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政府绩效管理作为全球公共管理研究的深受人们关注的方面,所 以,政府相关职员在工作中的贡献自然而然的是其探讨的最主要方 面。近年来,随着政府工作的细化,仅仅依靠公务员等在编人员已经 不能完全承担政府职能,越来越多的非在编人员进入了政府部门工 作,承担了与在编人员相同的工作职责,成为了政府工作人员的重要 组成部分。 街道政府作为最基层的行政组织,数以百万的街道政府工作人 员,尤其是非在编人员也成为了国家公职人员体系中庞大的组成部 分。要在最大程度上发挥街道非在编人员服务于广大人民群众,提高 问题整改问题的主动性和独创行,必须仔细修改好非在编工作者的绩 效考核体系。 所以这篇文章采用最底层相关政府杭州市西湖区灵隐街道非在 编人员的绩效考核来进行分析,无论是对其理论知识还是实际生活都 有着很大的正面影响。这项工作将杭州市西湖区灵隐街道非在编人员 作为研究对象,在对非在编人员绩效考核状况等信息进行收集、归纳、 分析的基础上,探讨目前非在编人员考核体系中存在的问题,并试图 对非在编人员的考查方式开展了一些修改,使其更加完善。 这项探索工作使用个别案件研究的方法以及发放问卷进行调查 的方法等研究方法对杭州市西湖区灵隐街道非在编人员的绩效考察 开展分析,分析内容大体从三个部分进行, 第一部分深入理解绩效考核等专业词语,找到上述考核方式及其 相关的一些知识。 第二部分从杭州市西湖区灵隐街道非在编人员的绩效考核现状 出发,从绩效考核的内容、指标、效果等典型特点等角度来解释现在 非在编人员的绩效考核的探索情况和其中的缺点。VI 第三部分在上述研究的基础上,提出改进当前杭州市西湖区灵隐 街道非在编人员绩效考核体制的方案,加大对其关注的力度,完善其 相应体系以及增大其产生结果的使用情况。 关键词,政府,非在编人员,绩效考核 报告类型,调查研究报告VII RESEARCHONTHEIMPROVEMENTOFNON PERFORMANCESTAFFPERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL SCHEMEINLINGYINSTREET,XIHUDISTRICT,HANGZHOU ABSTRACT The government performance management as a global public management research is deeply concerned. Therefore, the contribution of government related staff in the work is the most important aspect of the study. In recent years, with the refinement of government work, only by relying on civil servants and so on can not fully undertake the government functions, more and more non staffing personnel have entered the work of the government departments, and have assumed the same job responsibilities as the staffs, and become an important part of the government staff. As the most grass-roots administrative organization, the street government, with millions of street government workers, especially the non staffing staff, has become a huge part of the state public service system. In order to give full play to the initiative and original work of the street in order to serve the masses of the people and improve the problem of rectification, we must carefully modify the performance appraisal system of the non editor workers. So this article uses the lowest related government in Hangzhou Xihu District Ling Yin Street non - staffing performance assessment to analyze, whether it has a great positive impact on its theoretical knowledge and real life. On the basis of collecting, inducing and analyzing the information of non staffing performance assessment, this work is based on the collection, induction and analysis of the non staffing performance assessment status in Hangzhou City, and attempts to make some modifications to the non staffing examination methods. It is more perfect. This exploration work uses the methods of individual case study and the method of questionnaire survey to carry out the analysis of the performance survey of the non staffs in Ling Yin Street in Xihu District, Hangzhou, and the analysis content is mainly from the following three angles: The first point is to thoroughly understand professional words such as performance appraisal, and find out the above assessment methods and related knowledge. The second angle, from the current situation of the performance assessment of the non staffs in Ling Yin Street in Xihu District, Hangzhou, explains the exploration and shortcomings of the performance assessment from the contents, indexes and effects of the performance assessment. The third part, on the basis of the above research, puts forward a proposal toVIII improve the non staffing performance assessment system in the Hangzhou Xihu District Ling Yin Street: to increase its attention, to improve its corresponding system and to increase the use of its results. KEY WORDS: Government; Non-staffing; Performance assessment TYPE OF DISSERTATION / THESIS: Investigation Report浙江工业大学硕士学位报告 杭州市西湖区灵隐街道非在编人员绩效考核方案改进研究 IX 目 录 1 绪论 .................................................. 1 1.1 选题背景......................................................1 1.2 研究的目的及意义..............................................2 1.2.1 研究的目的 ................................................2 1.2.2 研究的意义 ................................................2 1.3 研究思路及研究方法............................................3 1.3.1 研究思路 ..................................................3 1.3.2 研究方法 ..................................................4 1.4 本文的创新点..................................................5 2 概念及理论综述 ........................................ 7 2.1 相关概念......................................................7 2.1.1 在编人员 ..................................................7 2.1.2 非在编人员 ................................................7 2.1.3 绩效考核 ..................................................8 2.2 基本理论 ......................................................9 2.2.1 需求层次理论 ..............................................9 2.2.2 激励理论 ..................................................9 2.2.3 期望理论 ..................................................9 2.3 绩效考核相关研究.............................................10 2.3.1 政府部门的绩效考核 .......................................10 2.3.2 绩效考核目标的研究 .......................................12 2.3.3 绩效考核方法的研究 .......................................12 2.3.4 绩效考核方法 .............................................13 3 杭州市西湖区灵隐街道非在编人员绩效考核调研与分析 ...... 15 3.1 杭州市西湖区灵隐街道非在编人员现状...........................15 3.1.1 非在编人员构成 ...........................................15 3.1.2 非在编人员的重要性 .......................................15 3.1.3 非在编人员的绩效考核现状 .................................16 3.2 非在编人员绩效考核调查与分析 .................................17 3.2.1 调查问卷结构 .............................................17 3.2.2 调查问卷的信度与效度 .....................................18 3.2.3 样本总体情况 .............................................18 3.2.4 绩效考核现状的总体性评价 .................................19浙江工业大学硕士学位报告 杭州市西湖区灵隐街道非在编人员绩效考核方案改进研究 X 3.3 访谈分析 .....................................................24 3.3.1 访谈对象选择 .............................................24 3.3.2 绩效考核访谈 .............................................25 3.3.3 绩效考核访谈总结 .........................................26 3.4 绩效考核存在的问题 ...........................................27 3.4.1 绩效考核体系不健全 .......................................27 3.4.2 绩效考核结果运用不足 .....................................28 3.4.3 绩效考核重视度不足 .......................................29 4 非在编人员绩效考核方案改进建议 ........................ 31 4.1 提升绩效考核重视程度 .........................................31 4.1.1 树立科学的绩效考核理念 ...................................31 4.1.2 与在编人员共用绩效考核体系 ...............................31 4.1.3 借鉴其他镇街非在编人员绩效考核模式 .......................33 4.2 改进绩效考核指标体系 .........................................34 4.2.1 绩效考核指标设计原则 .....................................34 4.2.2 建立管理标准化条例 .......................................35 4.2.3 绩效考核指标设计 .........................................37 4.3 加强绩效考核结果的应用.......................................39 4.3.1 改进绩效考核结果应用的措施...............................39 4.3.2 发

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