最新《中国职业倦怠指数》调查报告中的数据已经展现出,中国企业里的员工中有 大约 70%的人出现不同程度的身心疲惫与耗竭状态。职业倦怠给员工带来的不仅是心里 的疲乏,还影响到了其自身的职业发展,存在于企业内部也是不容小觑的隐患。对于在 社会上立足的任何一家企业来说,员工团队是否具有高素质、员工的工作态度是否积极 主动是其发展的前提和基础。工作积极性是员工自愿的承担工作责任、执行和完成工作 任务,因此产生一种自觉的心理状态。主要表现在一个人或一群人对企业经营想要达到 的目标明悉,计划执行和实现过程中努力的克服障碍的意志和积极性的情感。目前,企 业所处的市场条件变的越来越优越,企业争夺市场上对企业有用的资源要素的过程,已 经逐渐变成了对于人力资本的竞争。作为日益严峻的竞争参与者,企业的人才资源成为 了最重要的资源。各行各业都在争取有竞争优势的人力资源。 人力资本既然是经济活动中最活跃的生产要素,企业管理者应使每个人都能发挥自 己的才能,每个人的才能也都能得到发挥,让所有的工作任务,都安排合适的人去做, 让所有的人都能做相适应的事,最终实现组织目标。但如今很多企业都面临着员工工作 积极性不高,也就是工作消极情绪的共性问题。工作消极情绪,是在某种具体工作行为 中,由外因、内因的影响而产生了有碍于当事人持续工作,完成工作任务、正常思考的 情感。员工工作效率下降、推卸责任、工作延误现象的存在,导致企业在本就竞争越来 越激烈的环境中,发展受到较大阻碍。因此,尽可能大的调动和激发员工的工作积极性、 工作潜能、工作能力一直是企业管理人员和学术界关注的焦点话题。 本文要研究的对象是农村信用社这个特殊体制的企业。首先,农村信用社作为服务 于农村经济的金融机构,受到了农村环境、农民习俗、农民文化程度的影响,农村信用 社在职员工的综合素质偏低,工作能力相对匮乏,思想觉悟不高等都成为了该企业员工 的劣势。其次企业经营业务简单,服务对象单一,创新能力弱且存在历史包袱,导致企 业的发展力不从心。再次企业服务体系老旧,受工作经验的传承,沿用长年累月的工作 效率不高的办事风格,产生了服务标准的落后。最后,农村信用社管理系统选拔人才的 制度沿用原来的陈旧机制,非正规途径选拔出的员工,很难真正胜任管理岗位。虽然该 企业员工存在如此多问题,但是企业并没有员工淘汰制度,只要没有重大违法违规行为,II 就不会与员工解除劳动合同。那么就造成了该企业员工工作得过且过,当一天和尚撞一 天钟的不良现象泛滥,严重影响企业的快速发展。基于农村信用社这些特殊性,本文以 ZK 农村信用社作为研究对象,运用文献研究法,对相关文献进行收集和梳理。根据梳 理以往关于员工工作积极性的文献,和 ZK 农村信用社的实际情况,编制了针对全体员 工的问卷。定量收集影响员工工作积极性的因素,对问卷结果进行效度、信度检验,以 确认问卷质量。利用因子分析法、简单的回归分析法,对收集到的问卷调查结果进行分 析,通过对变量因子建立五个回归模型,找出影响 ZK 农村信用社员工工作积极性的主 要因素。主要包括员工关怀、工作环境、职业发展、薪酬福利、员工培训五个方面。作 者发现该企业员工关怀越完善,员工工作积极性反而越不高,这需要企业足够重视。另 外员工个体特征分析结果显示,企业年轻员工的工作积极性也逊色于年长的老员工。男 性员工的工作积极性也不如女性员工的工作积极性高。针对这些特殊现象,作者进行了 详细分析,在员工工作积极性定义、层次划分以及一些理论基础上,给出提高员工工作 积极性的对策,从员工关怀方面给出对策、工作环境方面给出对策、针对年轻的后备队 伍的指导性建议,包括员工职业发展、薪酬福利、员工培训方面都会有建设性的方案。 通过本文的研究,不仅能对 ZK 农村信用社人力资源管理提供帮助,对类型相同或 相似的企业也有很好的借鉴意义。 关键词,人力资本,农村信用社,工作积极性,影响因素III ABSTRACT The data in the China Burnout Index survey has shown that about 70% of employees in Chinese companies experience varying degrees of physical and mental exhaustion and exhaustion. Burnout brings employees not only the fatigue of their hearts, but also their own professional development. It is also a hidden danger that cannot be underestimated within the enterprise. For any company that is established in the society, whether the employee team has high quality and whether the employee's work attitude is proactive is the prerequisite and foundation for its development. Work enthusiasm is that employees voluntarily undertake work responsibilities, perform and complete work tasks, thus creating a conscious psychological state. It is mainly manifested in the emotions and enthusiasm of a person or a group of people who are aware of the goals that the business management wants to achieve, and the efforts to overcome obstacles during the implementation and implementation of the plan. At present, the market conditions in which enterprises are located are becoming more and more superior, and the process of enterprises competing for resource elements that are useful to enterprises in the market has gradually become a competition for human capital. As an increasingly competitive player, the company's talent resources have become the most important resource. All walks of life are striving for human resources with competitive advantages. Since human capital is the most active production factor in economic activities, enterprise managers should enable everyone to develop their talents, and each person’s talents can be used, so that all work tasks can be arranged by appropriate people. So that all people can do things that suit them and ultimately achieve organizational goals. But nowadays many companies are faced with the enthusiasm of employees, which is the common problem of negative emotions. The negative emotion of work is caused by the influence of external and internal factors in a specific work behavior, which hinders the continuous work of the client, completes the task of work, and thinks normally. The decline in employee productivity, shirking responsibility, and work delays have led to a major obstacle to the development of enterprises in an increasingly competitive environment. Therefore, it is always the focus of attention of business managers and academics to mobilize and motivate employees' work enthusiasm, work potential and work ability asIV much as possible. This paper is to study the enterprise of the rural credit cooperatives as a special system. First of all, rural credit cooperatives, as financial institutions serving the rural economy, are affected by the rural environment, farmers' customs, and the peasant's cultural level. The comprehensive quality of the rural credit cooperatives' employees is low, the work ability is relatively scarce, and the ideological consciousness is not high. The disadvantages of the company's employees. Secondly, the business operation is simple, the service object is single, the innovation ability is weak and there is historical burden, which leads to the development of the enterprise. Once again, the enterprise service system is old, inheriting the work experience, and using the long-term work efficiency of the work style, resulting in the backwardness of service standards. Finally, the system of selecting talents in the rural credit cooperative management system follows the old stale mechanism, and the employees selected by the informal channels are difficult to truly compete for management positions. Although there are so many problems in the employees of the company, the company does not have an employee elimination system. As long as there is no major violation of laws and regulations, it will not terminate the labor contract with the employees. Then it caused the employees of the company to work too hard. When the monk hit a day, the unhealthy phenomenon flooded, which seriously affected the rapid development of the enterprise. Based on the particularity of rural credit cooperatives, this paper takes ZK Rural Credit Cooperative as the research object and uses the literature research method to collect and comb the relevant literature. Based on the previous literature on the enthusiasm of employees, and the actual situation of ZK Rural Credit Cooperative, a questionnaire for all employees was prepared. Quantitatively collect the factors that affect the enthusiasm of employees, and test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire results to confirm the quality of the questionnaire. Using factor analysis method and simple regression analysis method, the collected questionnaire survey results were analyzed. Five regression models were est