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随着全球经济发展,人类社会物质文明高度发展。人们越来越重视着装的 时尚性和人性化,而此趋势推动了饰品市场的快速发展,不锈钢饰品成为新宠。 据海关总署数据统计显示,2012年中国饰品出口已超过了 2000亿元。不锈钢 饰品己经占据欧美时尚饰品市场份额的68%;铜,合金,银饰品仅占32%的市场 份额。同时饰品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司也成为商务部门28大类监测商品中增长速度最快的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司。 然而不绣钢饰品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司具有进入门滥低、竞争剧烈,市场分散的特点,如何 将不锈钢饰品欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司做专做强最大程度提高竞争优势本以“Q不锈钢饰品” 项目作为着手点,以商业计划书的形式分别从产品、竞争分析,市场营销,SWOT, CIS、财务测算等方面进行阐述,对项目的发展前景和风险进行分析。 本计划书首先从项目市场背景开始,通过市场和竞争分析、产品和品牌介绍、 企业竞争策略/营销策略等方面进行详细阐述,同时运用市场分析工具如PEST 分析、SWOT分析以及财务测算如盈亏测算,净资产收益率,单因弹性风险分析, 确立项目的可行性以及运营前景。依靠项目负责人外贸从业经验,不锈钢饰品 设计经验,多年的财务经理团队获取投资人认同。计划用1年时间,采用国际 知名展会和B2B平台推广,为企业吸纳中小买家客户群体,受到国外买家认可, 在未来的3年时间,外销市场不断增加市场占有率的同时在国内形成自己的Q 品牌运营。 : 本项目主要是从市场竞争入手,同时注意营销模产品设计的创新。利 用品牌定位,产品定位,营销策划的具体手段,形成自己的企业文化。同时通 过财务测算,可以看出在创新模式下,不锈钢饰品市场依然有广阔的发展前景。 关键词:商业计划书;不锈钢饰品;品牌; I -MBA学位作者:刘静 蔻蔻不锈钢饰品公司商业计划书 Abstract In pace with the development of global economy, the material and spiritual civilization ofhuma n society have been highly developed. People's dressing tends to contain more fashion and hum anization elements, which is continuous promoting the development of jewelry market. Stainles s steel jewelry now has become the new favorite. According to statistical data by the General Ad ministration of Customs, China1 exports of jewelry has exceeded RMB 200 billions in 2012. Acc ording to the study, stainless steel jewelry has taken 68% share of the fashion jeweliy market in Europe and the USA. While, copper jewelry, alloy jewelry and silver jewelry in total account for 32% of the market What's more, Hie jewelry industry is the most fast developing business amo ng the 28 catagories of monitoring goods by commercial departments. However, as the stainless steel jeweliy market is featured by low entry-barrier, intense competi tion and market diversification, the new challenge will be how to make it more professional,str onger and how to enhance the competitive advantages to the maximum.Based on an intemation al trade project Q stainless steel jeweliy, in the form of a business plan, the paper sets out the a rguments firom aspects of marketing, product design, financial estimates, etc. and analyzes the d evelopment prospects and risks of the project. The business plan is not only the detailed elaborati on of the project, which serves as guide to action, but also a description of specific project imple mentation for investors, which faciliates fund raising. A^th project market background as starting point, by using market analysis tools such as PEST a nalysis, SWOT analysis, financial estimates, eg. cash flow estimates, ROE, and elasticity univar iate risk analysis, the plan established the feasibility and operation prospects of the project throug hdetailed elaboration in aspects of market and competition analysis, product and brand introduct ion, enterprise competition strategy, marketing strategy, etc. The main foundation for investor recognition are project leader's experience in intemation trade a nd stainless steel jewelry design, as well as the financial manager team with years of experience. The initial plan includes attending well-know international trade fairs and carrying out promotio ns on B2B platforms, in order to take in small and medium sized customer base and gain recogni tion from international buyer X wittiin 1 year. The plan in the next 3 years is to keep increasing market share and build up the brand operation of Q in the meantime. The project mainly starts from market competion, while focusing on marketing pattern and produ ct design innovation. The plan is to establish the company's enterprise culture through specific m n -MBA学位作者:刘静 蔻蔻不锈钢饰品公司商业计划书 ethods such as brand positioning, production posisition and marketing plan. It is observed from t he financial estimates that the stainless steel jewelry market still enjoys a vast potentional of futu re developments in an innovation pattern. Keywords: Business plan, stainless steel jewelry, brand. -MBA学位作者:刘静 蔻蔻不锈钢饰品公司商业计划书 目录 —、绪论 1 (-)研究背景 1 (二)研究意义 2 (三)相关理论和方法 3 二、项目简介与项目分析 6 (一)项目简介 6 (二)项目计划 7 (三)产品特色、经营模式 7 (四)项目组织和团队 10 (五)商标与专利 12 (六)公司战略 13 三、市场和竞争分析 14 (一)欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司历史、现状与前景 14 (二)市场规模和增长趋势 15 (三)客户来源分析 16 (0) SWOT分析 19 四、品牌形象塑造 21 (一)理念识别系统(Ml) 22 (二)行为识别系统(BI) 22 (三)视觉识别系统(VI) 23 五、营销策略 27 (一)STP营销分析 27 (二)产品策略 29 (三)价格策略 29 (四)渠道策略 29 (五)促销策略 30 IV -MBA学位作者:刘静 蔻蔻不锈钢饰品公司商业计划书 六、财务规划和测算 32 (一)项目投资说明: 32 (二)项目利润预测分析表 33 (三)现金流量表 34 (四)财务分析 35 (五)单因素敏感性分析 35 (六)本章小结 36 七、关键风险和问题 37 (一)市场风险 37 (二)经济风险 37 (三)管理风险 38 (四)财务风险 40 (五)政策风险 40 (六)竞争风险 41 (七)不可抗力等其他风险 41 (八)本章小结 41 微 42

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