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一汽车桥公司绩效管理改进方案研究 党的十八届三中全会公报中提出,“公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发 展的基本经济制度,是中国特色社会主义制度的重要支柱,也是社会主义市场经 济的根基。公有制经济和非公有制经济都是社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分, 都是我国经济社会发展的重要基础。必须毫不动摇巩固和发展公有制经济,坚持 公有制主体地位,发挥国有经济主导作用,不断增强国有经济活力、控制力、影 响力。必须毫不动摇鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济发展,激发非公有制经济活 力和创造力。要完善产权保护制度,积极发展混合所有制经济,推动国有企业完 善现代企业制度,支持非公有制经济健康发展”。该部分内容表明了我党对我国 今后一段时期内社会主义市场经济结构构成的基本观点,其不但明确了公有制企 业在社会主义市场经济构成中的地位,同时也对公有制企业在国民经济中应做的 贡献提出了更高的要求和希望。 随着市场经济的到来,我国各大国有企业也面临着全球一体化的竞争,为了 在市场竞争中保持领先地位,我国各大企业也在探索如何改善劳资关系,提高个 人绩效,实施有效的薪酬体系,以期最大限度的留住人才,发挥人才的作用。 一汽车桥公司是一家汽车零件制造厂家,公司拥有南、北两个厂区,总占地 面积 18 万平方米,生产面积 10 万平方米。企业员工 2576 人;机器设备 2000 余 台,其中进口及数控设备 700 余台。公司下设 7 个生产车间、10 个职能部室,90 余条先进的作业生产线。50 多年的经验累积与现代高新技术的完美结合,使一汽 车桥公司的制造工艺水平处于国内欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司前端位置;该公司的产品不仅能够满足国 内各大汽车生产商的需要,还出口到韩国、俄罗斯、印度等国家。根据该公司的 人才理念是,“以员工成长为中心,建立员工阶梯成长的人才培育体制和以能力绩 效工资为特征的薪酬激励体制,确保德才兼备的员工干出尊严、活得体面。”在这 样一个指导思想下,公司在注重员工成长的同时,更加注重薪酬激励体制的建设, 同时不断完善公司薪酬绩效管理体系。 II 本文以一汽车桥公司为研究案例,对其绩效管理的内、外部环境进行分析, 剖析近年来公司在绩效管理方面存在的问题,并对其新型绩效管理体系的绩效考 核方法、流程进行探讨,分析该体系的特点和优势,总结公司在绩效管理方面的 不足,以提高企业的绩效体系,增强企业的核心竞争力。 通过对研究案例的具体分析,我们可以得到以下结论, (1)国有企业借鉴绩效管理模式是切实可行的,可以激发员工的工作热情, 降低企业运行的成本,引入绩效管理系统有助于国有企业获取更大的社会利益。 (2)要将企业的整体目标分解成可以考核的具体目标,在指标分解的过程中 要结合公司的实际,考虑到各个部门的具体情况进行分解,把不适合本单位实际 情况的指标去掉,综合平衡企业的内外关系,为实现企业高速健康的发展提供必 要支撑。 (3)绩效管理考核结果不仅可以用到薪酬激励上,还可以用到提高员工素质、 增强培训机会等,以此来适应企业长期的发展需要,并充分发挥绩效管理的长期 优势。 (4)国有企业的绩效管理需要在一定条件下才有效,绩效管理的顺利推进离 不开公司整体人力资源开发水平以及合理完善的组织机构,同时,国有企业的绩 效考核还要考虑到企业文化的价值导向,必须从企业整体的战略来制定绩效管理 目标。 本文希望通过对一汽车桥公司绩效管理体系的分析与研究,寻找到适用于国 有企业的绩效管理体系,为类似的公司提供借鉴,给相关研究者以思考与启迪。 关键词, 一汽车桥公司,绩效考核,绩效管理体系,方案改进 III Abstract Research on management performance improvement of FAW Axle Company The third plenary session of the 18th communiqué put forward: public ownership as the main body, a variety of ownership economy common development of the basic economic system. It is not only the important pillar of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, but also the foundation of the socialist market economy. Both the public sector and the non-public sector of the economy are important component parts of the socialist market economy, both of them are important foundation of domestic economic and social development for our country. We must unswervingly consolidate and develop the public owned economy, adhere to the dominant position of the public ownership, to play the leading role of state-owned economy, state-owned economic vitality, constantly enhance control force and influence. We must unswervingly encourage, support and guide non-public economic development, stimulate the economic vitality and creativity. And also to improve the property rights protection system, develop the mixed ownership economy actively, in order to promoting state-owned enterprises to improve the modern enterprise system and also to support the healthy development of non-public economy. This part demonstrates the basic idea of socialist market economic structure for future from our Party, which not only clears the public ownership enterprises status in the socialist market economy, but also put forward higher requirements and hopes to the public ownership enterprises on make contribution to the national economy. With the advent of market economy, China's major state-owned enterprises are facing global competition. In order to keep its leading position in the market competition, the major enterprises is exploring how to improve relations between labor IV and capital, how to Improve personal performance,and how to implementation of effective compensation system to retain valuable employees. FAW Axle Company is an auto parts manufacturer, which has 2,576 employees. The company separate into two plants, south and north. The total area covers 1,800,000 square meters, and includes 1,000,000 square meters production area. It has 2,000 sets of equipment, including more than 700 sets of imports and CNC equipment. The company has 7 production workshops, 10 function department, and more than 90 advanced production lines. Based on 50 years operating experience perfectly combined with modern technology, the manufacturing technology of the company is staying at the front position of the domestic industry. More than that, The company's products can not only meet the needs of the domestic automobile manufacturers, but also exported to South Korea, Russia, India and other countries. The human resource management concept of the company is: “the staff development is the first thing. Establish employee potential development system and stepped up personnel training system. And created compensation based on performance incentive systems. To ensure the valuable employees can work dignity, and live decent. With this kind of guiding ideology, when the companies focus on the employee’s ability growing, pay more attention to the construction of incentive compensation system at the same time, and constantly improve corporate performance management system. In this research, we analyzing the performance management from internal and external environment of FAW Axle Company, analysis the existing performance management problems of the company in recent years, and also discussed the performance appraisal methods and management system process of the new method. Moreover, this report analyzed the characters and advantages of the system, summed up the problems in the performance management aspects. Based on all of the information, I could work out the solutions to improve the enterprise's performance management system, and enhance the core competitiveness of the company. Through the analysis of the specific case study, we can get the following conclusion: V (1) The state-owned enterprises from the performance management mode is feasible, can stimulate staff's work enthusiasm, reduce business operating costs, the introduction of performance management system will help the state-owned enterprises to obtain more social benefits. (2)The overall goal of the enterprise can be assessment into several specific objectives. In the process of index decomposition, people need to according to the real condition of the company, and considering the specific situation of each department. And then, remove the index that is not suitable for the practical situation of the company. Finally, balance the internal and external relations of the company comprehensively, in order to provide necessary support to achieve high speed and healthy development of the company. (3) Performance management appraisal results can be used on incentive compensation system and also to improve staff quality, enhance training opportunities, in order to meet the needs of enterprise long-term development, and

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