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IGBT是功率器件技术演变的最新产品,是未来功率器件的主流发展方向,它能够 实现节能减排,具有很好的环境保护效益,被公认为是电力电子技术第三次革命最具 代表性的产品,是未来应用发展的必然方向。IGBT可广泛应用于电力领域、消费电 子、汽车电子、新能源等传统和新兴领域,市场前景广阔。中国政府已明确表态将全 力支持IGBT国产化。为推动节能降耗,促进电力电子技术和产业的发展,国家发改委 等有关部门将安排补贴资金支持IGBT, FRD(超快恢复二极管)等量大面广的新型电力电 子芯片和期间的研发。 本文首先介绍国内外IGBT产业的发展状况,指出中国IGBT产业发展的问题。通 过对目前国内状况的审视,说明实现IGBT的研发,对解决当前我国新能源战略,发展 低碳环保经济过程中核心问题的必要性和紧迫性,同时指明本文研究的目的、意义和 研究的思路和方法;甚.次介绍新产品研发IGBT项目的由来和总体概况,从项目评估的 理论基础出发,结合实际问题,对项目背景、相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、项目产品市场进行分析,论 证在B公司进行IGBT研发项目实施的必要性;然后对该项目进行技术评估,分析对环 境的影响,提出合理的技术方案并进行论证;通过对该项目的经济评估,说明项目在 经济上的可行性,指出该项目产生的经济效益和社会效益;从该项目的风险评估入 手,分析现有的和潜在的项目风险,对项目风险管理提出建议;最后给出项目总评 价,归纳总结各方面评估,得出结论。 关键词:IGBT;项目评估;新产品研发 第II页 华东理工大学硕士学位 The Feasibility Study of IGBT Research and Development Project in B Company ABSTRACT IGBT is the most up to date product come from technology evolution of power device. As the main flow of power device development, IGBT can realize energy saving, environment protection. It is recognized as the most representative product of the third revolution of electric power technology and it is certain development direction of future application. IGBT can be far-ranging used in electric power, consumer electronics, automotive electronics^ new energy with broad marketing forecast. Meanwhile, China module fabrication. To push energy saving and power electronic industry development, Development and Reform Commission and other department will arrange finance support for industrialization of new type of power electronic chip such as IGBT and FRD. This article introduce the situation of IGBT industrial development both in China and overseas, indicating the problem in Chinese IGBT industrial development;illuminating that the actualization of IGBT industrialization means the kernel problem in our country's new energy strategy and low-caborn environment protection economy, which now is a problem with necessity and urgency.The meaning, objection, thought and method of research in this article also be indicated.First introduce the overview on origin of IGBT project be established, that is the main contents of this article.Then introduce the theory of the text used to explain the theoretical basis and the necessity of the project .To assess the project background, related industries, competitors, products of its market analysis and feasibility studies in IGBT industrialization and implementation in B company.The technical assessment of the project t enviromental impact analysis of proposed technical solutions and make a reasonable argument.Economic assessment by the project description in economic viability aspect, indicationg that the economic and social benefits come from IGBT localization;By project risk assessment, analyze existing and potential project risk and give project risk management recommendations;Total evaluation, summarize the aspects of assessment, concluded that insufficient, conclution and direction of follow-up study. This paper will focus on specific research methods theory and practice, charts and text descriptions, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the calculation method of combinning. Keywords: IGBT; Project Evaluation; New Product Research & Development 华东理工大学硕士学位 第III页 目录 第1章前言 1 1.1研究的背景和意义 1 1.2国内外研究现状 2 1. 2.1国外IGBT发展历程及现状 2 1.2.2 国内IGBT研发现状 2 1.3研究的目的和内容 4 1.4 本章小结 4 第2章项目评估的基础理论 5 2.1项目评估概述及其发展历程 5 2.2项目评估内容 6 2.3项目评估常用指标与方法 7 2. 4 本章小结 8 第3章IGBT研发项目的基本情况 9 3. 1 IGBT研发项目的概况 9 3.2 IGBT研发项目的组织结构 10 3.3 IGBT研发过程 11 3.4 IGBT研发项目的经营现状 12 3.5 本章小结 13 第4章IGBT研发项目的产品市场评估 14 4. 1功率器件欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析 14 4.2功率器件市场现状 18 4.3 IGBT产品市场预测 19 4.4生产规模分析认定 24 4. 5 本章小结 24 第5章IGBT研发项目的技术和经济评估 25 5. 1 IGBT项目技术简介 25 5.2 IGBT项目技术及设备选择 26 5. 2. 1 技术选择 26 5. 2.2 设备选择 27 5.3 IGBT项目投资估算和资金筹措 28 5. 4 IGBT项目财务效益及社会效益评价 29 5.4. 1项目财务效益评价 29 第IV页 华东理工大学硕士学位 5. 4.2 项目社会效益评价 - 31 5. 5综合评价 33 5. 5. 1 经济评价 33 5. 5. 2 风险评价 33 5.6本章小结 34 第6章 结论与展望 35 6. 1 的主要研究工作 35 6.2研究展望 35

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