摘要 银行属于服务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,各个银行之间的竞争说到底就是人力资源的竞争,而绩效考 核又是人力资源管理最核心的内容。近年来国有银行、外资银行等对农村商业银行造 成了一种夹攻的态势,良好的福利待遇、管理模式、工作氛围,势必会使人才流往这 些银行,为了改变这一现状,并以自身的特色吸引客户,农村商业银行就必须想办法 科学的利用人才、培养人才,发挥人才的最大能动性,因此,对其人力资源绩效考核 问题进行研究就显得尤为重要。 本文参考各大国有银行以及外资银行的人力资源绩效考核问题以及对策的研究, 结合SM农商行的实际情况,通过如下六个章节,详细阐述了对SM农商行客户经理 绩效考核方案的研究。 第一章是选题背景,研究的思路和方法;第二章是与本文相关的理论基础;第三 章是SM农商行客户经理绩效考核的现状与问题分析,结合了 SM县的经济形势,分 别从现行绩效考核方案、现行考核指标、现行方案存在的问题以及原因分析等方面对 SM农商行客户经理的绩效考核问题进行分析;第四章是SM农商行客户经理绩效考 核方案的设计,分别从KPI、绩效机制、绩效制度、绩效考核体系等方面,讲述了 SM 农商行客户经理绩效考核体系的优化思路;第五章是绩效考核的保障措施;第六章是 结论。 【关键字】SM农商行人力资源管理绩效考核 【研究类型】应用研究 Title: The Scheme Research of Customer Manager's Performance Appraisal in SM rural commercial bank Specialty: Master of Business Administration Name: Sun Zhiyuan Signature: T^itor: Dong Migang Signature: :/^严, Abstract As we know that the bank belongs to service industry and the competition between the different banks is human resources. The most important key of human resource is performance appraisal. For example, the state-owned banks and foreign banks have given much higher pressure on the rural commercial banks those years, so the experienced professional staffs in the rural commercial banks will flow to the state-owned banks and foreign banks because of better benefits, management and work atmosphere. The rural commercial banks will try their best to recruit the experienced professional staff and train and retain them in order to achieve a breakthrough in this situation. So the research of customer manager's performance appraisal on SM rural commercial bank is particularly important. This paper is based on customer managers' performance appraisal issues and solutions of the major state-owned banks/foreign banks and the actual situation analysis of SM rural commercial bank. This paper describes the research of customer manager's performance appraisal on SM rural commercial bank in six chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the background of the research and the research idea s. The second chapter mainly focuses on the theoretical foundation of this paper. The third chapter mainly introduces the situation and analysis of customer manager's performance appraise in SM rural commercial bank from 3 aspects(the current appraisal scheme of performance management, the current evaluation index, the issues of current appraise scheme and the reason classification)according to the economic situation of SM county. The forth chapter mainly focuses on the design of customer manager's performance appraise scheme in SM rural commercial bank. We can get the optimization idea of customer manager's performance appraisal system from some aspects, for example, KPI, performance mechanism, performance system, performance appraisal system.The fifth chapter mainly tells us the protection methods of performance appraisal. And the sixth chapter gives the summary of this paper. 【Keywords】SM rural commercial bank Human Resource Management Performance Appraisal 【Rcscarch Type 】Applied research 目录目录 Hit 1 1.1选题的背景和研究意义 1 1.2研究的思路与方法 2 1.3研究的内容与结构 3 1.4本论文创新之处及贡献 4 第2章本文相关的理论基础 5 2.1相关的概念 5 2.2绩效理论 10 2.3绩效考核的流程和方法 15 第3章SM农商行客户经理绩效考核的现状与问题分析 18 3.1 SM农商行概况 18 3.2 SM农商行客户经理现行的绩效考核方案 19 3.3现行的绩效考核方案存在的问题及原因分析 21 第4章SM农商行客户经理绩效考核方案设计 25 4.1绩效考核制度设计的思路 25 4.2绩效考核方案的设计路径 26 4.3绩效考核方案的设计 33 4.4绩效考核指标的确定 35 4.5绩效考核结果的利用 39 4.6方案改进后预期目标 40 第5章绩效考核方案的保陣措施 42 5.1全行高度重视 42 5.2绩效考核的培训工作 43 5.3其他相关保障 44 5.4建设企业文化 45 第6章结论 47 6.1本文结论 47 6.2还需进一步研究的问题