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随着信息技术的飞速发展,市场竞争日益激烈,电信运营商不仅要面对同行的激烈 竞争,还要面对互联网企业的跨界竞争;同时,近年来受移动互联网的影响,用户服务 习惯发生很大变化,对服务质量和服务个性化的要求进一步提高,电信运营商基于传统 的客户服务方式受到前所未有的压力和挑战。A 电信公司是某运营商下属省级分公司, 面对严峻的形势变化,必须提升自身客户服务水平,以获得更好的生存和发展的机会。 但 A 电信公司客户服务目前存在服务效率低、成本高、客户满意度下降等问题,严重制 约企业发展,因此,如何应用流程优化理论和方法解决这些问题是本文研究的重点。 本文以 A 电信公司客户服务业务为研究对象,首先,对客户服务业务现状和流程进 行介绍,利用问卷调查和对运营数据进行分析,发现 A 电信公司客户服务存在人工服务 接通率低、通话时长较长、问题一次性解决率低、质检自动化水平低、IVR 语音自助导 航交互复杂等一系列对效率、成本和客户感知有负面影响的问题,通过分析,确定了对 A 电信公司进行客户服务业务流程优化的必要性。接着,利用 ASME、流程图等方法对 IVR 语音自助服务流程、人工服务流程、质检流程进行深入分析,找到问题根源。然后, 根据分析结果,确定流程优化的目标和原则,提出流程优化的策略,用 ESEIA 法、流 程图法对上述流程进行优化。最后,提出了流程优化的保障措施以及成效分析。研究的 成效为,(1)有效提升了客户服务和质检的效率。IVR 自助服务时长和人工话务时长 分别缩短了 29.7%和 15.3%,20 秒接通率提升 4.5 %,问题处理一次性解决率提升 3.4%, 质检覆盖率提升 6 倍。(2)人力成本明显下降。通过流程优化后,流程简化、自动化 程度的提高,有效提升了客户服务的效率,对人工依赖程度逐渐降低,客服代表人员数 量减少 8%,质检人员数量减少 30.6%。(3)客户满意度提升 2.3%。服务流程的简化和 服务效率的提升达到了快速高效服务客户的预期目标,客户感知越来越好。 通过研究,本文为 A 电信公司客户服务方面存在的服务效率低、成本高、客户满意 度不高等问题提供了解决思路,并对流程优化理论和方法进行实践,经过试点应用,取 得了良好的预期效果,确保 A 电信公司在最合理的客户服务运营成本下,提升服务效率 和客户满意度,从而实现企业利润最大化,对其他同类业务也具有一定的参考价值。 关键词,电信公司;客户服务;流程优化;降本增效II ABSTRACT With the rapid development of information technology and increasingly fierce market competition, telecom operators not only have to face fierce competition from their peers, but also cross-border competition from Internet enterprises. At the same time, due to the influence of mobile Internet in recent years, user service habits have changed greatly, and the requirements for service quality and service personalization have been further improved. Telecom operators are based on traditional customer service. The way of business is under unprecedented pressure and challenge. A Telecom Company is a provincial branch of one famous T Telecom operators. Faced with severe changes in the situation, it must improve its customer service level in order to obtain better survival and development opportunities. However, there are some problems in customer service of A Telecom Company, such as low service efficiency, high cost and low customer satisfaction, which seriously restrict the development of enterprises. Therefore, how to apply process optimization theory and methods to solve these problems is the focus of this paper. This paper takes the customer service of A Telecom Company as the research object. Firstly, the current situation and process of customer service are introduced. According to the analysis of operation data, it is found that there are a series of efficiency, cost and complexit y of IVR voice self-help navigation interaction in customer service of A Telecom Company, such as low manual service connection rate, long call time, low one-time problem solving rate, low automation level of quality inspection, etc. Customer perception has a negative impact. Through the analysis, the necessity of customer service business process optimization for A Telecom Company is determined. Then, the flow chart, ASME and other methods are used to analyze the IVR voice self-service process, manual service process, quality inspection process, and find the root cause of the problem. According to the analysis results, the objectives and principles of process optimization are determined, and the strategy of process optimization is put forward. ESEIA method and flow chart method are used to optimize the above process. Finally, the guarantee measures and effectiveness analysis of process optimization are put forward. The results of the study are as follows: (1) The efficiency of customer service and quality inspection is effectively improved. IVR self-service time and manual telephone service time were shortened by 29.7% and 15.3%, 20-second connection rate increased by 4.5%, one-time problem solving rate increased by 3.4%, and quality inspection coverage increased by 6 times. (2) The cost of manpower has decreased significantly. After process optimization, the work efficiency of customer service is effectively improved, the degree ofIII automation is improved, the degree of dependence on manual work is gradually reduced, the number of customer service representatives is reduced by 8%, and the number of quality inspectors is reduced by 30.6%. (3) Customer satisfaction increased by 2.3%. The simplification of service process and the improvement of service efficiency have achieved the expected goal of serving customers quickly and efficiently, and customer perception is getting better and better. Through research, this paper provides solutions to the problems of low service efficiency, high cost and low customer satisfaction in customer service of A Telecom Company. At the same time, it also practices the theory and method of process optimization. After pilot application, it achieves good expected results to ensure that A Telecom Company improves service efficiency and customer satisfaction under the most reasonable operating cost of customer service. Meaning, so as to maximize the profits of enterprises, has a certain reference value for other homogeneous businesses. Key words: Telecom Company; Customer Service; Process Optimization; Cost Reduction and Efficiency IncreaseIV 目 录 摘要 ...................................................................................................................................4 ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... II 图表清单 ............................................................................................................................ VI 第一章 绪论..........................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景和意义 .........................................................................................................1 1.1.1 研究背景 ..............................................................................................................1 1.1.2 研究意义 ..............................................................................................................2 1.2 文献综述.....................................................................................................................2 1.2.1 客户服务相关理论...............................................................................................2 1.2.2 国内外电信运营商客户服务发展现状 ................................................................3 1.2.3 流程优化理论研究现状 .......................................................................................5 1.3 研究内容与方法 .........................................................................................................6 第二章 A 电信公司客户服务现状及存在问题.....................................................................9 2.1 A 电信公司基本情况 ...................................................................................................9 2.2 A 电信公司客户服务运营现状....................................................................................9 2.3 A 电信公司客户服务流程现状..................................................................................14 2.4 A 电信公司客户

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