has the highest salesof tickets. The development of sports lottery industry for sports lottery promoters, and the study of the purchase behavior of lottery people is the core of the current sports lottery people’s research. Some domestic scholars carry out sports lottery purchase behavior based on regional research. In this paper, we cloose the Lotto sports colorful people in the southwest of Lu with local characteristics. Based on the questionnaires, using the methods of documentation and mathematical statistics, this paper studies the characterisics of lottery sports lottery lottery consumers in Southwest Shandong, the quo of their purchasing behavior,descriptive statistical analysis of sample data, and the influencing factors model of lottery sports lottery lottery consumers’purchasing behavior in Southwest Shandong based on the theory of planned behavior and expectation. Analysis and research,the following cinclusions are drawn: First, Lottery buyers are mainly married men aged 21-40 with low educational山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 IV background, monthly income ranges from 1001 to 6000 yuan, the proportion of lottery purchase amount to monthly income is mainly between 2% and 10%, priority is given to self-employed persons, employees of enterprises,workers,peasants and freelancers. Second, the mean value of “lottery buying behavior” variable is 3.06, the mean value of “lottery buying attitude” variable is 3.69, the mean value of “subjective norms of lottery purchase” variable is 3.51, the mean value of “perceptual behavior control” variable is 3.82, the mean value of “risk preference” variable is 3.69, the mean value of “lottery intention” variable is 3.90. It shows that local lottery users have positive attitudes, strong purchasing power, strong purchasing intention and risk preference. Thirdly, the color purchase intention has the highest path coefficient on the color purchase behavior.In this study, the color purchase intention plays the role of intermediary variable, and the perceptual behavior. Risk preference has a significant effect on the purchase intention. The attitude of buying color has a significant promotion effect on the purchase of color, and the subjective criterion of purchasing color has a promotion effect on the purchase of color. Key word: Southwestern Shandong, purchase factors, Sports lotterytickets, Group charecteristics山东建筑大学硕士学位论文 V 目 录 摘要·········································································································I ABSTRACT·····························································································II 第 1 章 绪 论 1.1 选题的背景和研究意义·······································································(·1) 1.1.1 选题的背景·················································································(·1) 1.1.2 研究意义····················································································(·1) 1.2 研究目的和方法················································································(·2) 1.2.1 研究目的····················································································(·2) 1.2.2 研究方法····················································································(·2) 1.3 研究内容·························································································(·3) 1.4 论文创新点······················································································(·4) 第 2 章 相关概念及理论综述 2.1 相关概念·························································································(·5) 2.2 消费者行为理论················································································(·6) 2.3 期望理论·························································································(·6) 2.4 计划行为理论···················································································(·7) 2.5 国内外研究现状及动态················································